Types of Content in the Tree

In this section:

A domain can contain a wide range of items, including report procedures (FEX), Reporting Objects (special type of report procedure), Alert procedures, documents, dashboards, and Internet hyperlinks. It can also include ReportCaster items if you are licensed for ReportCaster. For information, see the ReportCaster manual.

These items are located in folders. Both the items and the containing folder may be private, published, or shared. If you have migrated from an earlier release of WebFOCUS, you will have the Standards Reports, Reporting Objects, and Other Files folders. If you were permitted to create your own reports, you will also have the My Content folder, which was the My Reports folder in prior releases. My Content may contain the Custom Reports, Shared Reports, and folders for each My Report report you created.

When you create a folder, it is private content. Private content appears as a gray folder in the tree. If you share a folder, the folder includes a link icon and is available either to all users, specific groups, or users permitted to access the folder location. If you publish the folder, it appears as a manila-colored folder in the tree and is available to all users.

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Identifying Content in the Tree

The icons located next to each item represent the item type. In the following table, the first column lists the icons, and the second column describes what they represent.



Folder icon

Folder. Allows users to organize their private or published application content.

Shared Folder icon

Shared folder. Contains private content a user has given access to all users permitted to access the folder or is shared with specific groups of users.

My Content Folder Icon

My Content folder. Provides the user with a location to create private reports, output, and schedules. This is created when the parent folder has the Auto create My Reports folder property selected and the user is permitted to create private content in a My Content folder. The private content within this folder cannot be published.

Reports image

Report procedure. Contains the core language commands to tell the Reporting Server how to create the report.

Shared Reports Procedure Icon

Shared reports procedure. Contains report procedures to which the user has given access to all users or a specific group of users who are authorized to access the folder the shared report is located in.

Visualization Icon

Visualization. A graphical representation of your data, comprised of one or more visuals. Visuals can be charts, maps, or grids.

Reporting Object Icon

Reporting Object. A report procedure (FEX) that is a tailored view of a set of data that groups or individual users use to create personal reports quickly and in compliance with the reporting rules and guidelines of your company.

Graph Procedure Icon

Graph procedure. Contains the core language commands to tell the Reporting Server how to create the graph.

Document or Dashboard Icon

Document or dashboard. Customized document or dashboard created in InfoAssist.

Schedule Icon

Schedule. Specifies when to run a report procedure, how to distribute the report (Email, FTP, Managed Reporting, Report Library, Printer), and the destination to which the report will be distributed. This is available when licensed for ReportCaster.

Alert Procedure Icon

Alert procedure. A report procedure that evaluates whether a defined condition is true or a file exists to determine whether to run (trigger) the specified or referenced report request. ReportCaster can be used to schedule and distribute an Alert report and specify how the Alert test should be evaluated after it has been triggered.

Distribution List Icon

Distribution List. Used with a ReportCaster schedule (Email, FTP, or Printer) to specify the email addresses, directory locations, or printers to distribute.

Library Access List Icon

Library Access List. Used with a ReportCaster Library schedule to specify the groups and users that the private Library report will be shared with.

Library Report Icon

Library Report. Library reports can contain links to web resources (live links) and to other reports (drill-downs). The Report Library provides secure access to library content and it allows the user to save multiple versions of the same report output, set an expiration date, and keep a specified number of versions. The Report Library is only available to ReportCaster users who have been granted library privileges.

Watch List Report Icon

Watch List Report. A report of particular interest that the user subscribes to in the Report Library. Each time a new version of the report is distributed, the user receives an email notification.

Stylesheet File Icon

Stylesheet file. Specifies how to apply WebFOCUS styling to a report or chart created by the Reporting Server.


Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file.

Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet Icon

Microsoft® Office Excel Worksheet.

Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon

Adobe® Acrobat PDF file.

GIF Image Icon

GIF image file.

HTML File Icon

HTML file.

JPG Image File Icon

JPG image file.

PNG Image FIle Icon

PNG image file.

