Migrating WebFOCUS Content

In this section:

This section describes WebFOCUS migration considerations and provides the procedures for migrating WebFOCUS Content.

For information on migrating Reporting Server configuration settings, see the Server Administration manual.

Note: The following special considerations apply to WebFOCUS migration:

Top of page

Migrating Managed Reporting Content

In this section:

How to:

The following types of authentication and authorization models can be migrated from WebFOCUS 7.x to WebFOCUS 8. Managed Reporting authorization rules from these authorization scenarios are migrated, but the security settings are not.

In WebFOCUS 8, the migration:

You can perform migrations of all content or of content selected by a file that lists the Domain HREFs or group HREFs to be migrated. You can also choose whether or not to include deferred tickets or deferred output in the migration.


Pre-Migration Steps for Migrating Managed Reporting Content by Group or Domain

You can migrate all Managed Reporting content, but you can also choose to migrate only the content for specified groups or Domains. Exported content always includes all users associated with the group or Domain. For groups, the content also includes all Domains associated with a group, and for Domains, the content also includes all groups associated with a Domain. In both full and partial migration, all the roles in the system are always exported.

Note: In a partial migration, you can specify content by group or by Domain, but not by a combination of both groups and Domains.

To migrate a subset of groups or Domains, you must create a plaintext file specifying the groups or Domains and place it in the mr directory before you begin the migration process. The file must list the HREF of each group or Domain on a single line. For groups, the HREFs must begin with a pound sign (#). Group and Domain HREFs are case-sensitive.

For example, you would specify the export of multiple groups with the following entries in a plain text file:


You would specify the export of multiple Domains with the following entries in a plain text file:


To determine a Domain HREF, right-click the Domain folder and select Properties.

The procedure for determining group HREFs varies depending on whether WebFOCUS uses internal or external authorization. If WebFOCUS uses internal authorization, the group HREF information is stored in the user.htm file in the basedir directory. If WebFOCUS uses external authorization, the group HREF information can be obtained from the WF_MRGROUPS table.

In the user.htm file, each group has an entry that includes the HREF, the group name, and the group display name, as shown in the following code example.

<A HREF='#groupname' NAME='GroupName'>Display Name</a>

The group HREF is based on the group name, but all special characters are removed and the HREF is made lower case.

If WebFOCUS uses external authorization, to determine the group HREF, you must first know the group name. You can find the group name by using the MRAdmin tool to view the group properties. Then, use the group name to find the group ID in the WF_MRGROUPS table. The group HREF is the group ID prefaced by a pound sign (#). For example, if the group ID is domain1group, the group HREF is #domain1group.

Once you have created the file listing the Domains or groups that you wish to export, you can begin the migration process.

Procedure: How to Export Managed Reporting Content From WebFOCUS 7.x

The Managed Reporting migration utility exports the current 7x basedir, including Domains, procedures, content, users, groups, and role information, to a WebFOCUS7x\utilities\mr\export directory. Any authorization information stored externally using the Realm driver (SQL Repository or AD/LDAP) is also retrieved and extracted.


  1. If you are planning a full migration, proceed to step 2. If you are planning a partial migration, create a file that lists the Domains or groups that you would like to export. For more information on creating this file, see Pre-Migration Steps for Migrating Managed Reporting Content by Group or Domain.
  2. Copy the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\mr directory into the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\utilities directory.
  3. From the pasted directory, run mr7xto80export.bat in a Windows environment or mr7xto80export.sh on UNIX or Linux environments.

    You are prompted for the WebFOCUS version from which you are migrating.

  4. Select the appropriate version.
  5. You are prompted to choose whether to migrate Managed Reporting deferred tickets. Enter one of the following values:
    • 1. Yes (the default).
    • 2. No.
    • q. Quit.
  6. You are prompted to choose whether to migrate Managed Reporting deferred output. Enter one of the following values:
    • 1. Yes (the default).
    • 2. No.
    • q. Quit.
  7. You are prompted to choose whether to migrate all content or content for specific Domains or groups.
    • 1. ALL (the default).
    • 2. Domain List.
    • 3. Group List.
    • q. Quit.
    If you selected 1, proceed to step 9. If you selected 2 or 3, proceed to step 8.
  8. If you are performing a partial migration, you are prompted to choose whether to export MR Administrators. Select one of the following options:
    • 1. Yes (the default).
    • 2. No.
    • q. Quit.
  9. If you are migrating all content, the export process begins at once. If you are migrating content by Domain or group, you will be prompted to enter the name of the file that contains the list of Domains or groups. This is the file that you created in step 1.

