Creating and Updating a Schedule

In this section:

This section describes the structure of the RESTful web service request that is used to create and update a ReportCaster Schedule.


REST URL Format:




Is the name of the system where WebFOCUS is installed.


Is the port number used by WebFOCUS.


Is the name of the folder that will contain the ReportCaster Schedule. If the folder used for the Schedule is a subfolder, the path to the subfolder name must be included in the REST URL. For example, TopFolderName/SubFolderName


Is the name of the ReportCaster Schedule to be added or updated, which also must have a .sch extension.

Body Format:




Specify one of the following options:


Is the XML object that defines the ReportCaster Schedule. The XML object consists of seven components, which are concatenated in the following order:

Top of page

Schedule rootObject

This section describes the Schedule rootObject.

Body Format:

<rootObject _jt="IBFSCasterObject" description="ScheduleTitle" type="CasterSchedule">



Is the text describing the job that is being scheduled. The maximum size of the description is 90 characters.

Top of page

Schedule Properties

This section describes the Schedule properties.

Body Format:

<casterObject _jt="CasterSchedule" active="Active" deleteJobAfterRun="DeleteJobAfterRun" description="ScheduleTitle"
  owner="Owner" priority="Priority" traceType="TraceType">



Is the flag indicating whether or not a Schedule is active. If set to true, the Schedule is active. If set to false, the Schedule is inactive.


Is a flag indicating whether or not a Schedule is deleted after running the job. If set to true, the job is deleted after all tasks are completed. If set to false, the job is not deleted.


Is the text describing the job that is being scheduled. The maximum size of the description is 90 characters.


Is the owner of this Schedule. The maximum size of the owner is 48 characters.


Is the priority level for the scheduled job. The value ranges from 1 (highest priority) to 5 (lowest priority).


Specify one of the following types of tracing:

  • 0 = Default Trace. Uses ReportCaster trace configuration setting.
  • 1 = No Traces
  • 2 = Trace Schedule
  • 3 = Trace Schedule and Report

Top of page


When scheduled reports are distributed, ReportCaster allows selected individuals to be notified with log information about the distribution. This notification feature can be altered on a per Schedule basis and can be set to inactive, always notify, or notify only on error. Each Schedule allows the following two types of notifications to be sent simultaneously:

Body Format:

<notification _jt="CasterScheduleNotification" addressForBriefNotification="BriefNotificationAddress"
  addressForFullNotification="FullNotificationAddress" description="" from="FromAddress"
  subject="Subject" type="NotificationType"/>



Is the email address where a brief notification message will be sent after running a Schedule in ReportCaster. The content of the brief notification email is the partial log information for a given Schedule run. The maximum size of the brief notification email address is 75 characters.


Is the email address where a full notification message will be sent upon running a Schedule in ReportCaster. The content of the full notification email is the complete log information for a given Schedule run. The maximum size of the full notification email address is 75 characters.


Is the email address linked to the From header to which the notification will be sent upon running a Schedule in ReportCaster. The maximum size of the From address is 75 characters.


Is the subject header in the email to which the notification will be sent upon running a Schedule in ReportCaster. The maximum size of the email subject is 255 characters.


Is the type of notification message to be sent upon the running of a ReportCaster Schedule. The three possible types are ALWAYS, INACTIVE, and ONERROR.

Top of page


In this section:

There are five distribution types to choose from when creating a ReportCaster Schedule:

Report Library

This is used when the intended distribution method for the scheduled ReportCaster job is storage in the ReportCaster Library. The ReportCaster Library is a secure archiving environment that is configured in a database and provides common access. It is optionally available with the ReportCaster product.

Body Format:

<distributionList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleDistribution" size="1">
  <item accessListFullPath="AccessListPath" accessType="AccessType" category="Category"
        class="" compressionEnabled="CompressionEnabled"
        description="DistributionName" destinationPath="DestinationPath" enabled="true"
        expirationData="ExpirationData" expirationMode="ExpirationMode" index="0" valueonly="ValueOnly">
    <storageLibraryEmail authEnabled="AuthEnabled" authPassword="AuthPassword" authUserId="AuthUserid"
         class="" libraryURL="LibraryURL" mailFrom="MailFrom"
         mailMessage="MailMessage" mailReplyAddress="MailReply" mailServerName="MailServer"
         mailSubject="MailSubject" sendEmailAfterSaveReport="SendEmailAfterSaveReport" sslEnabled="SSLflag"



Is the full path to the Access List used to control the viewing of the library content when AccessType is set to ACCESS_LIST. For example, IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports/RESTAccessList.acl.


