What Are Sources?

In this section:

How to:


A source allows you map inbound data to PMF elements called datapoints that will become elements in measures, such as Actual, Target, and so on.

There are currently three types of sources available:


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Procedure: How to Wipe Source Data

All loaded data from a loadable, user-entered, or generated source can be wiped out or deleted in a single operation. This is useful when you have loaded data that is invalid. It is a simple way to delete all the data.

  1. From the Manage tab, click the Sources panel button.
  2. Select the source that needs data to be deleted. The Edit Source panel opens.
  3. Click the Wipe Data button. PMF will ask you to confirm the data purge.
  4. Click OK.

Note: It may take PMF a moment to purge all of the data.

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Reference: Lineage Tab

You can view the lineage for all datapoints for any loadable, user-entered, or generated source by selecting the Lineage tab in the New Source or Edit Source panel. Lineage shows the progress of data through PMF, starting from the external data harvested into datapoints, through any derived datapoints, and finally, all terminal points in measures.

The following image shows an example of the Lineage tab for a loadable source.

Lineage example

You can click on any node to expand it and display the contribution of that node to the lineage. You can also click Expand All or Collapse All to display or hide the entire lineage, as shown in the following image.

Lineage expanded

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Working With Loadable Sources

How to:


Loadable sources in PMF:

Reference: Data Harvesting Loadable Sources

Data harvesting is the process of taking data from a source and processing it into information that is then loaded into one or more datapoints needed by the PMF source.

Note: The result of any data harvesting operation is always numeric.

Typical data harvesting actions are:

In PMF, all data harvesting is done across a potential Cartesian cross product of dimensional intersection. Nearly every load involves a fairly high degree of sparsity against this cross product, but in most cases, it also involves creating multiple records that follow a particular pattern against the source data.

In many cases, depending on the degree of granularity of the inbound loadable data from the source, PMF requests the data to be aggregated even when loaded at the lowest level of its dimensionality. This happens when the physical data table or view contains more detailed records that go to a lower logical level than the source requests. Some examples of this are:

In the examples listed, the PMF loader will be aggregating records from the source inbound during the load process.

Reference: Lineage and Recalculation With Loadable Sources

Loadable Sources are primary sources for data in PMF. PMF treats them as first generation in any lineage, along with user-entered datapoints and generated datapoints.

Loadable data is treated as updated on the date of load, but is effective as of the time dimension linkages for the data.

Procedure: How to Set Up Loadable Sources and Datapoints

To set up a new Loadable source:

  1. In the Manage tab, click the Sources panel button.
  2. Click New.

    The New Source panel opens.

  3. Name your new source and select Loaded from Data Source from the first drop-down menu, as shown in the following image. This option lets PMF know that you want this source to harvest data from an existing table, view, flat file, and so on.

    New Source panel

  4. Select the metadata file for the existing table from the second drop-down menu. If the file you want to use is not listed, expand the File Picker by selecting Show More... from the drop-down menu.

    The FIle Picker allows you to look at all of the available metadata files in your currently configured WebFOCUS app path. The icons to the left of each file name let you explore the contents of the file to make sure that it is the correct one. To select the file to use, click the name once and close the File Picker.

  5. Specify the datapoints to be harvested. For each line where you want to add another field from the source, you can do the following:
    • To harvest by summarizing the values of the field, select the field you want to harvest from the Source field name drop-down menu. You can use the default name assigned to the datapoint, or change the name at anytime.
    • To harvest by summarizing the values of the field only when conditions are matched, select the field you want to harvest from the Source field name drop-down menu and create filters by clicking the Filters button to choose your filters.
    • To harvest by counting, select [Count] from the Source Field Name drop-down menu and specify the conditions to count by clicking the When button. You are required to provide a name for the datapoint.
    • To harvest by counting distinctly, select [Distinct Count] from the Source Field Name drop-down menu. Specify the conditions to count by clicking the When button, and specify the matching field for distinct counting. You are required to provide a name for the datapoint.
    • To create a custom formula for calculating the field during harvesting, select [User Defined]. Specify filters to be used by clicking the Filters button and specify the WebFOCUS code-based formula for harvesting the field by clicking the Code button. You are required to provide a name for the datapoint.

    Your datapoints should look similar to the following image.

    Edit Source Panel

    Note: You can save your work-in-progress at any time. PMF will not be able to actually harvest data into the datapoints that were set up until the needed harvesting details and dimensionality have been specified.

  6. Click the Dimension Links tab and specify Time, as well as other dimensional linkages, as shown in the following image.

    Dimension Links tab

    Note: The fields you select for dimensional linkages must contain values that match up to those you loaded for the dimension keys in the Dimension Loader. PMF will alert you if there is an issue.