SVG Image File Icon

SVG image file.

Internet Hyperlinks

Webpage or a URL to run a report.

Note: You cannot duplicate items within the same folder. If you attempt to save an identical item, an error will appear, informing you that the item already exists.

The following topics describe the context menu options for each type of item.

Options for Folders and Items


When you right-click an item, the options displayed in the context menu are determined by the selected item type and the tools and features you are permitted to access. For more information, see the WebFOCUS Security and Administration manual.

For details about using the Schedule option to schedule reports, see the ReportCaster manual.


Reference: Options for Folders

The context menu for a folder is shown in the following image.

Folder Context Menu

Note: The options available for a folder are also available for many other types of items.

The following options are available when you right-click a folder:


Provides access to the following options:


Opens InfoAssist, where you can create a report.


Enables you to create a chart in InfoAssist.


Enables you to create a dashboard in InfoAssist.


Enables you to create a document in InfoAssist.


Opens the InfoDiscovery Workbench, where you can create visualizations.


Enables you to create an Alert in Alert Assist.

Reporting Object

Enables you to create a Reporting Object in the Reporting Object tool.

Text Editor

Enables you to create a procedure with the Text Editor.


Enables you to create a link to a URL with the Create URL dialog box.


Enables you to create a schedule with the Advanced Scheduling tool.

Visual Discovery AE

Enables you to create a link to a Visual Discovery Analyst Edition (AE) project.

Note: The Visual Discovery AE option is only available with a Visual Discovery Analyst Edition license.

Distribution List

Enables you to create a Distribution List with the Distribution List tool.

Library Access List

Enables you to create a Library Access List with the Library Access List tool.


Creates a new folder.


Makes a copy of the item with an underscore and number appended to the title, for example, duplicating Sales_Report creates Sales_Report_1 in the same location. The number is incremented each time a duplicate is created.

Cut, Copy, and Paste

Cuts, copies, or pastes the folder and its contents.


Deletes the folder and its contents.

Change Title

Enables you to change the folder title. The Title is the value that displays in the tree.

Note: Changing the folder Title value does not change the folder Name value.


Refreshes the content of the folder.


Enables you to upload a data file, document, or image.


Launches the Search tool.


Allows or suppresses public access to the content.


Shows or hides the item.


Enables you to share or unshare the folder with all users that are permitted to access the folder the item is located in.

Share with

Enables you to share the item with specific groups or users that are permitted to access the folder the item is located in.


Provides access to the following options:


Provides access to the security rules defined on the folder.

Rules on this Resource

Shows the security rules for the folder.

Effective Policy

Shows the defined rules that specify the permitted functionality on the folder.


Allows you to set the resource owner, either Published (no specific owner), or a specific group or user.


Shows the properties of the folder.


Enables you to create or edit a synonym using the Web Console.

ReportCaster Explorer

Launches the ReportCaster Explorer, passing the selected folder location for which the ReportCaster Explorer will obtain and display information.

Reference: Options for Procedures (FEX)

The context menu for an Alert, report, graph, procedure, or document is shown in the following image.

Note: The options available for report and graph procedures are also available for many other item types.

Like folders, report and graph procedure options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Publish/Unpublish, Show/Hide, Share/Unshare, Share with, Security, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

Note: Documents and dashboards have the same options as report and graph procedures with the exception of Publish/Unpublish.

Report and graph procedures also include the following right-click options:


Runs the report procedure or schedule.

Run Deferred

Submits a report procedure or a schedule for deferred execution.

Run With SQL Trace

Runs a report and includes an SQL trace of the report results.


Schedules a report procedure. Scheduling options include Email, FTP, Printer, Report Library, and Repository.


Edits an item with the tool that was used to create it.

Edit With

Provides the options of editing an item in InfoAssist or in the Text Editor.

Add to Favorites

Adds the item to the Favorites folder.

Add to Mobile Favorites

Adds the item to the Mobile Favorites folder.

