Customizing the Deferred Report Status Screen

How to:

The following WebFOCUS image files display on the Deferred Report Status blue banner:

These images are located in the install_drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS80\ibi_html\javaassist\images directory.

In the ENtemplate.xml files, there are templates that define the user interface display. The templates that reference the two images are:

<template name='DEFER_STATUS_WINDOW_STATUS_7'>
<template name='ERROR_MR_USER_REQUIRED_SEC1'>
<template name='ERROR_MR_USER_REQUIRED_SEC2'>

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Procedure: How to Remove the WebFOCUS and Information Builders Branding Images
  1. Create a backup of the WebFOCUS Client xxtemplate.xml file, where xx is the two-character language prefix.

    By default, this file is located in the WebFOCUS Client install_drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS80\client\wfc\etc\ directory.

    Note: The English version of the template file, ENtemplate.xml, is referenced in this procedure.

  2. Open the ENtemplate.xml file in a text editor.
  3. Change all image occurrences of /javaassist/images/logos/delogo1.gif and /javaassist/images/logos/delogo2.gif to /workbnch/cleardot.gif.
  4. Change the ALT= or alt= value, for each change in step 2, to ALT="" or alt="".
  5. Change the HEIGHT= value to "1" so you do not see a box display on the page where the cleardot.gif image is displaying.
  6. Add text-align:center to the <style definition so resizing of the blue banner text is centered correctly.

    The following code shows the ALT, image, and style references in the BLUE_TABLE_DEFERRED_PAGES template.

    <template name='BLUE_TABLE_DEFERRED_PAGES'>
    <TD BGCOLOR="#0000FF"><IMG ALT="WebFOCUS" 
    SRC="<insertvariable FOCHTMLURL
    />/javaassist/images/logos/delogo2.gif" WIDTH="85" HEIGHT="15" BORDER="0">
    <TD BGCOLOR="#0000FF" style="font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;color:yellow;
    font-weight:bold"> <insertvariable deferred_screen_caption />
    <TD BGCOLOR="#0000FF"><IMG ALT="Information Builders"SRC="<insertvariable FOCHTMLURL
    />/javaassist/images/logos/delogo1.gif" WIDTH="68" Height="25" BORDER="0">

    The following code shows the ALT, image, and style references in the BLUE_TABLE_DEFERRED_PAGES template after manual revisions to change the WebFOCUS and information Builders images to cleardot.gif, set the height to 1, and add the style attribute to center the blue banner text.

    <template name='BLUE_TABLE_DEFERRED_PAGES'>
    <TD BGCOLOR="#0000FF"><IMG ALT="" SRC="<insertvariable FOCHTMLURL
    />/workbnch/cleardot.gif" WIDTH="85" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0">
    <TD BGCOLOR="#0000FF" style="font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-
    <insertvariable deferred_screen_caption />
    <TD BGCOLOR="#0000FF"><IMG ALT="" SRC="<insertvariable FOCHTMLURL
    />/workbnch/cleardot.gif" width="68" Height="1" BORDER="0">
  7. Clear WebFOCUS Client cache by accessing the WebFOCUS Administration Console and selecting the Clear Cache option.
  8. Clear the browser cache.
  9. Start the browser, sign in to the BI Portal, and access the Deferred Status Interface to confirm that the screen displays without the WebFOCUS and Information Builders images and that the blue banner text is centered.

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Procedure: How to Hide Report Option Buttons in the Deferred Status Interface
  1. Create a backup of the WebFOCUS Client ENtemplate.xml file, where xx is the two-character language prefix.

    By default, this file is located in the WebFOCUS Client install_drive:/ibi/client/wfc/etc directory.

    Note: The English version of the template file, ENtemplate.xml, is referenced in this procedure.

  2. Open the ENtemplate.xml file in a text editor.
  3. To remove the Save option, remove the following sections of the ENtemplate.xml file.
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_SAVE_URL'>
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_SAVE'>
  4. To remove the Parameters option, which displays when the deferred report has been submitted with parameters, remove the following sections of the ENtemplate.xml file.
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_REPLAY_URL'> 
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_REPLAY'> 
  5. To remove the Run option, which displays when a deferred report has been submitted without parameters, remove the following sections of the ENtemplate.xml file.
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_RERUN_URL'>
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_RERUN'> 
  6. To remove the View option, remove the following sections of the ENtemplate.xml file.
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_VIEW_URL'> 
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_VIEW'> 

    Warning: It is not recommended to remove the View option, because this will prevent users from being able to view their deferred report output.

  7. To remove the Delete option, remove the following sections of the ENtemplate.xml file.
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_DO_DELETE_URL'> 
    <template name='DEFER_CONTROL_HREF_DO_DELETE'> 

    Warning: It is not recommended to remove the Delete option, because this will prevent users from being able to delete their deferred report output. If the Delete option is removed, the Reporting Server Deferred Report Expiration option should be set to limit the number of days deferred reports will be stored on the Reporting Servers. At the same time interval, the Managed Reporting Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility should be run to remove deferred report requests that do not have a corresponding deferred report output on the Reporting Server.

    For more information about configuring the Reporting Server Deferred Report Expiration option, see the Server Administration for UNIX, Windows, OpenVMS, IBM i, and z/OS manual.

  8. Save the ENtemplate.xml file.
  9. Restart the WebFOCUS web application.