  7. Once the dimensional linkages are set up, click the Preview tab. The data that is being set up for harvesting can be seen, as shown in the following image.

    Data preview


    • The Preview pane is very flexible and shows the row values that will be added, changed, or deleted from your source, in separate sections.
    • You can resort the contents of the Preview pane by clicking a column heading. The sort toggles between ascending and descending order.
    • You can scroll the Preview pane vertically and horizontally, and drag the navigation bar divider to make more room onscreen.
    • You can refresh the Preview pane at any time by clicking the Refresh button on the Preview tab.
    • You can switch back and forth between the Datapoints, Dimension Links, and Preview tabs to alter the patterns you are using for harvesting, adjust the linkage keys and dimensions that you are linking to, and refresh the preview, as needed.
  8. Click Save before concluding your session to ensure that the datapoints and source you have set up are correctly stored in the system. After saving the data, you can click Load to harvest initial data for your new source.

Procedure: How to Update a Loadable Source

To update a loadable source:

  1. From the Manage tab, click the Sources panel button.
  2. Select the source you want to update. The Edit Source panel opens.
  3. Make the desired changes. You can rename the datapoints, change their field linkages, format, filters, when conditions, or code. You can also revise dimensional linkages and change Advanced properties of the source.
  4. Click Save when you are done making edits. PMF will perform the actions on the source and/or save the changes into each datapoint for the source.

Procedure: How to Change the File, Table, or View Used for a Loadable Source

If the name of the Master File or other physical connection information used by a loadable source changes, you can adapt those changes into the source in PMF.

  1. From the Manage tab, click the Sources panel button.
  2. Select the source you want to edit. The Edit Source panel opens.
  3. Select the new Master File for the new data source you want to use from the drop-down menu. PMF will automatically clear the fields from the data source, so you can choose the correct new ones from your new source.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.

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Working With User-Entered Sources

In this section:

How to:


User-entered sources in PMF:

User-entered sources let you collect data from groups of end users.

Procedure: How to Create a User-Entered Source

  1. From the Manage tab, click the Sources panel button.
  2. Click New.

    The New Source panel opens.

  3. Name the source, and from the first drop-down menu, select Entered by Users. This lets PMF know that the source will harvest data from the user-entered source.
  4. Define each user-entered datapoint for this source by entering a name and format for each datapoint. You can quickly enter this information by pressing the Tab key to move from field to field. You can create multiple user-entered sources, and each user-entered source can represent all the datapoints you would collect from a particular user population.

    For example, if you are collecting input from HR staff for HR metrics, you could create a user-entered source called HR Input, and in that source, you could define the datapoints to be collected from that group.

    For each datapoint you define, you can also define the numeric validation format. The PMF input facility will enforce that data format during collection, as shown in the following image.

    Edit Source panel

    Note: You can save your work and leave the session at any time. If all the steps are not completed, the Source panel will mark this source as incomplete. End users will not be able to enter data until the source is complete, and incomplete components do not participate in recalculation.

  5. Click the Dimension Links tab and define the dimensionality to be collected for the user-entered datapoint. Select the dimensions and levels to link for each, as shown in the following image.

    Edit Source panel

  6. Click Save.
  7. Click the Enter Data tab to view the data structure or input data, as shown in the following image.

    Enter Data tab

    If data entry is already displayed, click the Refresh button to refresh the contents in the Enter Data tab.

    In this tab, PMF displays the rows that are ready to receive data from input and allows you to enter data.

    • You can sort the contents of the Enter Data tab by clicking the column headings. The arrow next to the heading tells you the direction of the sort.
    • You can click on any row or column to highlight it and get a more detailed view.
    • You can resize the columns by dragging its borders in the headings.

    Click the small Save button within the Data Entry tab to save the data you entered into the individual datapoints on the Data Entry tab.


Reference: Lineage and Recalculation With User-Entered Sources

User-entered data differs from standard loaded data in the following ways:

Note: User-entered data is treated as updated on the date of entry, and the downstream datapoints and measure copies are treated as loaded on the day they were scheduled to update.

Updating User-Entered Sources

You can update user-entered sources at any time. PMF adjusts existing user-entered data for the datapoints in a user-entered source as follows:

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Working With Generated Sources

In this section:

How to:


Generated sources in PMF enable you to:

Generated sources enable PMF to automatically create sample data for your models. They should be used in the following situations:

Note: Data that is generated should not be treated as real performance data. PMF Release 5.3.2 cannot distinguish between generated and performance data, so use generated sources only for non-production work.

Procedure: How to Create a Generated Source

  1. From the Manage tab, click the Sources panel button.
  2. Click New.

    The New Source panel opens.