    WebFOCUS notifies you when the export process is complete. By default, the exported files are saved in the WebFOCUS7x\utilities\mr\export directory. The export log, which is named mr_migrate_export.log, is saved in the same directory. The directory also contains a file named reposTree.xml, which lists all the users and Domains that have been exported. The reposTree.xml file is used during ReportCaster migration. For more information, see Migrating ReportCaster Content.

  10. Copy the WebFOCUS7x\utilities\mr\export directory into the WebFOCUS81\migration_import directory.

Now you can import the exported Managed Reporting content into WebFOCUS 8.

Procedure: How to Import Managed Reporting Content Into WebFOCUS 8

You must have already created and initialized the database repository with the default values contained within the initial load, using WFReposUtil and the original XML.

When you perform a partial migration, you have multiple choices for how the target environment will handle the newly migrated resources:

You can select individual import behavior for content resources, roles, groups, and users. For example, you can choose to skip content resources, add new roles, and add and update users. Add new resources (do not update), which is the default behavior, is also the most common selection.

  1. Import the Managed Reporting content by running the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\mr\mr_migrate_import.bat script in a Windows environment or the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS81/utilities/mr/mr_migrate_import.sh script in a UNIX or Linux environment.

    Note: User IDs longer than 64 characters may cause errors in the import process.

  2. When prompted, enter a Managed Reporting administrator ID and password.
  3. Enter the import package name.
  4. Select one of the following options to set the logging level:
    • 1 for info. This is the recommended setting.
    • 2 for debug.
    • q to quit the import process.
  5. Select one of the following options to determine whether you are performing a full or partial migration:
    • 1 for a full migration (the default).
    • 2 for a partial migration.
    • q to quit the import process.
    If you selected full migration, the import process begins immediately. If you selected partial migration, proceed to the next step.
  6. Select one of the following options to determine how WebFOCUS merges imported and existing content resources:
    • 1 to add new resources only, without replacing existing resources (the default).
    • 2 to add new resources and update existing resources.
    • q to quit the import process.
  7. Select one of the following options to determine how WebFOCUS imports roles:
    • 1 to skip roles.
    • 2 to add new roles (the default).
    • 3 to add new roles and replace existing roles.
    • q to quit the import process.
  8. Select one of the following options to determine how WebFOCUS imports groups:
    • 1 to skip groups.
    • 2 to add new groups (the default).
    • 3 to add new groups and update existing groups.
    • q to quit the import process.
  9. Select one of the following options to determine how WebFOCUS imports users:
    • 1 to skip users.
    • 2 to add new users (the default).
    • 3 to add new users and update existing users.
    • q to quit the import process.
  10. Select one of the following options to determine whether to import rules on resources:
    • 1 to skip rules.
    • 2 to import rules (the default).
    • q to quit the import process.

WebFOCUS notifies you when the import is complete. Files are saved in the drive:\WebFOCUS81\migration_import\export directory, along with the import log file, which is named import_migration.log.

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Migrating Dashboard Content

How to:

When Dashboard content is migrated to WebFOCUS 8, the data is extracted from the earlier release into a file named migrate.zip. You can then copy the zip file to the WebFOCUS 8 Server, then run the migration utility to import the data from the file into WebFOCUS 8. You must use the Dashboard Migration utility to import the data. Manually copying directories and files into the WebFOCUS81 directory structure does not guarantee a functioning Dashboard environment.

The Dashboard Migration utility is in the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\mr directory. It is named bid_migrate_extract.bat in Windows and bid_migrate_extract.sh in UNIX. It copies the relevant Dashboard files from the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\worp directory for use with the latest WebFOCUS release. The entire worp directory is not migrated, only the worp_users and worp_custom folders, and (if it exists) the userdata folder.

