Building a Model

In this section:

In this section, we will review the different model types that are available in RStat and build a Decision Tree model. For more information, see Building the Decision Tree Model.

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Model Tab Options

In this section:

How to:

Using RStat, you can define and execute various models against a selected database.

The model types that are available in RStat include:

Note: The Tree option is selected by default.

The following procedure provides basic guidance for executing a model type option.

Procedure: How to Execute a Model Type Option
  1. Open RStat.
  2. Click the folder adjacent to the Filename field and select a data set.
  3. Click Execute to load the data.
  4. Click the Model tab.
  5. Select one of the following options:
    1. Tree
    2. Forest
    3. Boost
    4. SVM
    5. Regression
    6. Neural Net
    7. Survival
  6. Select or populate fields based on the option you select. For more information, refer to each of the model options discussed in this section.
  7. Click Execute to view the model based on your selections.

    For example, the following image illustrates the results of modeling using SVM with the default Kernel value selected (Radial Basis (rbfdot)). The novelty detection: one-svc option was selected.

    The following sections present key functionality for each of the different model types.

Decision Tree Model

The Tree option is used to generate a decision tree, which is the prototypical data mining technique. It is widely used because of its ease of interpretation. The Tree model is selected by default and uses an underlying algorithm (model builder) of rpart, as shown in the following image.

The following table lists and describes the fields that are used to adjust a Decision Tree model.

Field Name


Min Split

The minimum number of entities that must exist in a data set at any node for a split of that node to be attempted. The default value is 20.

Min Bucket

The minimum number of entities allowed in any leaf node of the decision tree. The default value is one third of the min split.

Max Depth

Allows you to set the maximum depth of any node of the final tree. The root node is counted as depth 0. The default value is 30.

Note: Values greater than 30 will generate invalid results on 32-bit machines.


Also known as the complexity parameter (cp), this value allows you to control the size of the decision tree and select the optimal size tree. If the cost of adding another variable to the decision tree from the current node is above the value of the cp, then tree building does not continue. The default value is 0.0100.

Note: The main role of this parameter is to save computing time by pruning unnecessary splits.


Allows you to set the prior probabilities for each class.

Loss Matrix

Allows you to weight the outcome classes differently.

Once you have specified your model criteria, you must click the Execute button to view the result. Since Tree was selected, the Summary of the Decision Tree model displays, as shown in the following image.

Note: The default values for all fields were used to create this example.

You can view the summary or access other features of the application, including Rules, Draw, and FancyPlots. For more information, see:

Random Forest Model

The Forest option creates a Random Forest model. The underlying algorithm (randomForest) builds multiple decision trees from different samples of the data set. While building each tree, random subsets of the available variables are considered for splitting the data at each node of the tree.

You can specify a number of trees (the default is 500) and a number of variables (the default is 4), as shown in the following image.

The following table lists and describes the fields that are used to adjust the Random Forest model.

Field Name


Number of Trees

The number of trees to build.

Note: In order to ensure that every input row gets predicted at least a few times, this value should not be set to a number that is too low. The default value is 500.

Number of Variables

This is the number of variables to be considered at any time in deciding how to partition the data set. Each split produces a number of variables which are randomly sampled as candidates.

Sample Size

Size(s) of a sample to draw.


This applies to missing variables. If this check box is selected, the variables are transferred by replacing any NA values with one of the following (depending on the current selection):

  • Missing
  • 0
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Mode
  • Constant

Once you have indicated your criteria, you must click the Execute button to see the results, as shown in the following image.

Boost Model

The Boost option is used to review the results of the Ada Boost (ada) model, as ada is the underlying algorithm (model builder). Boosting builds multiple, but generally simple, models. The models might be decision trees that have just one split. These are commonly referred to as decision stumps.

The Boost model allows you to specify the number of trees, in addition to other criteria, as shown in the following image.

The following table lists and describes the fields that are used to adjust the Boost model.

Field Name


Number of Trees

The number of trees to build.

Note: In order to ensure that every input row is predicted at least a few times, this value should not be set to a number that is too low. The default value is 50.

Max Depth

Allows you to set the maximum depth of any node of the final tree. The root node is counted as depth 0. The default value is 30.

Note: Values greater than 30 will generate invalid results on 32-bit machines.


If the Stumps check box is selected, you can build stumps using the Boost model. If the Stumps check box is not selected, the results in the default values are deactivated.

Min Split

The minimum number of entities that must exist in a data set at any node for a split of that node to be attempted. The default value is 20.


