Performing Inter-Row Calculations

In this section:

How to:


The Recap operation in the Financial Report Painter enables you to perform calculations on data in the rows of a report to produce new rows. Since these calculations are performed on rows, each row referenced in the calculation must be uniquely identified either by the default label assigned by Financial Report Painter or a label you assign to the row.

To initiate a Recap operation, you must supply the format of the value that will receive the result of the calculation, and an expression that defines the calculation you wish to perform. Initially, the default row label (R1, and so on) serves as the identifying label for the calculated value. However, it is good practice to provide a more descriptive label for reference in other calculations.

In the Financial Report Painter, you can type an expression directly into the RECAP dialog box or use a tabbed dialog box to formulate your expression.

Note: If you want to create a Recap row that summarizes the data in existing rows and does not require an expression, you can use a simple alternative procedure. For details, see How to Create a RECAP Summary Row.

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Procedure: How to Create a Recap Expression in Financial Report Painter

In the Design matrix:

  1. Select the row in which you want to perform the calculation.
  2. Click the Recap icon on the Financial Report Painter toolbar.


    Right-click anywhere in a blank row (except on the label) and select Change Type to, and then Recap from the context menu.

    The RECAP dialog box opens at the Options tab.

  3. You can perform a Recap for a single column, a range of columns, columns at specified intervals, or for all columns in a row. To perform a Recap calculation and display output for:
    • A single column. Select a column number from the Columns drop-down list.
    • A range of columns. Select the first column number from the Columns drop-down list and the number appears in the From Column box. Enter the last column number in the To Column box.
    • Columns with an incremental interval. Select the first column number from the Columns drop-down list and the number appears in the From Column box. Enter the last column number in the To Column box, then enter an increment number. For example, enter 2 for every other column, 3 for every third column, and so on.
    • All columns in a row. Click Apply to row. (The Columns box is disabled.)
  4. Assign a format to the Recap output field. You can either enter the format in the Format box or click the Format button to open the Format dialog box. For details, see Format Dialog Box.
  5. Type a Recap expression in the input box, and go to step 10.


    Click the Advanced button to expand the Recap Options tab, exposing features that will assist you in building an expression that may be composed of numbers and operators (numeric, alphanumeric, Boolean, and conditional), built-in functions, sort fields, and labels. The expression you create appears on the Options tab box as you make your selections. This process is described in steps 6 through 9.

  6. Use the Recap calculator to compose the expression that WebFOCUS will evaluate. Click numbers plus the operators you need to create numeric, alphanumeric, date, logical, and conditional expressions.

    For details about writing expressions, see the Creating Reporting Applications With Developer Studio manual.

    You can also add parenthesis, single quotation marks, and designate uppercase and lowercase as required by clicking the buttons below the Expression window.

  7. To include a built-in function in the expression, select the function from the drop-down list. The function is added to the Expression window, along with placeholders for the required arguments. Type appropriate values over the argument placeholders, or use the tools provided to select the values you need.

    For details, see the Using Functions manual.

  8. To include a row label in your expression, click the label in the Labels drop-down list. (Note that the list shows default row labels unless you have defined explicit labels.)
  9. To include a vertical sort (BY) field in your expression, click the field in the By Fields drop-down list.

    Tip: You can use a sort field value in a RECAP command to allow the model to take different actions within each major sort break. For example, in a request sorted by REGION, the following calculation would compute a non-zero value only for the EAST region:


  10. Click the General tab and type the title for the Recap calculation that you want to display on the report. Though optional, this entry is generally included in financial reports.
  11. Notice that the row label (R1, and so on.) appears automatically in the Label box of the General tab. This label is used to reference the result of the Recap calculation. To supply an explicit row label to replace the default label on the matrix, type it into the Label box. (The default label is retained internally.) Though optional, this entry is generally included in financial reports.
  12. Click OK to complete the expression.

RECAP appears in the Row Type column of the matrix, along with the expression, label, and title you define.

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Reference: RECAP Dialog Box

Recap Dialog box

Options Tab

Several options in this dialog box enable you to specify the column or columns to which you want to apply a Recap formula:


Identifies a single column that will contain the Recap formula. This is also the column in which the Recap output will appear on the report. You can choose the column from the drop-down list.

Apply to row

Indicates that the same Recap formula is to be used for all columns in the row. The Columns box is disabled when you select Apply to row.

From Column/To Column

Defines a range of columns to which the Recap formula is to be applied.


Indicates an interval of columns in the range that should have the Recap formula applied. For example, a value of 2 will apply the formula to every other column.

Note: Although not directly supported by options in the RECAP dialog box, there are a number of other ways in which you can identify the columns to which you want to apply the Recap calculation: column address, column value, and cell notation. To use these features, you must type the required syntax directly into the expression box in the RECAP dialog box.

For details, see Creating Financial Reports With Financial Modeling Language (FML).

Format box

Identifies the field type, field length, and display options that will be used for the Recap output. The field type can be alphanumeric, numeric, or date.

Format button

Opens the Format dialog box, which is designed to help you choose the format for your Recap output. See Format Dialog Box.

Expression box

Displays the expression used to generate the Recap output.

Type the expression, or click the Advanced button to expand the Options tab, exposing features that will help you create the expression.

Advanced button

Expands the Options tab to make it easy to add functions, numbers, operators, labels, and sort fields to your expression. Your selections are reflected in the Expression box.

Advanced button


Provides numbers and operators that you can use to create numeric, alphanumeric, Boolean, and conditional expressions. Click the desired number or operator to add it to the formula in the Expression box.

