Active Technologies Classes

In this section:


This topic describes each Active Technologies class that is available for styling part of an Active Technologies report or dashboard. It contains an example of the implementation of each class.

Interpreting the Information

Cascading style sheets (CSS) supports many colors, font sizes, and font styles, including hexadecimal color code values. For details on the available standard CSS properties and values, see the CSS page of the World Wide Web Consortium ( and the Adobe Flex 4.5 CSS reference website ( Note that the Adobe documentation is based on the most recent release, for example, 4.6.

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Report Classes

These classes style a tabular active report.

Class: .activeReport


Description: Defines the overall look of a tabular active report and the Active Technologies elements of the report.

This class can be overwritten by the styles directly set in the TYPE=REPORT section of a WebFOCUS StyleSheet.


   "font-family:Georgia, serif;",

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Message Classes

These classes style the message text that is displayed for an end user.

Class: .arLoadingMessage

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the font style of the Loading message text for an AHTML report or dashboard.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



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Dashboard Classes

These classes style an active dashboard.

Class: .arDashboard

Description: Currently unused.

Class: .arDashboardObject

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the border around each report and chart object in an active dashboard.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:2px solid red;"

Class: .arDashboardMergeDropdown


Description: Defines the style of the global filter drop-down box in the dashboard bar at the top of an active dashboard when the coordinated option is set.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:2px solid red;"

Class: .arDashboardBar


Description: Defines the overall style of the dashboard bar at the top of an active dashboard. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer®.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



For sample output, see .arDashboardBarButtonSelected.

Class: .arDashboardBarButton


Description: Defines the overall style of the buttons in the dashboard bar when an active dashboard contains multiple pages for the creation of tabs. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



For sample output, see .arDashboardBarButtonSelected.

Class: .arDashboardBarButtonSelected


Description: Defines the overall style of the button selected in the dashboard bar when an active dashboard contains multiple pages for the creation of tabs. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



Class: .arDashboardBarGlobalMobile

Description: Currently unused.

Class: .arDashboardBarGlobalButton

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the background color of the global filter icon in the dashboard bar at the top of an active dashboard.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



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Grid Classes

These classes style the grid elements of a tabular active report.

Class: .arGrid


Description: Defines the overall look of the grid elements in a tabular active report.

The font type and the size of the grid excluding data reflect the values set in this class. The font type and the size of the data in the grid are controlled by the WebFOCUS Reporting Server outside of Active Technologies when nothing is set in the procedure.

This class can be overwritten by styles set in sections of a WebFOCUS StyleSheet, for example, TYPE=REPORT, TYPE=DATA, and TYPE=TITLE.


   "border:2px solid red;",

Class: .arGridBar


Description: Defines the overall look of the pagination bar in a tabular active report. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

This class can be overwritten by the styles set in the TYPE=REPORT, OBJECT=STATUS-AREA section of a WebFOCUS StyleSheet. The WebFOCUS StyleSheet sets the same style for the grid pagination bar, chart tool bar, and pivot tool bar. To set a different style for each bar, you must use each style class as documented in this topic.


   "border:4px solid green;"

Class: .arGridBarCalc

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the styles of the toggle button that appears in the pagination bar of a tabular active report when a column contains a calculation that is applied using Active Technologies calculation options and when the user applies a filter to the report.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



Class: .arGridColumnHeading


Description: Defines the styles of the column headings in a tabular active report.

This class can be overwritten by the styles set in the TYPE=TITLE section of a WebFOCUS StyleSheet.



Class: .arGridAgg

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the styles of the label that appears in a tabular active report when a column contains a calculation that is applied using Active Technologies calculation options.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



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Chart Classes

These classes style an active chart.

Class: .arChart

Applies To: FLEX, APDF

Description: Defines the background style and font for an Adobe Flex chart with the FLEX or APDF output format. This class does not affect the chart style itself. It has no effect on other chart engines, except for the default chart heading area.



Class: .arChartMenuBar


Description: Defines the overall look of the chart tool bar in an active chart. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

This class can be overwritten by the styles set in the TYPE=REPORT, OBJECT=STATUS-AREA section of a WebFOCUS StyleSheet. The WebFOCUS StyleSheet sets the same style for the grid pagination bar, chart tool bar, and pivot tool bar. To set a different style for each bar, you must use each style class as documented in this topic.