To migrate custom template directories located in the worp/worp_html directory automatically, prefix the custom template directory names with custom_. If the directory names are not prefixed with custom_, you can manually copy the custom templates to the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\worp_html directory. If they exist, the mpv.xml and xxxx.tbx files are also migrated from the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\worp\worp\conf directory.


Procedure: How to Export Dashboard Content in a Windows Environment
  1. Copy the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\mr directory into the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\utilities directory.
  2. Stop your web and application servers.
  3. Run drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\utilities\mr\bid_migrate_extract.bat.

    The Dashboard Migration Utility dialog box appears.

  4. Select Extract an existing Dashboard environment and click Next.
  5. Specify the worp directory for the existing Dashboard environment and click Next.

    A directory may appear by default if the worp directory exists under the WebFOCUS installation directory.

    Note: The migration utility also migrates the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\ibi_html\publish directory and the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\ibi_html\template directory. These directories are no longer created by the WebFOCUS install and will not appear in new full installations of WebFOCUS 8.

  6. Select the release from which you are migrating and click Next.

WebFOCUS notifies you when the extraction is complete. The migrate.zip and bid_extract.log files are saved in the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS77\utilities\mr\export\ directory.

Procedure: How to Export Dashboard Content in a UNIX Environment
  1. Stop your web and application servers.
  2. Run the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS7x/utilities/mr/bid_migrate_extract.sh script.

    The Dashboard Migration prompt is displayed.

  3. Enter 1 to export Dashboard data from the old release.

    WebFOCUS displays a default path to the worp directory.

  4. If the directory listed is correct, press Enter. If the directory listed is incorrect, type the correct directory path and press Enter.

    Note: The migration utility also migrates the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS7x/ibi_html/publish directory and the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS7x/ibi_html/template directory. These directories are no longer created by the WebFOCUS install and will not appear in new full installations of WebFOCUS 8.

  5. If the default path is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, specify the path to the worp directory.

    The utility prompts for the WebFOCUS release number from which you are migrating.

  6. Enter one of the following values to specify the release from which you exporting data, and click Next. Valid options are:
    • 1 for WebFOCUS 7.7
    • 2 for WebFOCUS 7.6
    • 3 for WebFOCUS 7.1
    • 4 to exit the migration utility.

WebFOCUS notifies you when the extraction is complete. The migrate.zip and bid_extract.log files are saved in the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS77/utilities/mr/export directory.

Procedure: How to Import Dashboard Content in a Windows Environment
  1. Copy the migrate.zip file from the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\utilities\mr directory into the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\migration_import directory.
  2. Stop your web and application servers.
  3. Run drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\mr\bid_migrate_import.bat.
  4. Select the WebFOCUS release from which you are exporting and click Next.

WebFOCUS notifies you when the data is successfully loaded in the database. The bid_load.log file is created in the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\migration_import directory.

Procedure: How to Import Dashboard Content in a UNIX Environment
  1. Copy the migrate.zip file from the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS7x/utilities/mr directory to the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS81/migration_import directory.
  2. Stop your web and application servers.
  3. Run the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS81/utilities/mr/bid_migrate_import.sh script.

    The Dashboard Migration Utility prompt appears.

  4. Enter 2 to import data into WebFOCUS 8.

WebFOCUS notifies you when the data is successfully loaded in the database. The bid_load.log file is created in the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS81/migration_import directory.

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Migrating Favorites and Mobile Favorites

How to:

In WebFOCUS 8, Favorites and Mobile Favorites content is stored in the database repository. A utility is provided to migrate the Favorite and Mobile Favorites list of items for a user. The migration step is to be performed after the Managed Reporting and Business Intelligence Dashboard migration steps have been completed.

The Favorites content that is found in the favorites.xml file under the following user directory will be migrated to the new database repository, drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS81/worp/worp_users/username.

Procedure: How to Migrate Favorites and Mobile Favorites in a Windows Environment
  1. Edit user ID and password in the favoritesmigration.bat file, if necessary. The user ID and password are set to admin, by default.
  2. Run the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\bip\favoritesmigration.bat script.
The favorites_migration.log file is created in the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\bip directory.