  3. Name the source, and from the first drop-down menu, select Generated (sample data). This indicates to PMF that the source will be generated automatically.
  4. Define each datapoint that you want to create. As you enter each datapoint, PMF will set default rules to be used between the generated source and datapoint. You can quickly enter this information by pressing the Tab key to move from field to field.

    If you choose to specify the rules that PMF should use to generate data, the following options are available:

    Decimal Format

    Specifies the decimal format of the data generated:

    • The first character can be D (Decimal) or I (Integer).
    • The next characters are numbers to specify the total length of the field.
    • You can indicate a period and number of digits of decimal precision.

    Examples of typical decimal formats are: D12.2, I8, D20.6, and I32.


    Controls how PMF will calculate the sample values:

    • Normal (Bell Curve) Distribution. PMF generates a range of values that favors the center of the numeric range you type for Lower/Upper Bounds.
    • Uniform Random Distribution. PMF generates an even distribution of values that favors no point in the numeric range.
    Lower/Upper Bounds

    The lowest and highest number for the range of possible values PMF will generate. The numbers will be formatted using the mask you entered in the Decimal Format field.

    Note: You can save your work and leave the session at any time. If minimum necessary entries are not set up to generate data, PMF will mark the generated source as Incomplete. Incomplete sources and their datapoints do not participate in recalculation. You need to complete the source to allow its datapoints to participate, or you will not be able to get the data published using measures.

  5. Click the Dimension Links tab and define the dimensions and levels for which PMF will generate data. This will affect some options in the Rules tab, so perform this step next if you know the dimensions you want to use for generating, as shown in the following image.

    Dimension Links tab

    The following option is available:

    Data Sparsity

    Controls the amount of data PMF generates by letting you focus the data on dimensional choices:

    • None. Generates a Cartesian cross-product of all possible dimension values.
    • Dimensional Filters. You can specify filters for the dimension levels for the generated datapoint. To specify the filters, select this option and use the drop-down menus, as shown in the following image.

      Filter options

    • Train. You can base the dimension level values along which PMF generates data on another datapoint. This lets you keep a limited amount of data together.

      You can specify any datapoint to train from a loadable datapoint, user-entered datapoint, derived datapoint, or another generated datapoint.

  6. Click Save.

Procedure: How to Update a Generated Source

To update a generated source:

  1. From the Manage tab, click the Sources panel button.
  2. Select the source you want to update. The Edit Source panel opens.
  3. Make the desired changes. You can rename or delete datapoints, change the generation method or values for any datapoint, or delete the entire generated source.


    • Datapoints are included in formulas and linked to measures by reference. Renaming them will percolate through the entire system.
    • Altering the generation method formula or the range values for a generated source automatically flags its data, and any later generations in the lineage for that Generated Source (including child derived datapoints and measure values) for a one-time wipe. If the data is also scheduled for reload, PMF performs that load after wiping the data.
  4. Click Save when you are done making edits. PMF will perform the actions on the source and/or save the changes into each datapoint for the source.

Reference: Lineage and Recalculation With Generated Sources

Generated sources are primary sources for data in PMF. As such, PMF treat these source types as first generation in any lineage, along with loadable and user-entered datapoints.

Promoting a Generated Source

Generated sources are used when you lack real data to prove that your model works, or they are needed for a demonstration. Once you are ready to use a working model with real data, generated sources are no longer necessary to feed your metrics.

To promote the generated source:

Reference: Specifying Dimensional Filters

If you have three or more dimensions specified in the Dimension tab, it is recommended that you enable Sparsity. You can then either select a datapoint to train on it, or set dimensional filters in the Dimensions tab, as shown in the following image.

The row count that is displayed next to the Data Sparsity drop-down menu shows how many rows will be generated using the current filters. The total row count is the Cartesian cross-product of all the dimensions currently filtered. If there are no filters specified, the entire cross-product is used.

To specify filters, select any of the PMF dimensions and use the Select FIlter drop-down menu to select values, as shown in the following image.

You can select as many values as desired, one at a time. Once you have set your filters, you can generate data. PMF will only generate data for the datapoints along the filtered paths specified.

Note: When generating data for a generated source, PMF will wipe all existing data before regenerating it using your new rules. With generated sources, the Preview tab is of value for new data you are planning to generate into an empty source, or when changing rules. If your rules have not changed, and data is showing up in the Preview tab as 100% added and deleted, you do not need to generate data.

Reference: Previewing Generated Data

You can preview the data that PMF will generate by clicking the Preview tab, as shown in the following image.

Preview tab

The Preview tab generally shows rows that are new, or will be updated or deleted.