   "border:3px solid yellow;"

Class: .arChartMenuBarContainer

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the divider lines in the chart tool bar.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border-right:2px solid red;" 

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Pivot Classes

These classes style the Pivot Tool and pivot table.

Class: .arPivot

Description: Currently unused.

Class: .arPivotMenuBar


Description: Defines the overall look of the pivot tool bar in an active report. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

This class can be overwritten by the styles set in the TYPE=REPORT, OBJECT=STATUS-AREA section of a WebFOCUS StyleSheet. The WebFOCUS StyleSheet sets the same style for the grid pagination bar, chart tool bar, and pivot tool bar. To set a different style for each bar, you must use each style class as documented in this topic.

Currently, there is a known issue with this feature, and the styles set in the .arChartMenuBar class may overwrite this class.


   "border:5px solid yellow;"

Class: .arPivotMenuBarContainer

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the divider lines in the pivot tool bar.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border-right:3px solid red;"

Class: .arPivotColumnHeading


Description: Defines the styles of the column headings in a pivot table.

This class can be overwritten by the styles set in the TYPE=TITLE section of a WebFOCUS StyleSheet.



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Filter Classes

These classes style the Filter Selection dialog box.

Class: .arFilter


Description: Defines the styles of the Filter Selection dialog box inside the Filter window.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid red;",

Class: .arFilterItem

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the styles of each filter condition inside the Filter Selection dialog box.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



Class: .arFilterItemDrowpDown

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the styles of the drop-down box for the filter condition inside the Filter Selection dialog box.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


        "border:3px solid red;"

Class: .arFilterSelectionValues

Description: Currently unused.

Class: .arFilterButton


Description: Defines the overall style of the buttons in the Filter Selection dialog box. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



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Prompt Classes

These classes style the buttons in select windows that prompt for information.

Class: .arPromptButton

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the overall style of the buttons in the window that prompts for information for the Save Changes, Send as E-mail, and Add Comment menu options. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



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Window Classes

These classes style select windows.

Class: .arWindow

Description: Currently unused.

Class: .arWindowBar


Description: Defines the overall color of the window title bar for all pop-up window dialog boxes used in an active report. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid red;",

For sample output, see .arWindowBarTitle.

Class: .arWindowBarTitle

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the overall style of the window title for all pop-up window dialog boxes used in an active report.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "font-family:Times New Roman, Times, serif;",

Class: .arWindowMinBox

Description: Currently unused.

Class: .arWindowMinBoxTab

Description: Currently unused.

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Menu Classes

These classes style the drop-down menu of select windows and select drop-down lists.

Class: .arMenu


Description: Defines the overall look of the drop-down menu in the tabular active report, chart, rollup, and pivot windows. It also defines the drop-down list used in the Filter Selection dialog box. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

This class can be overwritten by the styles set in the TYPE=REPORT, OBJECT=MENU section of a WebFOCUS StyleSheet.


   "border:2px solid green;"

For sample output, see .arMenuHover.

Class: .arMenuHover

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the hover over style of the drop-down menu in the tabular active report, chart, rollup, and pivot windows. It also defines the drop-down list used in the Filter Selection dialog box. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

This class can be overwritten by the styles set in the TYPE=REPORT, OBJECT=MENU section of a WebFOCUS StyleSheet.


   "font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;",

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Tool Classes

These classes style the Grid Tool, Chart/Rollup Tool, and Pivot Tool.

Class: .arTool

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the styles of the Grid Tool, Chart/Rollup Tool, and Pivot Tool dialog boxes inside the window for each tool.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid red;",

Class: .arToolDragBox

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the styles of the mouse over pop-up field name that is displayed when you are dragging a field name in the Grid Tool, Chart/Rollup Tool, or Pivot Tool dialog box.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;",
   "border:3px solid red;",

Class: .arToolColumnBorder

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the border inside the Grid Tool, Chart/Rollup Tool, and Pivot Tool dialog boxes. Note that this border is different from the pop-up window border.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid red;"

Class: .arToolColumn

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the styles for the column section inside the Grid Tool, Chart/Rollup Tool, and Pivot Tool dialog boxes.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid red;"

Class: .arToolColumnHeading

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the styles for the column section heading inside the Grid Tool, Chart/Rollup Tool, and Pivot Tool dialog boxes.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



Class: .arToolColumnSelect

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the background color between the field names in the column section of the Grid Tool, Chart/Rollup Tool, and Pivot Tool dialog boxes. If you set the background color for the column section using the .arToolColumn class, set the same background color using this class to remove the white spaces.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