Reference: Options for Visualizations

The context menu for a visualization is shown in the following image.

Like folders, visualization options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Publish/Unpublish, Show/Hide, Security, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

Like report procedures, visualization options include the Run, Edit, Add to Favorites, and Add to Mobile Favorites options, as described in Options for Procedures (FEX).

Note: The Run Deferred and Run with SQL Trace options are not available for visualizations.

Visualizations also include the following right-click option:

Edit With

Provides the options of editing a visualization in the InfoDiscovery Workbench or in the Text Editor.

Reference: Options for Reporting Objects

The context menu for a Reporting Object is shown in the following image.

Context Menu for Reporting Object

Like folders, Reporting Object options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Publish/Unpublish, Show/Hide, Security, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

Like report procedures, Reporting Object options include the Run, Run Deferred, Edit, Add to Favorites, and Add to Mobile Favorites options, as described in Options for Procedures (FEX).

Reporting Objects also include the following right-click option:


Enables you to create a new report, chart, document, or dashboard using InfoAssist.

Reference: Options for a Save Parameter Report Procedure (FEX)

There are two types of Save Parameter reports. One can be a procedure (FEX) created from the Autoprompt page, described here. The second type, a Save Parameter report created from an HTML Composer page, is described in the following Reference.

The context menu for a Save Parameter report procedure (FEX), created from an Autoprompt page, is shown in the following image.

Save Parameter Reports Context Menu

Like report procedures, Save Parameter report procedure (FEX) options include the Run, Run Deferred, Run With SQL Trace, Schedule, Edit, Add to Favorites, and Add to Mobile Favorites options, as described in Options for Procedures (FEX).

Like folders, Save Parameter report options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Share/Unshare, Share with, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

Save Parameter reports also includes the following right-click menu option:

Edit Parameters

Enables you to edit report parameters previously saved from the Autoprompt page before running the request.

Reference: Options for a Save Parameter Report From an HTML Composer Page

The context menu for a Save Parameter report from an HTML Composer page is shown in the following image.

Context Menu for a Save Parameter Report

From an HTML Composer page, an HTML Save Parameter report is created and has context menu options consistent with the HTML file type, as described in Options for Excel Workbooks, PDF, HTML, and Image Files.

The Edit option will display the HTML page with the report parameter values previously saved from the HTML Composer page.

Reference: Options for Schedules

The context menu for a Schedule is shown in the following image.

Schedule Context Menu

Like folders, schedule options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Publish/Unpublish, Show/Hide, Share/Unshare, Share with, Security, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

Like report procedures, schedule options include the Edit and Run options, as described in Options for Procedures (FEX).

Schedules also include the following right-click option:

View Log

Launches the Schedule Log Options dialog box from which you can select whether to view the most recent log report for the schedule or specify a time range for which to obtain log reports.

Reference: Options for Distribution Lists and Library Access Lists

The context menu for a Distribution List or Library Access List is shown in the following image.

Context Menu for Distribution and Library Access List

Like folders, Distribution List and Library Access List options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Publish/Unpublish, Show/Hide, Show/Hide, Share/Unshare, Share with, Security, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

Like report procedures, Distribution List and Library Access List options include the Edit option, as described in Options for Procedures (FEX). The Edit option invokes the Distribution List and Access List tools.

Reference: Options for Stylesheets

The context menu for a Stylesheet is shown in the following image.

Stylesheet Context Menu

Like folders, Stylesheet options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Publish/Unpublish, Show/Hide, Show/Hide, Share/Unshare, Share with, Security, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

Like report procedures, Stylesheet options include the Edit and Add to Favorites options, as described in Options for Procedures (FEX). The Edit option invokes the Text Editor.

Reference: Options for URLs

The context menu for a URL is shown in the following image.

URL Context Menu

Like folders, URL options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Publish/Unpublish, Show/Hide, Show/Hide, Share/Unshare, Share with, Security, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

Like report procedures, URL options include the Edit, Add to Favorites, and Add to Mobile Favorites options, as described in Options for Procedures (FEX).