Is the access type for this library distribution. The access type contains the following three options for viewing a library report:


Is the library category associated with this report. Each category is a root directory within the library used to organize the distribution of reports.

Any task other than a Managed Reporting report that is delivered to the library must be assigned a category when a Schedule is created. The scheduled report and all subsequent versions of the report are filed in subdirectories under the category assigned to it. If the category does not exist, a new category (for example, root directory) is created upon distribution.

The category accepts a maximum of 90 characters.


Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The report is compressed before it is stored in the library.
  • False. The report is not compressed before it is stored in the library.

Is a name that is assigned to the distribution (for example, Report Library).


Is the path to the folder where Library Content will be stored. For example:


Is the expiration data used to calculate the expiration of a library resident report. For a given ExpirationMode, the expiration data represents a corresponding integer that, when combined with the ExpirationMode, determines if a report should expire. For example, if the ExpirationMode is set to D and the ExpirationData is set to 3, the report will expire in three days. For V, the ExpirationData represents the threshold number of versions that must exist prior to the report expiring from the library.


Is the basis of calculating when a library report will expire. There are seven expiration modes:

  • D. Day
  • H. Hour
  • M. Month
  • V. Version
  • W. Week
  • Y. Year
  • N. Never

When associated with a corresponding ExpirationData integer, ReportCaster can determine when a library report will expire. For example, if the ExpirationMode is set to D, and the ExpirationData is set to 3, the report will expire in three days.

For V, the ExpirationData represents the threshold number of versions that must exist prior to the report expiring from the library.


Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The distribution to values are in the Access List is limited.
  • False. The distribution to values in the Access List is not limited.

Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The Mail Server requires authentication.
  • False. The Mail Server does not require authentication.

Is the password used to authenticate to the Mail Server if AuthEnabled is set to true.


Is the account name used to authenticate to the Mail Server if AuthEnabled is set to true.


Is the base URL contained in a library email notification. When library notification is turned on using SendEmailAfterSaveReport, all users who have access to a library report are sent an email that contains message content, usually a notification that the report is available, and a URL that opens the report in the browser. The base URL can be set to a value that is accessible inside or outside of the ReportCaster environment.

The LibraryURL accepts a maximum of 128 characters. For example:


Is the From email address in this library email notification (library email notification must be turned on through SendEmailAfterSaveReport). The maximum size of the From email address is 65 characters.


Is the email message content contained in the email message sent out as part of this notification email (library email notification must be turned on through SendEmailAfterSaveReport). The maximum size of the email message is 255 characters.


Is the Reply email address sent in this library email notification (library email notification must be turned through SendEmailAfterSaveReport). The maximum size of the Reply email address is 65 characters.


Is the mail server name used to send this library email notification (library email notification must be turned on through SendEmailAfterSaveReport). The maximum size of the mail server name is 65 characters.


Is the email subject sent in this library email notification (library email notification must be turned on through SendEmailAfterSaveReport). The maximum size of the Subject email header is 255 characters.


Specifies whether or not an email notification is sent after a report is saved to the library. If the value is set to true, an email notification is sent to users who have access to the report. If the value is set to false, no email notification is sent.


Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The Mail Server requires a secure SSL connection.
  • False. The Mail Server does not require a secure SSL connection.

Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The Mail Server requires a secure TLS connection.
  • False. The Mail Server does not require a secure TLS connection.


This is used when the intended distribution method for the scheduled ReportCaster job is through email.