Also known as the complexity parameter (cp), this value allows you to control the size of the decision tree and select the optimal size tree. If the cost of adding another variable to the decision tree from the current node is above the value of the cp, then tree building does not continue. The default value is 0.0100.

Note: The main role of this parameter is to save computing time by pruning unnecessary splits.

X Val

Refers to the number of cross-validation errors allowed. The default value is 10.

Once you have defined your model criteria, you must click the Execute button to review the results, as shown in the following image.

SVM Model

The Support Vector Model (SVM) is a modern approach to modeling where the data is mapped to a higher dimensional space. This increases the possibility that vectors separating the classes will be found.

You can select the SVM option to specify a kernel and related options in support of the model.


The Options drop-down list defaults to C classification: C-svc, as shown in the following image. If you do not make a selection from the Options drop-down list, the default value is used.

The following table lists the options that are available on the SVM model screen.

Field Name



The kernel function is used in training and predicting. You can select one of the following kernels:

  • Radial Basis (rbfdot) (Default)
  • Polynomial (polydot)
  • Linear (vanilladot)
  • Hyperbolic Tangent (tanhdot)
  • Laplacian (laplacedot)
  • Bessel (besseldot)
  • ANOVA RBF (anovadot)
  • Spline (splinedot)


The ksvm model builder can be used for classification, regression, or novelty detection. When using the ksvm model builder, you can select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • C classification: C-svc (Default)
  • nu classification: nu-svc
  • bound-constraint svm classification: C-bsvc
  • Crammer, Singer native multi-class: spoc-svc
  • Weston,Watkins native multi-class: kbb-svc
  • novelty detection: one-svc
  • epsilon regression: eps-svr
  • nu regression: nu-svr
  • bound-constraint svm regression: eps-bsvr

Regression Model

When the Regression option is selected, the following techniques related to regression can be performed:

Regression is a traditional approach to modeling. The model builder glm (logit) is used by the Regression model. Logistic regression (using the binomial family) is used to model binary outcomes. Linear regression is used to model a linear numeric outcome. For predicting where the outcome is a count, the Poisson family is used. Generalized Regression is generalization of standard linear regression, allowing for response variables that fall outside of a normal distribution. Multinomial regression generalizes logistic regression, in that it allows more than two discrete outcomes. For more information, see Building a Logistic Model and Building a Linear Regression Model.

This section describes advanced regression, which is accessible by clicking the Advanced GLM button, as shown in the following image.

Note: You must have a data set loaded in order to use Advanced GLM. In addition, Advanced GLM can be run with either of the regression techniques, depending on your underlying data.

Once you have the data set loaded, RStat displays only those models that are available. The remaining models are unavailable and greyed out, depending on the data in the data set that you selected.

The Advanced GLM GUI contains all of the model types that exist for the Regression model, as shown in the following image.

Note: The FamilyOptions default is Logistic, as this is based on the selection you made. You can select any other option that is enabled (for example, Binomial or Negative Binomial).

Once you make a selection for FamilyOptions, the values for LinkFunctions and Starting Values may be enabled or disabled, depending on your FamilyOptions selection. The following options are available:

FamilyOptions. A description of the error distribution and the LinkFunction to be used in the model. The error is the difference between the predicted value (from the model) and the response value (from the data). The following options are available:

LinkFunctions. Provide a relationship between the linear model and the response variable. The following options are available:

Starting Values. When the Starting Values field is enabled, a text box displays enabling the entry of one or more starting values.

Save the current output to file. Saves the output in the Model textview window to a file. This is also known as metadata. It is saved as a text file and you can specify the location (path) for the saved file.

Execute current selections. Executes or runs the regression using the current selection for FamilyOptions and optionally, LinkFunctions and Starting Values.

Export the current tree model. Exports the resulting model. You must specify whether it is to export to a C routine or pmml (XML), not .csv or .txt.

Neural Net Model

Neural Network (Neural Net) is an older approach to modeling. The Neural Net model uses a structure that resembles the neural network of a human being. When applied to modeling, the concept is to build a network of neurons that are connected by synapses. Rather than generate electrical signals, however, the network propagates numbers.

When using the Neural Net model, you can include or exclude the interval of networks from your model. The interval of networks is used to define and describe the relationships within your model. Display of these intervals is accomplished using the Skip field. When set to True (default), the interval of networks displays. If the Skip field is set to False, the interval of networks does not display.

The default value of True is shown in the following image.

The following table lists the options that are available on the Neural Net model screen.

Field Name


Hidden Layer Nodes

The number of hidden layer nodes to display. The default is 10.