Procedure: How to Migrate Favorites and Mobile Favorites in a UNIX environment
  1. Edit the user ID and password in the favoritesmigration.sh file, if necessary. The user ID and password are set to admin, by default.
  2. Run the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS81/utilities/bip/favoritesmigration.sh script.
The favorites_migration.log file is saved in the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS81/utilities/bip directory.

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Migrating ReportCaster Content

In this section:

How to:

To migrate ReportCaster content from a WebFOCUS 7.x Repository to WebFOCUS 8, you need to export the content from the WebFOCUS 7.x Repository and then import it into WebFOCUS 8.

If you are migrating both Managed Reporting and ReportCaster content, you must export the Managed Reporting content before you export the ReportCaster content. When you are importing, you must also import the Managed Reporting content before you import the ReportCaster content.

The Managed Reporting export creates the reposTree.xml file, which lists the users and Domains exported by Managed Reporting. The ReportCaster export includes content for these users and for ReportCaster Administrators. You can also choose to export non-Domain-based content for these users and Administrators.

Optionally, you can filter the Library content by updating the rcLibraryExport2XML.properties file in the rc directory. This filter applies whether or not you are migrating Managed Reporting content. It is recommended that you use the filter in self-service installations where Managed Reporting is not installed.

Procedure: How to Export ReportCaster Content From WebFOCUS Version 7.x
  1. If you are migrating from:
    • WebFOCUS 7.7, copy the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\rc directory into the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS77\ReportCaster directory.

    • WebFOCUS 7.6, copy the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\rc directory into the drive:\ibi\ReportCaster76 directory.

    • WebFOCUS 7.1, copy the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\rc directory into the drive:\ibi\ReportCaster71 directory.


    • If you are performing both Managed Reporting and ReportCaster migrations, and WebFOCUS and the Distribution Server are installed on separate machines, you must copy the reposTree.xml file from the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\utilities\mr\export directory to the Distribution Server rc directory.
    • Partial migration is not supported for migrations from WebFOCUS 7.1.

  2. If you are migrating from:
    • WebFOCUS 7.7 or WebFOCUS 7.6, run rcExport2XML.bat on Windows or rcExport2XML.sh on UNIX or Linux.

    • WebFOCUS 7.1, run rc71Export2XML.bat on Windows or rc71Export2XML.sh on UNIX or Linux.

  3. Enter a ReportCaster Administrator ID and password.
  4. When asked whether you have already migrated Managed Reporting content, select one of the following options:
    • 1 for yes (the default). In this case, the ReportCaster import will require the reposTree.xml file from the Managed Reporting migration extract.
    • 2 for no. Select this if there are no users in Managed Reporting.
    • q to quit the export process.
    If you selected 2, proceed to step 6. Otherwise, proceed to step 5.
  5. Select one of the following options to determine whether to include non-Domain-based Schedules and Library reports for exported users:
    • 1 for yes (the default).
    • 2 for no.
    • q to quit the export process.
  6. Select one of the following options to determine how much ReportCaster content and Library content to include in the export package:
    • 1 to export all ReportCaster content, including Library content. Schedules, Distribution Lists, Access Lists, and Library content will be exported. This is the default setting.
    • 2 to export ReportCaster content without Library reports. Schedules, Distribution Lists, and Access Lists will be exported.
    • 3 to export only Library reports.
    • q to quit the export process.

    Note: Library content will be additionally filtered by the rcLibraryExport2XML.properties file.

The migration script exports content owned by ReportCaster Administrators and the users specified by reposTree.xml. The following content is exported:

Schedules and Library Reports associated with Domains that are not listed in reposTree.xml are not exported.

If you choose to include non-Domain-based content, ReportCaster will also export non-Domain-based Schedules and Library Reports owned by ReportCaster Administrators and users specified by reposTree.xml.

WebFOCUS notifies you when the export process is complete. By default, the exported data saved in the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\ReportCaster\rc\rc_export directory, along with a log file named export_migration.log.