Body Format:

<distributionList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleDistribution" size="1">
  <item _jt="CasterScheduleDistributionEmail" authEnabled="AuthEnabled" authPassword="AuthPassword" authUserId="AuthUserid"
        description="DistributionName" enabled="true" index="0" inlineMessage="InlineMessage" inlineTaskIndex="InlineTaskIndex"
        mailFrom="MailFrom" mailReplyAddress="MailReply" mailServerName="MailServer" mailSubject="MailSubject"
        sendingReportAsAttachment="AttachmentFlag" sslEnabled="SSLflag" tlsEnabled="TLSflag" zipFileName="ZipFileName"
    <destination _jt="CasterScheduleDestination" distributionFile="DistFile" distributionListFullPath="DistPath"
          singleAddress="SingleAddress" type="Type">
      <dynamicAddress _jt="CasterScheduleDynamicAddress" password="Password" procedureName="ProcedureName"
            serverName="ServerName" userName="UserName"/>



Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The Mail Server requires authentication.
  • False. The Mail Server does not require authentication.

Is the password used to authenticate to the Mail Server if AuthEnabled is set to true.


Is the account name used to authenticate to the Mail Server if AuthEnabled is set to true.


Is a name that is assigned to the distribution (for example, Email).


Is the inline message associated with an email report distribution. An inline message is the message contained in the body of the email when the report is sent as an attachment. If the report is sent inline, this should not be set. The size limit for an inline message is 255 characters.


Is the index of the task that is going to be inline (in the body of the email). ReportCaster Schedules can accept multiple tasks, with each task representing a report within the Schedule. These tasks will run sequentially. The task index is the sequential index number (from 0 to N) assigned to the tasks within a scheduled distribution. This is particularly important for inline email distribution because only one of the tasks can be an inline report (for example, a report whose contents are in the body of the email). The other reports are sent as an attachment.


Is the email address associated with the From header field of a scheduled email distribution. The size limit for MailFrom is 65 characters.


Is the reply email address from the Reply Address header field of a scheduled email distribution. The size limit for mail reply address is 65 characters.


Is an SMTP mail server name associated with scheduled email distribution. The size limit for mail server name is 65 characters.


Is an email subject corresponding to the Subject header field associated with scheduled email distribution. The size limit for mail subject is 90 characters.


Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The report is sent as an attachment.
  • False. The report is sent within the body of the email.

Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The Mail Server requires a secure SSL connection.
  • False. The Mail Server does not require a secure SSL connection.

Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The Mail Server requires a secure TLS connection.
  • False. The Mail Server does not require a secure TLS connection.

Is the name of the zip file associated with a scheduled email distribution. ZipFlag should be set to true. The size limit for a zip file name is 64 characters.


Specify one of the following options:

  • True. The output is zipped.
  • False. The output is not zipped.

Is a list of one or many recipients stored within a physical file accessible to the Distribution Server. The Type must be set to DISTRIBUTION_FILE.


Is the full path to a ReportCaster Address Book which lists one or many recipients. For example:


The Type must be set to DISTRIBUTION_LIST.


Is a single recipient and is entered by the person scheduling a job when the job is created. The Type must be set to SINGLE_ADDRESS.


Is one of the following valid values:


Is the value of the password required for authentication to the Reporting Server containing the WebFOCUS procedure that creates the dynamic distribution list.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


Is the name of the WebFOCUS procedure that produces the dynamic distribution list qualified by the application name. For example, ibisamp/getEmails.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


Is the name of the Reporting Server that contains the WebFOCUS procedure that creates the dynamic distribution list.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


Is the user ID to the Reporting Server that contains the WebFOCUS procedure that creates the dynamic distribution list.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


This is used to distribute a scheduled ReportCaster report through FTP.

Body Format:

<distributionList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleDistribution" size="1">
  <item class="" compressionFormat="CompressionFormat" description="DistributionName"
        enabled="true" ftpLocation="FTPlocation" ftpPassword="FTPpass" ftpServerName="FTPserver" ftpUserName="FTPuser"
        index="0" indexFile="IndexFile" passwordAuthEnabled="passwordFlag" publicKeyAuthEnabled="publicFlag"
        sftpEnabled="SFTPflag" zipBurstReportsTogether="ZipBurstTogether" zipFileName="ZipFileName"
    <destination _jt="CasterScheduleDestination" distributionFile="DistFile" distributionListFullPath="DistPath"
          singleAddress="SingleFile" type="Type">
      <dynamicAddress _jt="CasterScheduleDynamicAddress" password="Password" procedureName="ProcedureName"
            serverName="ServerName" userName="UserName"/>



Are the options to compress the output before distribution. You can choose from either of the following:

  • 0. Choose this option if you want an archive file (.zip), a compressed file (.zip), or no compression.
  • 1. Choose this option if you want a compressed file (.gz).

