
In this section:

How to:

Before you can install, you must access the installation software. You can choose to access the installation software using either:

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Procedure: How to Insert and Mount the Installation CD

To insert and mount the installation CD:

  1. Log on using the server administrator ID (often referred to as iadmin).
  2. Insert the CD into the CD drive.
  3. Mount the CD by issuing the following command:

    For Operating System



    mount -F cdfs device_name /cdrom_directory


    mount -r -v cdrfs device_name /cdrom_directory

    Linux (all versions)

    Linux will usually auto mount your CD as /cdrom or /mnt/cdrom. If it is not mounted, you can use:

    mount device_name /cdrom_directory

    Solaris (without volume management)

    mount -F hsfs -r device_name /cdrom_directory

    Solaris (with volume management)

    A CD is auto mounted as:


    iWay is the standard volume label for iWay CDs.



    Is the system name for your CD device. Consult your UNIX System Administrator for the name of the device on your platform.


    Is the directory to which you will be mounting the CD.

    For Solaris Volume Management, this is a static directory.

    The CD will be accessible to the ID performing the installation.

  4. If the computer on which you want to install does not have a CD drive, perform the following substeps. Otherwise, if you have mounted the CD using a drive on the same computer on which you are installing, go to Step 5.
    1. Unload the CD to a computer on your network that has a CD drive. You can use any UNIX or Windows computer.
    2. Transfer the CD files (for example, FTP them in binary mode) to a temporary directory on the computer on which you wish to install.
    3. If the names of any of the transferred files include uppercase letters, convert those names to lowercase. (Certain file transfer processes sometimes convert file names to uppercase.)
    4. Ensure that the transferred files have the following permissions. If necessary, use the chmod command to reset them.







      all other files


    5. Go to How to Install.
  5. You will now choose between running the installation program directly from the CD, or copying it to disk and running it from the disk.

    To run the installation program:

    • Directly from the CD, see How to Install.
    • From disk, continue with the following steps.
  6. Create an empty directory under the ID you are using for installation
    mkdir download_directory



    Is the name of the directory to which you will copy the contents of the installation CD.

  7. Copy the CD contents to the directory you just created:
    cp /cdrom/* download_directory  
    1. If the names of any of the copied files include uppercase letters, convert those names to lowercase. (The copy process sometimes converts file names to uppercase.)
    2. Ensure that the copied files have the following permissions. If necessary, use the chmod command to reset them.







      all other files


  8. Ensure that you are in the parent directory and not the download directory:
    cd $HOME

    Caution: Do not run the installation procedure from the download directory in which isetup resides, as this will cause errors in the installation process.

  9. See How to Install.

After you complete the installation, you can delete the download directory if you wish.

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Procedure: How to Download the Installation Software Using FTP

To download the installation software:

  1. Go to

    The Information Builders Technical Support home page opens.

  2. Click My Downloads in the My Account section on the right side of the page.

    The Downloads, Upgrades, Service Packs, and PTFs page opens.

  3. Click the link for your product (for example, WebFOCUS and iWay Server and iWay Client).

    The Downloads by Release page for your product opens.

  4. Click your release from the Current Production Releases list.

    The Software Downloads page for your release opens.

  5. Scroll down and find the platform on which you want to install the software, and then click Download to the right of the platform name.
  6. Fill in the registration form and then click Continue.

    The Software Download Agreement page opens.

  7. Select I agree to consent to the Download Agreement, and then click Continue.

    The Download Instructions page opens. Select AUTOMATIC or MANUAL and follow the relevant instructions.

    A copy of the instructions is also automatically emailed to you for later reference.

  8. Follow the instructions on the Download Page.
  9. Run the installation procedure as described in How to Install.

    Caution: Do not run the installation procedure from the download directory in which isetup resides as this will cause errors in the installation process.

After you complete the installation, you can delete the download directory if you wish.

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Procedure: How to Install

For performance reasons, the software should not be installed on, or accessed using NFS-mounted disks. A directly connected disk is always preferable.

To install the software:

  1. Log on using the iadmin user ID.

    Logging on with the iadmin ID is recommended (rather than with the su command).

  2. Set the default protection mask to, at a minimum, read/execute (if it is not already set to that). For example:
    umask 022

    Ensure that you have write privileges to the directory from which you are running the isetup command. To test this, type:

    touch xxxx
  3. Run the installation procedure, isetup, specifying its full path (including the CD or disk location). You can run the installation procedure from any location. Do not switch the current directory to the location of isetup.

    For example:



  4. Type 1 for the Install and Configure option.

    You are prompted for your license key.

  5. Type your license key.

    Your license attributes are displayed, and the license key is confirmed. Certain license keys will issue a warning that the actual CPU quantity is over the licensed amount. In that case, the software needs to be run using OS commands that limit CPU use. For more information, see Limiting CPU Use on Machines With Multiple CPUs.

    You are then prompted for the location of the installation file iserver.tar.

  6. Type the full path name of iserver.tar, or press Enter to accept the default.

    You are prompted for the password of the server administration ID (iadmin).

  7. Type the password of the account you are using to install the software.

    The password, which does not display, is stored in encrypted form.

    You are now shown the default values of some basic properties, and given an opportunity to change them.

  8. If you want to accept the default values, type Y and skip to Step 9. Otherwise, change any properties that you wish.

    The properties are:




    Location of the server executable files. The default location is the iadmin ID home directory. The EDAHOME directory path name must conform to the pattern:


    For more information about EDAHOME, see Installation and Configuration Directories.


    Location of the configuration files for this instance.

    If you changed the EDAHOME value, the default EDACONF value changes to conform to EDAHOME.

    EDACONF must be in the same srv77 path as EDAHOME. The lowest-level EDAHOME directory (home) becomes the product type directory in EDACONF.

    For example, if EDAHOME is


    then EDACONF for a WebFOCUS Reporting Server defaults to:


    If you are configuring an additional instance, be sure to specify a new configuration directory here; do not use an existing directory. Each instance must have its own configuration directory. You can append characters to the name of the product_type directory to avoid overwriting the existing directory. For example:


    For more information about EDACONF, see Installation and Configuration Directories.


    Location of user and group profiles and of admin.cfg, which specifies the server administrator.

    For more information about EDAPRFU, see Installation and Configuration Directories.


    Location of the server applications.

    For more information about APPROOT, see Installation and Configuration Directories.


    First of three consecutive port numbers for the HTTP Listener and other IP-based services.

    The default port automatically varies by product to support multiple servers on a particular computer. For:

    • A Full-Function Server, 8101 is the default value, which reserves ports 8101-8103.
    • A WebFOCUS Reporting Server, 8121 is the default value, which reserves ports 8121-8123.
    • A DataMigrator Server, 8117 is the default value, which reserves ports 8117-8119.
    • A Shared Application Server (for WebFOCUS Maintain), 8113 is the default, which reserves ports 8113-8115.

    Port number on which the server TCP Listener listens. It must be outside the range of the three consecutive HTTP Listener ports. It defaults to the port immediately preceding the first HTTP Listener port.

    For example, if you accept the default HTTP Listener Port value of 8101, the TCP Listener port defaults to 8100.


    SMTP Server node (host) name or TCP/IP number for outbound email features. (Optional, only prompted for if changing directories and ports.)


    SMTP Server port number for SMTP Server. The default value is 25. (Optional, only prompted for if changing directories and ports, and the SMTP Server host is supplied.)


    Default from address for users reading an email from the server if none was specified in the originating application. (Optional, only prompted for if changing directories and ports, and the SMTP Server host is supplied.)


    Server administrator email address to send administrative warnings to, such as an agent crash. (Optional, only prompted for if changing directories and ports, and the SMTP Server host is supplied.)

    For more information about EDAHOME, EDACONF, EDAPRFU, and APPROOT, see Installation and Configuration Directories.

