Tuning Components

In this section:

Tuning entails the repetitive process of:

There are two main types of components that can be tuned:

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Third-Party Components

Third-party components that can be tuned include:

Operating System

Database Server


Network administrators will be able to identify and tune bottlenecks with the use of:

Application Server

Auto-Reload. This feature automatically reloads the web application if a change is detected. According to Apache, this is useful during application development, but it requires significant run-time overhead. This is not recommended for use on deployed production applications.

For example, you can disable auto-reloading of the WebFOCUS web application file by adding the following syntax in ibi_apps.xml:


For example, you can enable auto-reloading of the WebFOCUS web application file by adding the following syntax in ibi_apps.xml:


Pre-Compile JavaServer Pages. The JVM interprets a web application by dynamically compiling JSPs. Over time, the application will run faster as all files are pre-compiled.

Enable and Tune Thread Pool


Considerations for Apache Tomcat

The following is specific to Tomcat, but we wanted to cover it briefly because Tomcat is commonly used.

Tomcat supports many connectors and each can be tuned differently. In production you may wish to:

Remove unneeded applications to save memory and startup time. For example, Tomcat ROOT applications should be removed, but you can leave the Manager web application active.

Apache Portable Runtime (APR) Based Native Library for Tomcat

The Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library is fully documented on the Apache website. It has the following benefits:

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

The JVM, which is used by the application server for deploying and executing web applications can be tuned, as follows:

JVM Server Modes

JVM Memory

JVM memory system manages two types of memory: heap and non-heap.

Heap Memory

The heap may be of a fixed size or may be expanded, depending on the needs of an application. Start the JVM with the initial heap size equal to the maximum heap size. This removes the need for the JVM to resize the heap.

Garbage Collection

There are documented guidelines for JVM server applications, some of which are outlined below:

JVM Monitoring

You can monitor the JVM using:

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WebFOCUS Tuning Components

The following are WebFOCUS components that can be tuned:


This version of this document is not intended to cover application tuning. However, at the minimum, ensure the following:

Reporting Server

The Reporting Server has a built-in performance framework for core workspace functions and applications. These include the following:

Data Services. The Data Services feature of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server feature is useful and can be used to:

You can:

Data Adapters. There are a number of tuning parameters, depending on the types of queries and answer sets being generated. A subset of these parameters are listed below. For more information, see the Adapter Administration Manual.

Java Services. This feature is used for rendering graphical images on the Reporting Server, as well as for managing JDBC Data Adapters.


ReportCaster Distribution Server. This is an independent Java application program. Tuning parameters include:

Report Library. This ReportCaster component can be used for archiving distributed output from scheduled jobs. Performance features include:

Information Builders