Introducing Magnify Search: The Century Electronics Example

In this section:

Magnify allows you to ask a question once to the whole enterprise. By clicking the Search button, Magnify will look for all relevant data across various platforms and applications, it will look for reports, and it will even look for unstructured content, such as static documents and database BLOB fields. This example describes:

Before you configure and use the Magnify Century Electronics Example, you will need to:

  1. Create a backup copy of the original collections.xml file and collections_century.xml file.
  2. Delete the collections.xml file and rename the collections_century.xml file to collections.xml.
  3. Remove all references to any combination of the following query string parameters:

Any changes made to the collections file or style sheet file will be available after the application server is restarted. To apply changes directly to the collections file without restarting the application server, use the Refresh Collections option in the Magnify administration console.

To use the Magnify Century Electronics Example, type the following URL in the address bar:

  1. Navigate to the Magnify Century Electronics Example home page using the following URL:



    Is the machine name and port number where WebFOCUS is installed.


    Is the WebFOCUS application root.

    The Magnify Search Home Page displays.

  2. Explore the Magnify search results, as shown in the following image.

  3. Perform search result analytics.

    Sort search results by various ranking attributes and use the tabular view to perform additional analytics on your search results with its embedded analytic engine. For example, review how many camera orders are sold by country.

    For sorting purposes, click Sort by date. Click Tabular View to change the layout.

    1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Title column.
    2. Click Rollup.
    3. Select the Country Group By option.

    4. In the Rollup Chart tab, filter the search results by Country.
    5. Drill-down on United States.

    6. Close the browser window.
  4. Drill-down into BI Reports for more detail.
    1. Click the first main title link, Order Detail: 28006.

      Notice that multiple purchases have been aggregated into a single searchable order.

    2. Close the browser window.

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Magnify transforms raw data into search content by identifying relationships in the data, categorizing metadata, and making searchable all fields, tables, and datasources, while at the same time, associating each result with BI reports tailored by context.