URLs also include the following right-click option:


Enables you to launch the URL link.

Reference: Options for Visual Discovery AE

The context menu for Visual Discovery AE is shown in the following image.

Like folders, Visual Discovery AE options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Publish/Unpublish, Show/Hide, Share/Unshare, Share with, Security, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

Like procedures, Visual Discovery options include the Edit and Add to Favorites options as described in Options for Procedures (FEX).


Enables you to launch the URL link. Links are appended with run-time token giving access to the Visual Discovery Server AE.

Reference: Options for Excel Workbooks, PDF, HTML, and Image Files

The context menu for an Excel Workbook, PDF, HTML, or image file is shown in the following image.

Excel Workbook PDF HTM Image File Context Menu

Like folders, these options include the Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Delete, Change Title, Publish/Unpublish, Show/Hide, Security, and Properties options, as described in Options for Folders.

These files also include the following right-click option:


Enables you to download a copy of the file to your browser, which will launch the File Download dialog box to allow you to open or save the file. If you choose open, the file will open in its corresponding application.

Note: Edit, which is available for HTML files, launches the Text Editor.

Reference: Options for Favorites

The context menu for Favorites is shown in the following image.

Context Menu for Favorites

These files include the following right-click option:

Remove Favorite

Removes the Favorite from the list.

Reference: Options for Reporting Servers

The context menu for Reporting servers is shown in the following image.

Context Menu for Reporting Server

Like folders, these options include New, Refresh, and Security, as described in Folder Properties.

These files also include the following right-click option:

Reporting Server Console

Enables you to sign in to the Reporting server.

Reference: Options for Portals

The context menu for portals is shown in the following image.

Context Menu for Portal

Like procedures, these options include the Run, Edit, Delete, Change Tile, Publish/Unpublish, and Security options, as described in Options for Procedures (FEX).

Like folders, these options include the Refresh option, as described in Folder Properties

Portals also include the following right-click options:


Displays the language selected for the portal.

Remove Customizations

Removes any customizations that you have made to the portal.

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Folder Properties

Authorized users can select the Properties option to review information about a folder or item, including when it was created, last modified, title, name, and settings that control the Reporting Server and applications it will access. There are also settings that control the functionality available to users when accessing the folder or running or scheduling an item.

The Properties dialog box for a folder displays tabs for Main Properties and Server Properties, as shown in the following image.

Main Properties Tab

The Main Properties tab includes:

In addition, the following options are available to control the usage of content within the folder:

The Properties dialog box also contains the Security drop-down menu. For more information about the options in this menu, see Options for Folders.

The following image shows the information that the Main Properties tab displays for a folder.

The Server Properties tab shows the Assigned Server and available Application Paths. When a Reporting Server is not specified, the report request is submitted to the default Reporting Server specified in the WebFOCUS Client configuration. When an Application Path is not specified, the Application Path defined during the processing of the WebFOCUS Client configuration and the Reporting Server configuration is used.

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Item Properties

The Properties dialog box for an item displays tabs for Main Properties, Server Properties, and Details.

The Main Properties tab includes:

The Details tab displays the components of the report procedure in a tree structure to allow a user to review the request information prior to running or opening the report in a tool. The tree structure displays the request components as folders MasterFiles, DataElements, Sorts, Conditions, Expressions, Output Formats, and Joins that can be opened to show the fields referenced.

Note: The Details tab does not support report procedures with Dialogue Manager commands. Dialogue Manager is a part of the WebFOCUS language that allows you to control the flow of your application with the use of variables. For more information on Dialogue Manager commands, see the Developing Reporting Applications manual.

The Advanced tab allows you to set default height and width values for the item inside a portal at run time. This tab is shown to developers only on content that can be added to a portal page. The tab is not shown on any content inside a My Content folder.

The following image shows the information that the Main Properties tab displays for a report procedure (FEX).

For more information on Reporting Objects, see Creating Reporting Objects.