Class: .arToolItem

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the styles for the field names and descriptions inside the column section of the Grid Tool, Chart/Rollup Tool, and Pivot Tool dialog boxes.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



Class: .arToolItemSeperator

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the style of the field name separator in the Grid Tool.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid yellow;"

Class: .arToolMenuBar

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the look of the chart tool bar in the Chart/Rollup Tool. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

The chart tool bar in the Chart/Rollup Tool appears only when you are using a chart engine available prior to the 7.7.04 release of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



Class: .arToolButton

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the overall style of the buttons in the Grid Tool, Chart/Rollup Tool, and Pivot Tool windows. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



Class: .arToolTab

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the overall style of the tab in the Chart/Rollup Tool when you are using the HTML5 chart engine in the 7.7.04 or higher release of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.



For sample output, see .arToolTabSelected.

Class: .arToolTabSelected

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the overall style of the tab selected in the Chart/Rollup Tool when you are using the HTML5 chart engine in the 7.7.04 or higher release of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid green;",

Class: .arToolChartIcon

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the overall display of the chart image in the Charts tab of the Chart/Rollup Tool when you are using the HTML5 chart engine in the 7.7.04 or higher release of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. You cannot change the chart label font.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid blue;",

For sample output, see .arToolChartIconSelected.

Class: .arToolChartIconSelected

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the overall display of the chart image selected in the Charts tab of the Chart/Rollup Tool when you are using the HTML5 chart engine in the 7.7.04 or higher release of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. You cannot change the chart label font.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid red;",

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Comment Classes

These classes style comments.

Class: .arCommentCell

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the border around the comments when comments are entered and displayed in a tabular active report.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border:3px solid red;",

Class: .arCommentText

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the font style used to display comments in the Add Comment dialog box and when comments are entered and displayed in a tabular active report.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "font-family:Courier New,Courier, monospace;",

For sample output, see .arCommentDate.

Class: .arCommentDate

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the font style used in the date and time display of the comments in the Add Comment dialog box and when comments are entered and displayed in a tabular active report.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "font-family:Comic Sans MS, cursive, sans-serif;",

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ByToc Classes

These classes are currently unused.

Class: .arByToc

Description: Currently unused.

Class: .arByTocTitle

Description: Currently unused.

Class: .arByTocItemSelected

Description: Currently unused.

Class: .arByTocItem

Description: Currently unused.

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Active Mobile Classes

These classes are currently unused.

Class: .activeMobile

Description: Currently unused.

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Mobile Menu Item Classes

These classes style menu items in Active Technologies for mobile web apps.

Class: .amMenuItem

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the font style and position used for the menu in Active Technologies for mobile web apps.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "font-family:Comic Sans MS, cursive, sans-serif;",
   "padding:8px 2px 8px 2px;",

For sample output, see .amButton.

Class: .amMenuItemRight

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the font style and position used for the values displayed on the right of the menu in Active Technologies for mobile web apps.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;",
   "padding:8px 2px 8px 2px;",

For sample output, see .amButton.

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Mobile Menu Button Classes

These classes style the buttons used in the menu in Active Technologies for mobile web apps.

Class: .amButton

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the style and position of the buttons used in the menu in Active Technologies for mobile web apps.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "font-family:Times New Roman, Times, serif;",
   "border-width:0px 8px 0px 8px;",

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Mobile Tab Classes

These classes style the tabs in Active Technologies for mobile web apps.

Class: .arMobileTabSelected

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the overall style of the tab selected in Active Technologies for mobile web apps. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px;",
   "-moz-border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px;",
   "-webkit-border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;",
   "border-width:4px 4px 4px 0px;"

For sample output, see .arMobileTab.

Class: .arMobileTab

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the overall style of the tabs used to display multiple objects in Active Technologies for mobile web apps. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.


   "border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px;",
   "-moz-border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px;",
   "-webkit-border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;",
   "border-width:4px 4px 4px 0px;"

Class: .arMobileTabBar

Applies To: AHTML

Description: Defines the background color of the tab area in Active Technologies for mobile web apps. The default background color is white. AHTML supports gradient CSS style syntax for most browsers, except for the earlier releases of Internet Explorer.

There is no equivalent option in a WebFOCUS StyleSheet to overwrite this class.

