Migration Process

In this section:

The migration process consists of two parts, export and import. The export can extract data from WebFOCUS 7.1.x, 7.6.x, or 7.7.x environments. On Windows, a .bat file is used to export the content. On UNIX or Linux, a corresponding .sh script is used.

The data is extracted into a file structure consisting of XML files and folders. This extract structure is used for the import. The import process reads the extracted file structure and imports the content into the WebFOCUS 8 environment.

The same Domains, Users, and Groups that are available in the WebFOCUS 7.x environment exist in the WebFOCUS 8 environment after a successful import.

For detailed information on the migration process and steps, functionality, and considerations, see the WebFOCUS Migration manual.

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Filtering Library Migration Exports by Date

As of WebFOCUS Release 8.1.05M, you can now filter Library migration exports by date. In the rcExport2XML program, the file rcLibraryExport2XML.properties has an optional settings called libraryDateRange. This feature allows you to perform a partial migration to export only the Library items you need, rather than all Library items.

For example, you can choose to migrate Library items whose last execution falls within your specified date range. Migrating a smaller amount of date also avoids potential errors that may occur when migrating all of your Library report content.

If the date range parameter is populated, the rcExport2XML program exports all LIbrary versions for any library report that falls under the execution date stated by libraryDateRange.

Dates for the libraryDateRange settings must be in YYYY/MM/DD format, as shown in the following example:


Where 1970 is the year, 01 is January, and 05 is the 5th day of the month.

Note: When a Library item is selected for migration, all report versions in that Library item are exported. These versions may include versions outside your chosen date range.

The following example shows the libraryDateRange option with no date value, which allows all Library items to be exported.


The following example shows the libraryDateRange option with a date value placed before a comma character, which allows Library items with a last execution date of July 1st, 2016 or later to be exported.


The following example shows the libraryDateRange option with a comma character placed before a date value, which allows Library items with a last execution date up to and including July 1st, 2016 to be exported.


The following example shows the libraryDateRange option with a comma character between two dates, which allows Library items with a last execution date between July 1st, 2016 and July 31st, 2016 inclusive to be exported.


Note: No more than two dates can be used for the libraryDateRange setting.

For more information, see the WebFOCUS Migration technical content.