Is a name that is assigned to the distribution (for example, FTP).


Is the root directory for a report scheduled for distribution through FTP. The report will be sent to this target destination through FTP unless a Distribution List bursts sections of the report to subdirectories of this FTPlocation directory.


Is the password to the target FTP server needed to authenticate at the time of report distribution. The FTP password is part of the credentials necessary for the user to access the FTP server.


Is the name of the FTP server that is the target of the distribution.


Is the user name needed to authenticate to the target FTP server at the time of report distribution. The FTP user name is part of the credentials necessary for the user to have access to the FTP server.


Specifies the index file associated with report(s) scheduled for distribution through FTP, where bursting is activated. When bursting is activated, the index file specifies the name of the file where the corresponding index page will be created.

If bursting is activated (Burst=TRUE), and no index file is specified, the index file name is set to index.htm.

Note. It makes sense to burst a report in cases where the distribution type is: DISTRIBUTION LIST, DISTRIBUTION FILE and DYNAMIC LIST. In the case where distribution type is SINGLE ADDRESS, there is no need to burst because the reports will be sent to a single address.


Is the password authentication. If SFTPflag equals true, specify one of the following options:

  • True. Password authentication is enabled.
  • False. Password authentication is disabled.

Is the Public Key authentication. If SFTPflag is set to true, specify one of the following options:

  • True. Public Key authentication is enabled.
  • False. Public Key authentication is disabled.

If set to true, the FTP server requires a secure SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

If set to false, the FTP server does not require a secure SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).


Is the option to use a .zip for compression. If set to true, and when ZipResult equals true, an archive .zip file is created before distribution.

If set to false, and when ZipResult is set to true, a compressed .zip file is created before distribution.

The value will also be set to false if no compression is required or CompressionFormat is set to 1.


Is the file name that will contain an archive or compressed .zip file.

CompressionFormat would be set to 0 and ZipResult would be set to true.


Is the option to use a compressed file. If set to true, an archive or compressed .zip file is created before distribution. A compressed .gz file is created before distribution. CompressionFormat sets the type of compression and ZipBurstTogether sets whether an archive or compressed .zip file is created before distribution.

If set to false, no compression will occur before distribution.


Is a list of one or many locations stored within a physical file accessible to the Distribution Server.

Type must be set to DISTRIBUTION_FILE.


Is the full path to a ReportCaster Address Book which lists one or many locations. For example, IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports/REST_List.adr.

Type must be set to DISTRIBUTION_LIST


Is the single file name used if distribution is set to one location.

Type must be set to SINGLE_ADDRESS.


The following is a list of valid values:


Is the value of the password required for authentication to the Reporting Server containing the WebFOCUS procedure that creates the dynamic distribution list.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


Is the name of the WebFOCUS procedure that produces the dynamic distribution list qualified by the application name. For example, ibisamp/getEmails.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


Is the name of the Reporting Server that contains the WebFOCUS procedure that creates the dynamic distribution list.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


Is the user ID to the Reporting Server that contains the WebFOCUS procedure that creates the dynamic distribution list.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


This is used when the intended distribution method for the scheduled ReportCaster job is through a printer.

When using this distribution, the report format in the Task (SendFormat) must be set to either DOC, WP, PS or PDF (if the printer you are using supports PDF output sent without Adobe).

Body Format:

<distributionList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleDistribution" size="1">
  <item class="" description="DistributionName" enabled="true" index="0">
    <destination _jt="CasterScheduleDestination" distributionFile="DistFile" distributionListFullPath="DistPath"
          singleAddress="SinglePrinter" type="Type">
      <dynamicAddress _jt="CasterScheduleDynamicAddress" password="Password" procedureName="ProcedureName"
            serverName="ServerName" userName="UserName"/>



Is a name that is assigned to the distribution (for example, Printer).


Is a list of one or many printers stored within a physical file accessible to the Distribution Server.