Set to a value of TRUE by default, this field switches between the input and output of skip-layer connections, depending on your selection.

In the following diagram, the relationships between the different layers of a neural record are illustrated. The bottom portion represents the input layer, the middle nodes form the hidden layer, and the top components constitute the output layer.

Note: The number of nodes varies in different applications. In addition, you must have a data set selected and loaded in order to use this functionality.

The following example shows the results of a Neural Net model with the Skip field set to True. Accordingly, RStat displays the interval of networks.

Survival Model

The Survival Model is used to model time-to-event data. When using this option, you can select Cox Proportional Hazards (coxph) or Parametric (survreg) to perform your Survival Analysis, as shown in the following image. For more information on the Survival model, see Building a Survival Model.

The following table lists and describes the fields that are used to adjust a Survival model.

Field Name



The variable that you selected (time) on the Data tab.


The variable that you selected (status) on the Data tab.

Model Builder

The name of the model builder (coxph or survreg) related to the selection you made: Cox Proportional Hazards or Parametric.

Cox Proportional Hazards

A general regression model that predicts individual risk relative to the population.


Also known as the accelerated failure time model, this regression model predicts the expected time to the event of interest.


This option enables you to view the results of the Cox Proportional Hazards model. For more information, see Building a Survival Model.


This button enables the testing of the assumption of proportional hazards.

Building the Decision Tree Model

This section reviews the basic procedure for building a Decision Tree model.

  1. Select the Model tab.

    Tree is selected by default, based on your input data.

    Model tab

  2. Click Execute to create the model.

    The model metadata or output appears in the model textview area, as shown in the following image.

    Model output window

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Visualizing the Decision Tree Model

In this section:

How to:

The Decision Tree generates rules that predict the score.

The Decision Tree divides the sample data into multiple segments (branches). Each branch terminates in a node that associates a subset of the customers with a predicted score. The rules describe the criteria that qualify for each node. The predicted score is a probability value between 0 and 1. Those with a probability of .5 or greater are predicted as a good risk, and those with less than .5 are predicted as a bad risk.

You can display the rules or diagram the nodes.

Procedure: How to Display the Decision Tree Model Rules
  1. On the Model tab, click Rules to display the rules associated with the selected database, as shown in the following image.

    Rules button

    The Rpart Rules GUI displays, as shown in the following image.

  2. Scroll down to review the rules.
  3. Optionally, click Save current output to file to save the rules information as a .txt or .xml file.

    The Export Rpart Rules dialog displays, as shown in the following image. This enables you to specify a file name and a folder location.

    Note: You can save the file in the current (default) folder or specify a new folder in which to place the file by clicking Browse for other folders.

  4. Click Save to save the file.

Diagramming the Decision Tree Model Rules

Click Draw to display the Tree diagram.

The colored numbers at the end of each node correspond to the rules.

Decision Tree Model graph

Using FancyPlots

Accessed from the Model tab in the RStat application, the FancyPlot functionality enables you to plot data from the database with which you are working. You can also split the plot or collapse nodes in the tree. FancyPlots provide unique charting options that can be customized for each data set.

Procedure: How to Access FancyPlots
  1. Launch RStat.
  2. On the Data tab, select a file name to load and then click Execute.
  3. Click the Model tab, as shown in the following image.
  4. Ensure that Tree is selected for Type and click Execute.
  5. Click FancyPlot, as shown in the following image.

    The FancyPlot functionality displays, as shown in the following image.

    You can use varying combinations in the primary sections: SplitType and BranchType. Upon selecting different combinations of type and branch, click Execute in the toolbar to update the tree image in the drawing area.

    The following table defines these options.






    The default. Draw a split label at each split and a node label at each leaf.

    List All Nodes

    Label all nodes, not just the leaves. Similar to text.rpart all=TRUE.

    Labels Under Nodes

    Similar to List All Nodes, but draws the split labels below the node labels. Similar to the plots in the CART book.

    Label Both Directions

    Draw separate split labels for the left and right directions.

    List All Nodes and Both Directions

    Similar to Label Both Directions, but labels all nodes, not just leaves.



    The default. The branch lines are drawn conventionally.




    Square-root (deviance)


    Deviance / nobs


    The standard deviation when method=anova


    Also known as frame$wt, this is the number of observations at the node, unless rpart weight argument was used.




    This is the predicted value.




    For checking visual perception of the relative width of branches.

    The GUI also has a toolbar with options that enable some of the basic functionality of charting. From left to right, these options are: Save current output to file, Execute current selections, Clear output area, Collapse nodes and re-plot model, and Export the current tree model.