The export typically contains the following files and folders in addition to the log file:

Now you can import the exported ReportCaster content into WebFOCUS 8.

Procedure: How to Import ReportCaster Content Into WebFOCUS 8

Note: If you are migrating both Managed Reporting and ReportCaster content, you must perform the Managed Reporting migration before you import ReportCaster content from an earlier release.

When you perform a partial migration, you have multiple choices for how the target environment will handle the newly migrated resources:

You can select individual import behavior for Schedules and other non-Library content and for Library Reports. For example, you can choose to skip Schedules and other non-Library content and add new Library Reports. Add new resources (do not update), which is the default behavior, is also the most common selection.

  1. Copy the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS7x\ReportCaster\rc\rc_export directory into the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\migration_import directory.
  2. Run the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\utilities\rc\rc_migrate_import.bat script in a Windows environment or the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS81/utilities/rc/rc_migrate_import.sh script in a UNIX or Linux environment.
  3. If prompted, enter a WebFOCUS administrator ID and password.
  4. Select whether to perform a full or partial migration:
    • 1 for a full migration (the default).
    • 2 for a partial migration.
    • q to quit the import process.
  5. If you are performing a full migration, proceed to step 7. If you are performing a partial migration, select one of the following options, depending on whether the WebFOCUS groups and users for the ReportCaster content have already been created:
    • 1 if WebFOCUS groups and users have already been created. This is the default setting.
    • 2 if you want groups and users to be created during the ReportCaster import process.
    • q to quit the import process.
  6. If you are performing a partial migration, you will be prompted to select one of the following options:
    • 1. Skip Schedules, Distribution Lists, Access Lists, Blackout Dates, and Execution IDs.
    • 2. Add new resources (but do not update existing resources). This is the default setting.
    • 3. Add new resources and update existing resources.
    • q. Quit the import process.
  7. Select one of the following options to determine whether you will import Library reports:
    • 1. Skip Library reports.
    • 2. Add new Library reports (but do not update existing reports). This is the default setting.
    • 3. Add new Library reports and update existing reports.
    • q. Quit the import process.
  8. Select one of the following options to set the logging level:
    • 1 for info. This is the recommended setting.
    • 2 for debug.
    • q to quit.

WebFOCUS notifies you when the import is complete. The log file created from the import is saved in the drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS81/migration_import/rc_export directory.

Migrated ReportCaster Content

After migration, ReportCaster content is placed in designated folders in WebFOCUS 8. The migration import creates:

The following image shows the folder structure after a migration import.

Migration in Place

As of WebFOCUS Release 8.0 Version 02, there is an alternate migration utility that enables a migration in place, that is, a conversion of a WebFOCUS 7.x repository into a WebFOCUS 8 repository without requiring the export and import of the Report Library. This utility is located in the WebFOCUS81\utilities\WFReposUtil folder and is named upgrade7xDBto8x.bat for Windows and upgrade7xDBto8x.sh for UNIX and Linux. It is available for Oracle, Derby, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and 2012 repositories. As of WebFOCUS Release 8.0 Version 09, it is also available for IBM DB2 repositories.

The BOTLDATA table, which contains the report output stored in the Report Library, is the table with the largest amount of data. The new utility allows for migration of existing WebFOCUS 7.x ReportCaster BOT tables to WebFOCUS 8 without dropping the WebFOCUS 7.x BOTLDATA table.

Procedure: How to Migrate in Place
  1. Ensure that there is a database backup of the existing WebFOCUS 7.x ReportCaster repository tables. This is a best practice when running the migration process several times during testing.
  2. If Managed Reporting content is being migrated, follow the WebFOCUS 8 export steps in Migrating Managed Reporting Content.
  3. Copy the exported Managed Reporting content (utilities/mr/export) to the WebFOCUS 8 migration_import directory.
  4. Follow the WebFOCUS 8 export steps for ReportCaster in Migrating ReportCaster Content.
  5. When prompted for the export library option, enter 2 (false). This option will export the Library report references, but will not export the actual report output.
  6. Copy the exported ReportCaster content (utilities/rc/rc_export) to the WebFOCUS 8 migration_import directory.
  7. Review and modify the upgrade7xDBto8x script:
    1. If you are migrating Managed Reporting content, change the value of MR_ENABLED to yes.
    2. After you complete the above steps and are ready to run the migration script, change the value of run_type to actual.
  8. Press Enter to run the upgrade7xDBto8x script.
  9. When prompted for repository credentials, enter an ID and password. These credentials are validated against the repository credentials specified in the WebFOCUS 8 webconfig.xml file.
  10. When prompted for valid WebFOCUS credentials, enter a WebFOCUS 8 administrator ID and password (for example, admin/admin).
  11. At the following prompt, enter:
    • 1. (yes) if the WebFOCUS groups and users have been created by running the MR import utility or have been manually created (the default).
    • 2. (no) if you want the ReportCaster import processing to create WebFOCUS groups and users.