Four additional buttons below the Expression box enable you to:

  • Enclose a value in parentheses. Click the ( ) button to add parenthesis.

    Parentheses affect the order in which WebFOCUS performs the specified operations.

    For information on when to use parentheses in expressions, see the Creating Reporting Applications With Developer Studio manual.

  • Enclose alphanumeric or date literals in single quotation marks. Click the ' ' button to add quotation marks.
  • Convert entries in the expression box to upper or lowercase. Click the Upper or Lower button to specify case. Note that field names are case-sensitive.

Lists the labels (default or explicitly defined) that you can use in your expression. Select the label you want to add from the drop-down list. Your selection is added to the formula.

By Fields

Lists the vertical sort (BY) fields that you can use in your expression. Select the fields you want to add from the drop-down list. Your selection is added to the formula.


Lists all available built-in functions that you can add to your expression. A function is a program that returns a value.

Select a function from the drop-down list. Then, in the Expression box, highlight each argument and substitute the value or field name you wish to use by typing or by selecting items from other drop-down lists. For details, see the Using Functions manual.

General Tab

General tab


Enables you to specify a title for the Recap calculation in which this title will appear on the report.


Lists the default label for the Recap row. You can replace the default row identification label with an explicit row label that you want to reference on the left hand side of an expression. You can think of this label as a calculated value or as a variable that holds the result of the Recap calculation. It can also be used as part of the expression in subsequent Recap formulas.

Formatting Options

The following options apply to individual rows in the report. You can also apply these formatting options from the Row Properties check boxes above the matrix.


Creates a Recap expression for use in a calculation, but does not display its results on the report.

Post to

Posts the output of a Recap line to a work file. This line can then be used as though it were provided in a DATA row. For details, see Saving and Retrieving Intermediate Report Results.

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Reference: Format Dialog Box

The Format dialog box enables you to define the format of the output to be generated by a calculation.

Note: The Format button is available in the Compute, Define, and RECAP dialog boxes to define field formats for temporary fields and subtotal calculations. Click the Format button to open the Format dialog box.


The Format dialog box has the following fields and options:

Format Types

Specifies the format of the current field. The field type can be alphanumeric, numeric, or date/time.


Opens the Date and Time Formats dialog box, where you can assign date and time formats, and apply date and time display options.

For more information, see the Creating Reporting Applications With Developer Studio manual.


Specifies the length, in characters, of a field. Enter a number in the Length box, or click the arrow buttons to specify a number.

Field Format



1-4096 (default, 20)

Floating Point

1-9 (default, 7.2)


1-11 (default, 5)


1-4096 (default, 20)


20.18 (default, 12.2)


33.31 (default, 12.2)


Select a Format Field.

Note: For numeric fields, include the decimal place in the length.


Specifies the number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point in a Decimal, Packed Decimal, or Floating Point field.

Add minus sign if value is negative

Check this option to display a minus sign to the right of negative numeric data.

Edit Options

Adds display options to numeric field formats to control how the field will appear on reports.

Example: Calculating RECAP Expressions in the Financial Report Painter

This example shows two RECAP expressions, with the second using values derived in the first.

Calculating Recap expressions

The first RECAP expression calculates TOTCASH (as TOTAL CASH) by adding the values in rows 1 to 3. The results of the calculation will appear in all columns. This is designated using the Apply to Row check box on the RECAP Options tab. See RECAP Dialog Box.

The second RECAP expression calculates GROCASH, as CASH GROWTH (%):

The output is:


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Procedure: How to Create a RECAP Summary Row

To create a row in which existing data in other rows is summarized:

  1. Place your cursor in a column that contains numeric data, then highlight the values you want to sum. The values to be added may be contiguous or non-contiguous.
  2. Click the Make RECAP (Rows) Make Recap icon on the Design toolbar.
  3. A new RECAP row appears in the Row Type column, below the last row in the matrix. The formula representing the sum of highlighted values (for example, R1 + R2 +R3) appears in the new row, in the column that contained the values.

Tip: Use this technique when the calculation you wish to perform is a simple addition of values that does not require an expression. For an illustration of this technique, see Emphasizing a Row Using Border Lines.

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Creating RECAP Expressions Using a Drag-and-Drop Operation

How to:

RECAP expressions may be created in an FML matrix by dragging individual values from their original source cells and dropping them into a target cell in the same matrix. A valid source cell is any cell that contains numeric data, and a valid target cell is any cell that is either empty or contains only RECAP expressions. To create a RECAP expression, you can drag a value from any valid source cell, located in any row or column in an FML matrix, to any valid target cell in the same matrix. You should position a target cell in a section of your report, where data cells end and empty cells begin, at the end the rows or columns where the source cells are found.

Procedure: How to Create RECAP Expressions Using a Drag-and-Drop Operation

To create a drag-and-drop RECAP expression:

  1. Position the pointer in a valid source cell.
  2. Click the source cell, hold the left mouse button down, and press the Shift key.
  3. Drag the source cell contents to a valid target cell and release both the left mouse button and the Shift key.

    While dragging the source cell contents, you should observe that a symbol, which appears as a circle with a slash through it, is displayed when your mouse pointer is hovering above cells where you are not allowed to drop the source cell value. When you reach a valid source cell in the matrix, the symbol will no longer appear.

By default, using a drag-and-drop operation to create a RECAP expression places a plus sign (+) between all values dragged into a RECAP cell.