Configuring IIS to Use the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In)

In this section:

This section explains how to configure communications between Tomcat and IIS using the Tomcat Connector.

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Installing and Configuring the Tomcat Connector


The WebFOCUS installation provides an option to install the Tomcat Connector (plug-in). In some environments, manual configuration is needed after the installation completes. If you chose to configure the Tomcat Connector (plug-in) with WebFOCUS Client, it should be installed in:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector

If the Tomcat Connector is not installed, you can follow the steps below to manually install and configure the Connector.

Reference: Connector Installation

Successful installation of the Tomcat Connector performed the following steps. You do not need to perform these steps manually unless there was an error during the WebFOCUS installation, if the Connector is not working properly, or if you would like to add the Connector later. In addition, if you want to change which IIS website uses the connector, you may need to perform some manual configurations.

  1. If they do not already exist, manually create the following subdirectories under the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation directory:
    \Jakarta Isapi Redirector\bin
    \Jakarta Isapi Redirector\conf
    \Jakarta Isapi Redirector\log
  2. The connector should be installed on your system in the following default directory:
    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\bin

    Note: If you changed the default directory, substitute your values accordingly.

    If it does not exist, you can obtain a copy of the isapi_redirect.dll file from the following directory:


    Copy the isapi_redirect.dll file to the default directory.

    Note: For Windows AMD 64-bit installations, a copy of the 64-bit isapi_redirect_64.dll file can be found in the following directory:

  3. In the \Jakarta Isapi Redirector\conf subdirectory, create the following files:

      The following example provides the structure of the file, which you can use as a reference:

      # -
      # This file provides sample mappings for example
      # ajp13w worker defined in
      # Now filter out all .jpeg files inside that context
      # For no mapping the url has to start with exclamation (!)

      The file informs IIS when to route requests to Tomcat. This file must specify the following WebFOCUS context roots:

      • /ibi_apps
      • /ibi_help

      Note: If you are using a custom alias in your environment, ensure that the custom alias that is used for the context root is specified.

      Using a text editor, open the file, which is located in the following directory:

      C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\

      Tip: If the formatting of the file appears incorrect in Notepad, use WordPad. However, if you use WordPad, ensure the file is saved as text (.txt).

      Ensure that the context roots are defined as follows:


      If these lines do not exist, add them after the following:


      Using the default line, IIS will forward


      but not


      If you want both forwarded, add the following lines, in addition to the other lines at the very end of the file:


      However, the exact line can only appear once.

      Note: If you want Tomcat to process the approot alias and want IIS to only forward requests for them, add /approot/*=ajp13w to the file and create a context on Tomcat that points to the approot WAR file: drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\webapps\approot.war

      Save and exit the editor. Restart IIS.


      The following example provides the structure of the file, which you can use as a reference:

      # -
      # This file provides minimal jk configuration properties needed to
      # connect to Tomcat.
      # The workers that jk should create and work with
      # Defining a worker named ajp13w and of type ajp13
      # Note that the name and the type do not have to match.
  4. Create Registry settings under:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi

    The following table shows the settings. Confirm that they are created correctly on your system.

    Value Name

    Value Data




    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\
    Jakarta Isapi Redirector\log\isapi_redirect.log




    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\
    Jakarta Isapi Redirector\conf\


    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\
    Jakarta Isapi Redirector\conf\

    The following image shows the settings created in the Registry Editor.

  5. Create a Virtual Directory (alias) with scripts and executables permissions under the default IIS website.




    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\
    Jakarta Isapi Redirector\bin\

    This must have execute permissions of Scripts and Executables. You can confirm or add this using the Internet Services Manager. If you are not sure how to add a Virtual Directory, see Configuring IIS Virtual Directories (Aliases).

    If you want to use the connector with a different website, create this Virtual Directory under that site as well or replace the existing one.

  6. Add the following file as an ISAPI filter to the default website:
    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\

    In the Internet Services Manager, select and right-click the default website, choose Properties, and select the ISAPI Filters tab. Click Add, enter Jakarta in the Filter Name field, and the full path to the isapi_redirect.dll as the executable.

    If you want to use the connector with a different website, create this filter under that site, instead. Be sure to add the filter for the specific website and not for the entire IIS server.


Reference: The File

The file informs IIS where to find Tomcat. It is located in the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\

Normally, you do not need to edit this file. You only need to edit this file if you changed the default port 8009 or if Tomcat is not on the same machine as IIS. If you ran the Tomcat Connector installation manually, the file is used instead.

Note: IIS finds the file by looking in the registry. However, if an file is in the same directory as an isapi_redirect.dll file, IIS reads the file instead of the registry.

Reference: Tomcat Connector Debugging

The default log file for the Tomcat Connector is written under:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\log

In some environments, the isapi_redirect.log file may be empty. If you want to use this log file, you may need to set NTFS permissions so IIS can write or modify the log directory. Normally, this requires granting Modify/Write permissions to the IUSR_servername user and Authenticated Users group, but the required user IDs may vary based on your configuration.

You can control how much information is logged through the registry under:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi 

You can set this to one of the following:


You must restart IIS if you change the log_level.

Top of page

Verifying the Configuration With IIS and Apache Tomcat

How to:

After configuring the Tomcat Connector, ensure that IIS can route requests to Tomcat.

Procedure: How to Run Test Calls
  1. If they are not started, start the following:
    • IIS
    • Tomcat
  2. Ensure the ibi_apps context is created on Tomcat by typing the following URL:



    Is the hostname for Tomcat. If Tomcat is not on port 8080, use the correct port instead of 8080.

    A page displaying information about the build should display. You can ignore any broken images. If nothing displays, ensure Tomcat is started and that you created this context, as explained in Configuring Apache Tomcat. If you receive an error, try restarting Tomcat.

    When IIS and Tomcat are configured together, you normally only access Tomcat through port 8080 for testing and configuration purposes.

  3. Ensure IIS routes a request for ibi_apps to Tomcat by typing the following URL:



    Is the hostname to access IIS. If IIS is not on port 80, use hostname:port.

    The same page should display. If you receive an error, confirm that all steps have been performed to configure the connector. Ensure that both IIS and Tomcat are started and try restarting them. Also, ensure that ServletExec ISAPI is not installed.

  4. Type the following case-sensitive URL to access the WebFOCUS Welcome page that provides links to all WebFOCUS features:

    You can bookmark this page for future use. This page is also referred to as the WebFOCUS home page.

  5. Select Administration Console from the Administration menu, then expand the Diagnostics node and select WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

  6. Click Test AdHoc Procedure to run the test procedure.

    If you receive an error like the following:

    Error attaching to Server: EDASERVE

    Confirm that the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is started. If the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is started, ensure that the WebFOCUS Client knows the server HOST and PORT using the WebFOCUS Administration Console or by checking:

  7. If prompted to sign in, provide a user ID and password. By default, this is a user ID and password that can sign in to the machine running the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

    A procedure is normally launched using the WebFOCUS Servlet and a sample report should display. You can manually use servlet to run a procedure, such as carinst.fex, using:

  8. Proceed to WebFOCUS Client Post-Installation Tasks and run the verification tool.