Installing the WebFOCUS Reporting Server

In this section:

The WebFOCUS Reporting Server is installed through an installation utility that prompts you for parameters. The utility installs components that provide data access, translation, computation, formatting, and other back-end processes.

The WebFOCUS Reporting Server should be installed before WebFOCUS Client. If you are updating a previous release of WebFOCUS and wish to migrate your reports and settings, see the Migration manual.

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Preliminary Installation Instructions

Before running the installation utility, do the following:

  1. Review the installation requirements in WebFOCUS and ReportCaster Installation Requirements.
  2. If none exist, create a user ID and a group for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The name iadmin is used in server documentation to refer to this user and group. For user ID requirements, see WebFOCUS and ReportCaster Installation Requirements.
  3. Ensure that four consecutive TCP/IP ports are available for the server. The port numbers should be unique and greater than 3000. By default, WebFOCUS uses ports 8120 through 8123. You can use the netstat command to check whether a port is in use. For example:
    netstat -a | grep 8120

    If you receive no response, then port 8120 is not in use by a running process. Check for all four ports. If you receive a response like the following, the port is in use by another process:

    tcp      0    0 *:8120                *:*                   LISTEN

    Note: When installing multiple instances of the server, be sure each instance has unique ports.

  4. If a Java JDK is installed on your system, set a $JDK_HOME environment variable to its installation directory. You can set this in the .profile of the user ID that will start and run the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. For example:
    export JDK_HOME=/usr/j2sdk1.6_17

    The server uses this variable to find certain native files in Java JRE directories. It needs these file to run its JSCOM3 listener. The server uses JSCOM3 when it creates graphics, accesses data sources through JDBC, or launches other Java processes. Not all WebFOCUS processing requires JSCOM3. However, it is a good idea to enable it. If Java JDK 1.6 or higher is not installed on your system, installing one is recommended.

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Server Installation Steps

How to:

The server can be installed in two ways:

Procedure: How to Install the WebFOCUS Reporting Server
  1. Log on as the user ID under which you wish to install and run the server. This should not be root.
  2. Ensure that you have the installation files:
    • If you receive the installation on CD, mount the CD. You may need to be root to do this. Contact your system administrator if you need assistance.
    • If you receive the installation on CD and there is no CD drive, place the CD in a machine with a CD drive. Then, FTP the files in binary mode to a temporary directory on the UNIX machine.
    • If you receive the installation through a download, place the download in a temporary directory on the UNIX machine. If you receive a TAR file, untar it using:
      tar xvf filename.tar

    Warning: Do not install or untar in a directory that has spaces in its name.

  3. Ensure that the installation files are the correct case and executable by listing them. For example:
    ls -l

    All files should be lowercase. The isetup and inu.out files should be executable. For example:

    -r-xr-xr-x    1 wf77     wf77      1402297 Jan 22 10:47 inu.out
    -r-xr-xr-x    1 wf77     wf77    166574080 Jan 22 10:47 iserver.tar
    -r-xr-xr-x    1 wf77     wf77       505818 Jan 22 10:47 isetup
    -r-xr-xr-x    1 wf77     wf77          268 Jan 22 10:47 version.cfg

    Note: If you are not installing from CD, you can make the files executable by entering:

    chmod 755 isetup inu.out
  4. Ensure that you are using the correct user ID and not root. To do this, type the following:


    who am i

    Do not install the server as root.

  5. Set the default protection mask so files are created with permissions 755. For example:
    umask 022
  6. Execute isetup while you are in a directory where you have write access, but not the same directory as the installation files. If you receive the server installation files on CD, call them from your home directory. For example:



    Is the mount point of your CD.

    The following prompt displays:

    Select an option:
       1. Install and Configure
       2. Add Additional Configuration Instance
       3. Refresh Installation (Reinstall, Keep Configurations)
       4. Install Debuggables to the Installation Directory
  7. Type 1 and press Enter.

    The License Key prompt displays:

    Enter your License Key
    (Format 999-999-9999-99) :
  8. Type your 10-digit or 12-digit license key and press Enter.

    The License is printed on the packing slip, which is included in your WebFOCUS shipment. Be sure to type it using the format:




    The license information is displayed, and you are prompted for the iserver.tar file.

    Please enter the full path name of the media for the product.
  9. If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, type the full path to the iserver.tar file from which you will install the WebFOCUS Reporting Server and press Enter. If you are installing from the CD, this is:

    The Server Admin Password prompt displays:

    Enter the Server Administrator (current_account) Password:
  10. Type the password for the server administrator. By default, the initial server administrator is the user running the installation utility. This password is stored encrypted by the server and used for PTH security.

    The default settings display:

    Please review the default settings.
    EDAHOME = /install_directory/ibi/srv81/home
    EDACONF = /install_directory/ibi/srv81/wfs
    EDAPRFU = /install_directory/ibi/profiles
    APPROOT = /install_directory/ibi/apps
    HTTP_BASE_PORT = 8121
    TCP_BASE_PORT = 8120
    If you are satisfied with the default settings you may proceed to 
    final confirmation else you will be prompted for individual values. 
    Proceed with defaults? (Y/N Default=Y)       :
  11. Type Y or N accordingly.

    If the settings are correct and you reply Y, the installation begins. When prompted to start the server, select N and proceed to How to Enable Security.

    If you type N, the EDAHOME prompt displays:

    Supply the location on the disk in which to install the software.
    This location is also known as EDAHOME.
    Please supply the location or <Enter>:
  12. To accept the default location, press Enter. To change the default, type the absolute path and press Enter.

    The EDACONF prompt displays:

    Supply the location on the disk in which to configure the software.
    This location is also known as EDACONF.
    Please supply the location or <Enter>:
  13. To accept the default location, press Enter. To change the default, type the absolute path and press Enter.

    The EDAPRFU prompt displays:

    Supply the location on disk where the product will look for user 
    profiles and the admin.cfg file. This location is also known as 
    Please supply location or <Enter>:
  14. To accept the default location, press Enter. To change the default, type the absolute path and press Enter.

    The APPROOT prompt displays:

    Supply the location on the disk where the product will look for 
    applications. This location is also known as APPROOT.
    Please supply the location or <Enter>:
  15. To accept the default location, press Enter. To change the default, type the absolute path and press Enter.

    The Demo Files prompt displays:

    Would you like to install New Century Demo files 
    (Y/N Default=Y)?        :
  16. To accept the default and install the New Century Demo files, press Enter.

    The HTTP Listener Port prompt displays:

    Enter HTTP Listener Port (HTTP_BASE_PORT). This is the first of three 
    consecutive port numbers that are open and dedicated to the HTTP Listener
    and other IP based services.
    (Default=8121) :
  17. To accept the default, press Enter. To change the default, type the second of the four port numbers that the server users and press Enter.

    The TCP Listener Port prompt displays:

    Enter TCP Listener Port (TCP_BASE_PORT). The TCP Listener Port 
    number must be outside the selected HTTP range (8121 - 8123).
    (Default=8120) :
  18. To accept the default, press Enter. To change the default, type a port number and press Enter. It is recommended that the TCP port be one less than the HTTP port.

    The SMTP Mail Server (Optional) prompt displays:

    Enter SMTP Mail Server (Optional)        :

    Type the name of the SMTP Mail Server. This is optional.

    A summary screen displays your installation settings and you are prompted to confirm them:

    Please confirm these values with one of the following responses ...
        Y = Accept and Proceed
        N = Start Over
        Q = Quit
  19. Type Y and press Enter to install the server.

    When the utility completes, the following displays:

    ISETUP: Configuration Step completed
    Would you like to start the Server Workspace (Y/N Default=Y)?:
  20. Type N and press Enter.

    If you receive the following error, you can ignore it:

    inu: There was an error in opening the file 

Procedure: How to Enable Security

To enable the server to start with security OPSYS, you must perform the following procedure. When the server runs with security OPSYS, users are authenticated against the operating system. After performing this procedure, you can still run the server with security OFF or PTH, but security OPSYS is not available until you perform these steps.

For a description of security levels, see Security and User IDs for WebFOCUS and ReportCaster.

  1. Log on as root.
  2. Change your current directory to the EDAHOME/bin directory. The default location for this directory is the following:
  3. Change file permissions by typing the following commands and pressing Enter.
    chown root tscom300.out
    chmod 4555 tscom300.out
  4. Verify your changes by issuing the following command:
    ls -l tscom300.out

    The output should be similar to:

    -r-sr-xr-x    1 root     iadmin   750687 Jan 16 17:05 tscom300.out

    Note the permissions and ownerships. The size may vary.

  5. Log off as root.