WebFOCUS Language

In this section:

The following are upgrade considerations and product changes for the WebFOCUS reporting language.

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Using XLSPAGESETS will automatically set the page margins to the default values of .25 inches. This will cause a change for procedures from EXL2K to EXL07. The only page setup feature supported in EXL2K is orientation. Margins are set to the Excel default for a new workbook: 1 inch top and bottom and .75 inch left and right.

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The new PPTX output format is supported as of WebFOCUS Release 8.0.08 and WebFOCUS Reporting Server Release 7.7.05M Gen 157.

The Release 8.0.08 WebFOCUS Client Redirection configuration file (mime.wfs) contains the file type entries to support PPTX and PPTM presentations. You can configure earlier WebFOCUS Client 8.0.x releases to support PPTX and PPTM presentations created by the Reporting Server JSCOM functionality by manually adding the PPTX and PPTM file type entries to the WebFOCUS Client Redirection configuration file (mime.wfs).

The mime.wfs file is location in the \client\wfc\etc directory of the WebFOCUS Client installation. The default directory path is:


Note: PPTX and PPTM presentations created with the WebFOCUS Client Servlet functionality is only supported in Release 8.0.08 and higher.

To add the PPTX and PPTM file type entries to the WebFOCUS Client Redirection configuration file (mime.wfs):

  1. Backup the mime.wfs file located in the WebFOCUS Client \client\wfc\etc directory.
  2. Edit the mime.wfs file and add the .potm and .potx entries after the .png entry. Each <ADDTYPE> entry is on a single line.
    <ADDTYPE> .potm application/application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.template.macroEnabled.12
    binary no DEFAULT no .potm
    <ADDTYPE> .potx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template
    binary no DEFAULT no .potx
  3. Add the following entries for .pptm and .pptx after the the .ppt entry. Each <ADDTYPE> entry is on a single line.
    <ADDTYPE> .pptm application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12
    binary no DEFAULT no .pptm
    <ADDTYPE> .pptx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
    binary no PPTX no .pptx
  4. Save the mime.wfs file.
  5. If the WebFOCUS web application is running, the WebFOCUS Client cache needs to be cleared by using the WebFOCUS Administration Console Clear Cache option or restarting the application server the WebFOCUS Client is deployed on.
  6. Sign on to the WebFOCUS Administration Console and access the Redirection Settings from the Configuration option to verify that the .potm, .potx, .pptm, and .pptx file types list correctly. The following image of the WebFOCUS Administration Console Redirection Settings shows the added PowerPoint file types.

Note: These steps add the capability only to interactive reporting. ReportCaster distribution is not available.

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Accordion By Row Reports

The following are upgrade considerations and product changes for Accordion By Row reports.

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WebFOCUS Font Support

As of WebFOCUS Reporting Server Release 7.7 Version 05 Gen 705 and higher, you can selectively embed a subset of Unicode (Arial Unicode and MS Lucida Sans Unicode) or Non-Unicode (Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, and Courier New) TrueType fonts into a PDF file. The generated PDF file will contain only the characters required to render the document.

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HTML HFREEZE Reporting Feature Implementation Change

An implementation change was required for the HTML HFREEZE reporting feature to fix alignment issues and provide non-Internet Explorer browser support. The HFREEZE measuring mechanism uses an extra data row to calculate the column width correctly. The report width measuring mechanism will use an extra data row. For the row of data to be measured properly, the extra data row has to be visible. This visible extra row increases the space on the report in each of the three HTML table (<TABLE>) sections created for the report HEADING, column titles and data, and FOOTING. The extra space has been minimized and must be displayed to measure the width of the columns correctly.

The implementation change also provides non-Internet Explorer browser support with the HFREEZE reporting feature. The HFREEZE reporting feature is certified with the following browsers when using the WebFOCUS 8 WebFOCUS Client with a Release 7.7 Version 04 Reporting Server.

For the most current information related to browser version or configuration, view the WebFOCUS Browser Support statement at the following URL:


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Variables Hidden with the -DEFAULTH Command

As of WebFOCUS Reporting Server Release 7.7 Version 05, the Dialogue Manager query command -? no longer displays the values of hidden variables defined with the -DEFAULTH command.