Domain and Managed Reporting Item Properties

How to:

The following legacy (WebFOCUS 7.7 and earlier) Managed Reporting property is not available in WebFOCUS 8. This topic provides information on how to identify whether the property flag is selected in WebFOCUS 7.x and how to define rules in WebFOCUS 8 to implement the same restriction.

Standard Report or Other File Property (MRFLAG value restrictdev)

Then create a rule using the role (Restrict_Developer_Access) to deny the privileges included in the role.

Procedure: How to Assess Applied Property in WebFOCUS 7.x (MR Item Property – Restrict Developer Access)

The steps to identify Managed Reporting items that have the Restrict Developer Access property selected are the same for an Internal MR Repository (/basedir) or MR Realm driver configuration.

  1. Run the MR Extract Utility. For more information, see the Managed Reporting Administrator’s Manual.
  2. Open the IBIMRDMC.TXT and IBIMRDOM.TXT files, located in the WF Client utilities directory, in an editor. The IBIMRDMC.TXT file contains information for the items stored in the domains. The IBIMRDOM.TXT file contains domain information.
  3. Search for the string restrictdev that identifies items that have the Restrict Developer Access property selected. For example, the string restrictdev is in the following entry for the Product Cost, Price & Profit report (app/product_cost_price_profit.fex) located in corporat/corporat.htm domain.
    "Product Cost, Price & Profit",",runasolap,rassist,

    The description for the corporat/corporat.htm domain can be obtained from the IBIMRDOM.TXT file as shown in the following example.


Restrict My Reports Property (MRFLAG value 'restrictmyrpt')

If the Restrict My Reports property (restrictmyrpt) is selected, and there was no previously created content in WebFOCUS 7.x, then the Auto Create My Content Folders property will not be selected and the My Content folder for those users will not be created. If there was previously created My Content, then it is migrated to WebFOCUS 8 and unselecting Auto Create My Content Folders still allows access to this content.


Migration of WebFOCUS 7.x procedures (FOCEXECs) to WebFOCUS 8 does not modify existing code. The -INCLUDE HREF syntax will be maintained internally for migrated code only. Any new -INCLUDE syntax requires the use of the new IBFS syntax.