Writing Magnify Feed Documents to Disk

How to:

Modifying ENGINE MAGNIFY SET commands for FORMAT MAGNIFY that instructs the WebFOCUS Reporting Server to write Magnify feed documents to disk rather than posting through HTTP are now supported.

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Procedure: How to Write Magnify Feed Documents to Disk

You can follow the same instructions that currently exist for configuring FORMAT MAGNIFY with the following differences:

  1. Add the following two lines:
    APP MAP <variable_name> "c:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\magnify\feedcache"
    APP HOLD <variable_name>
  2. Set the ENGINE MAGNIFY SET CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES parameter to a blank value.
  3. Ensure that the ON TABLE HOLD FORMAT MAGNIFY statement ends with:
    AS <variable_name>

    Otherwise, the following error is generated:

    (FOC44971) Explicit SET command has to be issued for CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES.