Migrating Dashboard Data and Settings

In this section:

How to:

A utility is provided to migrate the Business Intelligence Dashboard (BID). The Dashboard migration utility copies Dashboard files for use with the latest WebFOCUS release from the following directory:


The entire worp directory is not migrated. Only the following selected files and directories are migrated.


.../worp/components/userdata (if folder exists)

Custom Templates

The template directories must be prefixed with custom_ under the\worp\worp_html directory. Otherwise, the custom templates need to be copied manually to the WebFOCUS80\worp_html directory.

Files Migrated From /worp/conf

xxx.tbx (if file exists)

To properly migrate, you must use the Dashboard migration utility. Manually copying directories and files into the WebFOCUS80 directory structure does not guarantee a functioning Dashboard environment.


Migration Steps

The migration consists of the following steps:

  1. Extract.

    This step extracts data from the earlier (source) release into a file named migrate.zip.

  2. Load.

    This step loads the data in the migrate.zip file.

The following WebFOCUS 8 directory must be copied to the \ibi\WebFOCUS7x\utilities directory prior to the start of migration:


The following migration utility file is used to migrate:





After the extraction process, your source data is placed in the migrate.zip file under a newly created export directory found under the \utilities\mr directory.

For example:


The .zip file contains the extracted contents. A bid_extract.log file is also created in the export directory.

The migrate.zip file must be copied to the \ibi\WebFOCUS80\migration_import directory on the WebFOCUS 8 machine, so the bidmigrate utility finds it when loading data into WebFOCUS 8.

Top of page

Procedure: How to Run the Extract Step on a Windows Platform
  1. Stop your web and application servers.
  2. Start the migration utility.
  3. Execute the following:
    drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS77\utilities\mr>bidmigrate extract  
    WebFOCUS_worp_directory_location  WebFOCUS_Release_to_be_migrated

    For example,

    C:\ibi\WebFOCUS77\utilities\mr>bidmigrate extract 
    C:\ibi\WebFOCUS77\worp 77



    The main menu opens, as shown in the following image.

  4. Select Extract an existing Dashboard environment and click Next.

    You are prompted for the Dashboard directory for the release that you are migrating. A directory may appear by default if the worp directory exists under the WebFOCUS installation directory.

  5. Identify the worp directory for the release that you are migrating from and click Next.

    The migration utility also migrates three directories outside of the worp directory under the /ibi_html directory (publish, template, prepared).

  6. Choose which release you are migrating from and click Next.

    When the extract completes, you receive the following message.

The migrate.zip and bid_extract.log files are created under:


Procedure: How to Run the Extract Step on a UNIX Platform
  1. Stop your web and application servers.
  2. Start the migration utility.

    Execute the following:

    ./bidmigrate extract WebFOCUS_worp_directory_location 

    For example,

    ./bidmigrate extract /ibi/webfocus77/worp 77



    The following prompt is displayed:

  3. Type 1.

    You are prompted for the Dashboard directory for the release that you are migrating. A directory may appear, by default, if the worp directory exists under the WebFOCUS installation directory.

  4. If the default path is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, specify the path to the worp directory.

    Note: The migration utility also migrates three directories outside of the worp directory under the /ibi_html directory (published, template, prepared).

    The utility prompts for the WebFOCUS release number that you are migrating from, as shown in the following image:

  5. Specify the number in the list for the release that you are extracting from.

    When the extract completes, you receive the following message:

The migrate.zip and bid_extract.log files are created under:


Procedure: How to Perform the Load Step on a Windows Platform

The load step loads the contents of migrate.zip for the new WebFOCUS release.

You must copy the migrate.zip file from the /ibi/WebFOCUS7x/utilities/mr directory to the \ibi\WebFOCUS80\migration_import directory on the WebFOCUS 8 machine.

To run the load step on the Windows platform:

  1. Stop your web and application servers.
  2. Start the migration utility.
  3. Execute the following:
    C:\ibi\WebFOCUS80\utilities\mr>bidmigrate load                Release_of_WebFOCUS_to_be_migrated              

    For example:

    C:\ibi\WebFOCUS80\utilities\mr>bidmigrate load 77              



    The main menu appears, as shown in the following image.

  4. Select Load and upgrade the extracted environment to the current installation and click Next.

    When the load completes, you receive the following message:

The bid_load.log file is created under the ibi\WebFOCUS80\migration_import directory.

Top of page

Procedure: How to Perform the Load Step on a UNIX Platform
  1. Stop your web and application servers.
  2. Start the migration utility.

    Execute the following

    ./bidmigrate load 77



    The following prompt is displayed:

  3. Type 2.

    When the load completes, you receive the following message:

The bid_load.log file is created under the /install_directory/ibi/WebFOCUS80/migration_import directory.

Top of page

Business Intelligence Dashboard Post-Migration Steps

How to:

The following section describes the BI Dashboard post-migration steps.

Public user configurations performed from View Builder in releases prior to WebFOCUS Version 8 are not migrated. This included defining a Public user for Public Views other than the Public ID and a Public user Reporting Server ID and password.

Public user authorization in a Public view is based on user permissions. In WebFOCUS Version 8, the Public ID is migrated and automatically assigned the WF_Role_Public role. An alternate user ID designated as the Public user needs to be assigned the WF_Role_Public role.

Defining a Public user for Public Views other than the default Public ID and assigning a Public user Reporting Server ID and password require the following post-migration steps.

Procedure: How to Configure the Public User
  1. From the Administration menu, select Administration Console.

    The Administration Console opens.

  2. From the navigation pane, click Configuration.
  3. Under Application Settings, click Other.
  4. For the IBI_Enable_UDR parameter, select the TRUE radio button, as shown in the following image.

    Note: This will enable the UDR (User Default Role) tab in the Security Center User dialog box.

  5. Under Application Settings, click Security.
  6. In the IBI_Anonymous_User field, enter the Public user ID, as shown in the following image. The default user name is public.

  7. To configure the Public user Reporting Server ID and password, enter the ID and password in the IBI_Anonymous_WFRS_User and IBI_Anonymous_WFRS_Pass fields.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Recycle the Application Server.
  10. To assign the User Default Role for the Public Named user, select Security Center from the Administration menu. The Security Center opens.
  11. Select the Public Named user, right-click, and select Edit.
  12. Click the Default Role tab. Verify that the user has the WF_Role_Public permission set check box selected. If not, remove the existing permission sets.
  13. Select the WF_Role_Public permission set, as shown in the following image, and click OK.

  14. Add the Public named user to the Anonymous Group.
  15. Click Close.