    If you decide to change a default, you are prompted for a replacement value each of the above variables, and given another chance to accept the default. If the SMTP Server node is not supplied, the remaining SMTP and EMAIL prompts do not occur.

    If you entered N at the default settings prompt, you also have the option of installing the Century Corp demo files in one or more languages. (If you entered Y, they will not be installed.) All other demo files are always installed, automatically, in English.

  9. Review the configuration options displayed on the screen, and type Y if you accept them. Alternatively, to start over, enter N; to quit the installation procedure, enter Q.

    Several progress messages display while the server is being installed. You are then asked if you want to start the server.

  10. If a server installation, type Y to start the server or N to exit.

    If you start the server, startup messages and the Web Console URL are now displayed.

You should now verify your installation, as described in Verifying Installation.

Example: Full-Function Server Installation Prompts and Responses

This is an example of a Full-Function Server installation that uses the default settings.

$ /cdrom/isetup
                 Welcome to the Product Set Up Facility
     Please respond to the prompts or enter Q to quit at any prompt.
 Select an option:
      1. Install and Configure
      2. Add Additional Configuration Instance
      3. Refresh Installation (Reinstall, Keep Configurations)
      4. Install Debuggables to the Installation Directory
 Enter a selection (Default=1) :   1
  Enter your License Key       (Current number of CPUs = 8)
 (Format 999-999-9999-99) :   xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx
    License Key has been checked
    Product: WebFOCUS Server
    Maximum Number of Adapters: Unlimited
    Maximum Number of Users:    8
    Maximum Number of CPUs:     Unlimited (8 found)
 Please enter the full path name of the media for the product
 Please supply media or <Enter> :
 Enter credentials for the server's internal security
 provider (PTH), the server's default start up mode.
 Enter the Server Administrator ID
 (Default=srvadmin) :
 Enter the Administrator Password :
 Use the WebConsole Access Control option to configure alternate
 or additional security providers, such as OPSYS, LDAP or others.
 Please review the default settings.
 EDAHOME = /home/iadmin/ibi/srv99/home
 EDACONF = /home/iadmin/ibi/srv99/wfs
 EDAPRFU = /home/iadmin/profiles
 APPROOT = /home/iadmin/ibi/apps
 If you are satisfied with the default settings you may proceed to
 final confirmation else you will be prompted for individual values.
 Proceed with defaults? (Y/N Default=Y)  :  y
 The following selections have been made for ...
 Install Options ...
       INSTALLATION_DEVICE = /cdrom/iserver.tar
       PRODUCT = server
       EDAHOME = /home/iadmin/ibi/srv77/home
       LICENSE = xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx
 Configure Options ...
       EDACONF = /home/iadmin/ibi/srv77/wfs
       EDAHOME = /home/iadmin/ibi/srv77/home
       LICENSE = xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx
       PRODUCT = server
       EDAPRFU = /home/iadmin/profiles
       APPROOT = /home/iadmin/ibi/apps
       SERVER_TYPE = ffs
       SERVER_ADMIN_ID = iadmin
       PTH_USER = srvadmin
       PTH_PASSWORD = 10838247AF51CF49
       HTTP_BASE_PORT = 8121
       TCP_BASE_PORT = 8120
 Please confirm these values with one of the following responses ...
    Y = Accept and Proceed
    N = Start Over
    Q = Quit
 Please supply confirmation: y
 Please wait while we are installing the product ...
 ISETUP: Installation Step completed
 Please wait while we are configuring the product ...
 ISETUP: Configuration Step completed
 Would you like to start the Server Workspace (Y/N Default=Y)?  :  n

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Procedure: How to Dismount the Installation CD

If you have installed from a CD and you have finished accessing the installation CD, you may dismount, remove, and store the CD. All UNIX vendors use the following command to dismount:

umount /cdrom



Is the mount point directory used in the original mount command.

Normally, you will not need the CD again unless you need to reinstall.