Charting With FancyPlots

You can use any combination of Split Type and Branch Type to build your chart. You can clear the output area before creating a new chart or work with the initial chart that displays by default. You can perform the following tasks when charting with FancyPlots:

  • Click Save to save the current image.
  • Click Execute to update the image with the current setting or show the selected snipped model.
  • Click Edit to enable the Snipping function.
  • Click Clear to clear the drawing area.
  • Click Export to export the selected (current) tree model as a scoring routine.

Some additional concepts for charting with FancyPlots include:

  • You can collapse nodes in the tree using the scissors icon, which is available in the toolbar.
  • When the plot is active, you will see a Quit option in the upper-left corner of the chart and all nodes will be connected with black lines.
  • When you click on a node, the subtree will be colored.
  • As you snip one or more charts, the various versions of the chart will display in the Tree Models drop-down list.
  • The Rules button displays the RpartRulesGUI.
  • At any time, you can save a chart in one of the following formats: .pdf, .png, .jpg, .svg, or .wmf.

Decision-Tree Snipping

When working with a decision tree in a FancyPlot, you can edit it using the scissors icon. This enables you to determine which branches of the tree will be included in your decision tree.

When snipping the decision tree, you must snip at the intersection of a branch, as shown in the red circle in the following image.

Once you have made a snip, you can click on the Quit icon to redraw the FancyPlot without the section that you just snipped. The Quit icon displays in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Within the decision tree, the lines of the branches are black until a snip is made. Snipping changes the color to grey, indicating that this portion of the decision tree will be removed based on your snip. This is shown in the following image.

Note: If you snip at the top of the branch (where subordinate or lower branches are included), fewer nodes display, reducing the size of the chart (when the intersection and lower branches are removed).

Once you click Quit, the updated FancyPlot displays (showing the area that was snipped).

Note: In the diagram above, under the Education = Mst section, notice the node with YES = 100% of 8 before snipping and after snipping. The value of the No node is 58% of 184 after snipping, as well as before, however, this is now the end node.

As you are editing the decision tree, different versions of the tree are saved for each change you make, as shown in the following image.

This process creates a history for the chart with which you are working. You can create historical snapshots of your files and routines (PDFs or C Routines), as described in the following sections.

Saving a Decision Tree as a PDF File

Each original and snipped tree model can be saved as a unique .pdf.

Procedure: How to Save a Decision Tree as a PDF File
  1. Select a model in the drop-down box.
  2. Click Execute to review the model and make sure that it is the one that you wanted.
  3. Click Save to save the current image to disk, as shown in the following image.

    Note: You can specify a different name for the report in the Name field.

Saving a Decision Tree as a C Routine

Each original and snipped tree model can be saved as a c routine.

Procedure: How to Save an Decision Tree as a C Routine
  1. Select a model in the drop-down box.
  2. Click Execute to review the model and make sure that it is the one that you wanted.
  3. Click Save save the decision tree as a c routine, as shown in the following image.

    Note: Both Save Current Output to file and Export the Current Tree Model offer the option to Browse for other folders, as shown in the following image.

    Note: You can specify a different name for the report in the Name field.

Creating FancyPlots

This section presents a series of screenshots that further illustrate the FancyPlot charting functionality. You can perform the following tasks with the FancyPlot GUI:

  • Create a FancyPlot of a Decision Tree
  • Snipping and resnipping of FancyPlots
  • The ability to save the images you create
  • Functionality in support of exporting to a C routine.

Procedure: How to Create Different Types of Fancy Plots
  1. The first screen shows a basic plotted chart, through which the current tree model can be exported. Using the SplitType and BranchType categories on the left, you can vary the output of your plot.

    Note: Some combinations are not allowed. In those cases, an error message will display.

  2. When working with a plotted chart, you can clear the chart from the user interface, leaving a blank canvas with which to work.

  3. Once you have an output, you can save it to a file.

  4. Next, you can then open the plot and use the edit (scissor image) to collapse the nodes in the tree.

    Note: You will see a Quit icon in the left corner of the diagram. In addition, all nodes are connected by a solid black line.

  5. When you click one of the nodes, the sub-tree will be colored.

  6. Click Quit and another tree displays (without the selected sub--trees).

  7. After each snipping procedure, the new tree model name is added to the drop-down list.

  8. Select any portion of the new model (other than the original tree model) and perform a snip.

  9. Select any model in the drop-down list and click Execute. The selected model will be drawn in the drawing area.

    Note: It is recommended that you try at least three different models before making a determination.

  10. Save the snipped tree and check the saved image.