      Note: This option should be specified if Managed Reporting content is not being migrated.

    • q. to quit.
  12. Even though the actual reports are not technically being migrated, the Library report references and links to the reports need to be migrated. When prompted to import Library reports, select:
    • 1. yes (the default).
    • 2. no.
    • q. to quit.

As the script is running, you will see the output indicating the status of the migration process. This also provides some insight into the specific tasks that are included in this process.

The following standard migration logs should be used for review of any import errors:

  • Repository Creation and Load
  • Managed Reporting
  • ReportCaster

As is the case for all migrated ReportCaster content in WebFOCUS 8, the schedules that run Reporting Server procedures are migrated to the ReportCaster folder. The Report Library content is migrated to the Library Content folder, as shown in the following image.

Top of page

Post-Migration Steps

How to:

If you are migrating from WebFOCUS 7.x to WebFOCUS 8, you must take additional steps to enable the display of the User Default Role tab in the Security Center and to configure the public user. If the WebFOCUS 7.x public user is named public, the user is migrated to WebFOCUS 8 and assigned the WF_Role_Public UDR. However, if the user has been given another name, the account will be migrated but not automatically assigned the WF_Role_Public UDR. You must manually update this account if you wish to continue using it as the public user.

Regardless of the account name, the WebFOCUS Reporting Server credentials for the public user are not migrated from WebFOCUS 8. The Reporting Server credentials must always be entered manually.

Procedure: How to Display the User Default Role Tab in the Security Center
  1. Sign in to WebFOCUS 8 as an administrator and select Administration Console from the Administration menu.

    The Administration Console appears

  2. In the navigation pane, expand the Configuration node and then select Other.
  3. Set IBI_Enable_UDR to True, save your changes, and close the Administration Console.
  4. In the Portal, select Security Center from the Administration menu.

    The Security Center appears.

  5. Click the New User button or select an existing user and click Edit User.

    The New User or Edit User dialog box appears, with the Default Role tab enabled, as shown in the following image.

    New User dialog box with Default Role tab enabled

Procedure: How to Configure the Public User

The WebFOCUS Reporting Server credentials for the public user are not migrated from WebFOCUS 8 and must be entered manually. Additionally, if the public user is not named public, the account will be migrated but not automatically assigned the WF_Role_Public UDR. You must manually update this account if you wish to continue using it as the public user.

  1. Sign in to WebFOCUS 8 as an administrator and select Administration Console from the Administration menu.

    The Administration Console appears

  2. In the navigation pane, expand the Configuration node and then the Application Settings node, and then select Other.
  3. If the public user is named public, proceed to step 4. If the public user account has another name, enter the name in the IBI_Anonymous_User field.
  4. Enter the Reporting Server user ID and password in the IBI_Anonymous_WFRS_User and IBI_Anonymous_WFRS_Pass fields respectively.
  5. Save your changes and restart the application server.
  6. If the public user is named public, you have finished configuring the public user. If the public user account has another name, sign in to WebFOCUS again and select Security Center from the Administration menu.

    The Security Center appears.

  7. Select the public user, right-click, and select Edit.
  8. Click the Default Role tab.
  9. Select the WF_Role_Public role. If any other roles are assigned to the public user, remove them, then click OK to return to the Security Center.
  10. Add the public user to the Anonymous group and click Close to exit the Security Center.
The public user is now configured.