WebFOCUS Language

In this section:

The following are upgrade considerations and product changes for the WebFOCUS reporting language.

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Change to Default Value for SET ACRSVRBTITL

The default value for SET ACRSVRBTITL has been changed to HIDEONE.

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XLSX Worksheets

In previous releases, when there was not enough space under the BY columns to display the full SUBTOTAL TAG text, SUBTOTAL and RECOMPUTE lines within a report displayed across two rows. As of WebFOCUS Reporting Server Release 7.7.06M Gen 801, these SUBTOTAL rows will show on a single line and any TAG text larger than the BY columns will display only what can fit in this space. The full value can be seen in the formula bar.

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Strict Enforcement of Rules for Using the .EVAL Operator

A Dialogue Manager variable is a placeholder for a value that will be substituted at run time. In some situations, the value of the variable may not be resolved at the point where the command containing the variable is encountered, unless evaluation is forced by using the .EVAL operator. As of Release 8.1 Version 03, the rules for using the .EVAL operator are enforced more stringently, meaning that some procedures that did not require its use in the past may not run as expected without it now. One example where .EVAL Is now required is in a -IF statement, when the variable is embedded in a label (for example, GOTO AB&label.EVAL). The .EVAL operator is also required any time a variable is included within single quotation marks (').

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Error Messages

Some messages that did not have numbers in prior release now have them and will display where no message displayed previously. You can use the SET WARNING command to change the status of selected messages.

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In prior releases, the NOPRINT option was not respected for fields prefixed with the DST. operator. They appeared on the report output and were propagated to a HOLD file even with SET HOLDLIST=PRINTONLY in effect. This behavior has now changed so that the NOPRINT is respected.

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ACRSVRBTITL Parameter Default Value

As of WebFOCUS Release 8.1, the default value for the ACRSVRBTITL parameter, which controls whether to show the column title for a single ACROSS field, has changed from OFF to HIDEONE.

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As of WebFOCUS Release 8.1, the WebFOCUS Client Redirect and Save Report Redirection settings (located in the WebFOCUS drive:\client\wfc\etc\mime.wfs file) for EXL2K file extensions (.xhm and .xht) and .ppt are set to yes. In addition, the WebFOCUS Client file extension for the EXL2K file extensions (.xhm and .xht) is set to the .xls file type associated with Excel. The file type of .xls ensures that the file will be opened in Excel from all browsers.