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Procedure: How to Configure an Additional Server Instance

If you have additional licenses and need to configure additional instances:

  1. Log on using the iadmin ID.
  2. Run EDAHOME/bin/isetup, where EDAHOME is the directory in which the software was installed.
  3. At the main menu, select option 2, Add Additional Configuration Instance.

    The prompts for adding a configuration are similar to those for an original installation.

    Each instance must have its own configuration directory. When prompted for the configuration directory, append characters to the default name of the product type directory. Otherwise, the installation will overwrite the existing configuration directory. In the following example, the number 2 has been added to the default name of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server configuration directory:


    If the EDACONF directory you specify already exists, the installation process copies selected files from the current configuration's files to a directory named BACKUP that is a sibling directory to EDACONF, and then deletes the contents of the original directory. For example, if EDACONF is


    then the selected configuration files are backed up to:


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Procedure: How to Refresh or Upgrade an Installation

Refreshing reinstalls the files in the installation directory, without changing any configuration information in the configuration directory. However, this does remove any patches that have been applied to the directory tree.

If it becomes necessary to refresh, or if you want to upgrade to a new release:

  1. Log on using the iadmin user ID.

    Logging on with the iadmin ID is recommended (rather than with the su command).

  2. Set the default protection mask to, at a minimum, read/execute (if it is not already set to that). For example:
    umask 022

    Ensure that you have write privileges to the directory from which you are running the command. To test this, type:

    touch xxxx
  3. Run the installation procedure, isetup, specifying its full path (including the CD or disk location). You can run the installation procedure from any location. Do not switch the current directory to the location of isetup. For example:


  4. At the main menu, type option 3, Refresh Installation (Reinstall, Keep Configuration), and respond to the prompts.

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Installing and Configuring Silently

How to:

This is also known as a silent install. The most common form is an initial install, which also results in an initial configuration. An initial installation and configuration should only be done once per EDAHOME and an add product configuration used thereafter.

Installing silently can be helpful if you want to install multiple servers at once throughout an enterprise. To install a server silently, you must first create a text file that specifies your server installation parameters and then call isetup with the option and the file name. The silent method may also be used to do a software refresh.

We recommend that the first time you install, you use the default interactive mode, not the silent mode, so that you become familiar with the procedure. Installing a server interactively is described in Installing.

Run isetup -? to see full information on the setup and specific use of a parameters file for silent installation, configuration, or refresh.

Procedure: How to Create the Installation Parameters File

Use a text editor to create a file with the following syntax to specify your product installation parameters:

-license nnn-nnn-nnnn-nn 
-edahome /ibi/srv77/home
-edaconf /ibi/srv77/product_type 
-port portnum 
-host hostname 
-approot drive:\ibi\apps
-programfolder "folder-title"
-pass password 



Is the 12-digit license. Include a hyphen (-) following the third, sixth, and tenth digits.


Is the drive and directory to which you want to install the software.


Designates the type of product. The default values are:


for a Full-Function Server.


for a DataMigrator Server


for a WebFOCUS Reporting Server


for a Shared Application Server for WebFOCUS Maintain


Is the base TCP port for the server.


Is the server host name.


Is the name you want to assign to the Windows program folder and service. For example:

-programfolder "WebFOCUS 77 Server"

Is the password of the user ID with which you are installing the server.

To see a list of additional installation, configuration, and refresh options:

  1. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the directory containing the installation setup.exe file for the software.
  2. Enter the following:
    setup ?
  3. Accept a display language and click Next.

    A Help screen with further parameter file options will display.

The user may continue with the install (interactive) or quit at this point to attempt a silent install/configure.

Procedure: How to Launch a Silent Installation
  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the software and the setup.exe file for the install.
  2. Type the following:
    setup  -opt /path/srvoptions.txt



    Is the full path and file name of the file specifying your installation options.

    For example, to specify English and an options file named serveroptsFFS1.txt, type:

    setup -opt /temp/serveroptionsFFS1.txt
  3. After the installation has completed you should verify that it was successful, as described in Verifying Installation.

iWay Software