Type must be set to DISTRIBUTION_FILE.


Is the full path to a ReportCaster Address Book which lists one or many printers. For example, IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports/REST_List.adr.

Type must be set to DISTRIBUTION_LIST.


Is the single printer to print the distributed report. Type must be set to SINGLE_ADDRESS.


The following is a list of valid values:


Is the value of the password required for authentication to the Reporting Server containing the WebFOCUS procedure that creates the dynamic distribution list.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


Is the name of the WebFOCUS procedure that produces the dynamic distribution list qualified by the application name. For example, ibisamp/getEmails.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


Is the name of the Reporting Server that contains the WebFOCUS procedure that creates the dynamic distribution list.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.


Is the user ID to the Reporting Server that contains the WebFOCUS procedure that creates the dynamic distribution list.

Type must be set to DYNAMIC_ADDRESS.

Managed Reporting

This is used when the intended distribution method for the scheduled ReportCaster job is to store the output in the Managed Reporting Environment.

Body Format:

<distributionList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleDistribution" size="1">
  <item class="" description="DistributionName" enabled="true" folderName="FolderName"



Is a name that is assigned to the distribution (for example, Managed Reporting).


Is the full path to the Managed Reporting folder where the report will be stored. For example, IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports.

Top of page


In this section:

There are seven recurrence types to choose from when creating a ReportCaster Schedule:

Run Once

This is used to schedule jobs that are to run only once.

<timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
  <item class="" description="" enabled="true" index="0" name="">
    <startTime _jt="calendar" time="StartTime"/>



Is designated as the first time a new Schedule is set to run.

Creating a new Schedule and altering any jobs that are to run in the future will create an entirely new start time.

The default start time is the current time.

The start time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The start time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 17, 2012, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1355756400000.


This is used to schedule jobs that run in intervals of minutes.

Body Format:

<timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
  <item class="" description="" enabled="true" frequency="Frequency" friday="FridayFlag"
        index="0" monday="MondayFlag" name="" saturday="SaturdayFlag" sunday="SundayFlag" thursday="ThursdayFlag"
        tuesday="TuesdayFlag" wednesday="WednesdayFlag">
    <startTime _jt="calendar" time="StartTime"/>
    <endTime _jt="calendar" time="EndTime"/>



Is the frequency for a scheduled event in minutes.

For example, if an email report distribution is set to run every, five minutes, the frequency would be 5.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Friday. If set to true, the job will run on a Friday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Monday. If set to true, the job will run on a Monday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Saturday. If set to true, the job will run on a Saturday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Sunday. If set to true, the job will run on a Sunday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Thursday. If set to true, the job will run on a Thursday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Tuesday. If set to true, the job will run on a Tuesday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Wednesday. If set to true, the job will run on a Wednesday.


Is designated as the first time a new Schedule is set to run.

Creating a new Schedule and altering any jobs that are to run in the future will create an entirely new start time.

The default start time is the current time.

The start time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The start time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 17, 2012, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1355756400000.


Is designated as the last time a Schedule is set to run.

The end time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 31, 2013, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1388502000000.


This is used to schedule jobs that run in intervals of hours.

Body Format:

<timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
  <item class="" description="" enabled="true" frequency="Frequency" friday="FridayFlag"
        index="0" monday="MondayFlag" name="" saturday="SaturdayFlag" sunday="SundayFlag" thursday="ThursdayFlag"
        tuesday="TuesdayFlag" wednesday="WednesdayFlag">
    <startTime _jt="calendar" time="StartTime"/>
    <endTime _jt="calendar" time="EndTime"/>



Is the frequency for a scheduled event in hours.

For example, if an email report distribution is set to run every five hours, the frequency would be 5.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Friday. If set to true, the job will run on a Friday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Monday. If set to true, the job will run on a Monday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Saturday. If set to true, the job will run on a Saturday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Sunday. If set to true, the job will run on a Sunday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Thursday. If set to true, the job will run on a Thursday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Tuesday. If set to true, the job will run on a Tuesday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Wednesday. If set to true, the job will run on a Wednesday.


Is designated as the first time a new Schedule is set to run.

Creating a new Schedule and altering any jobs that are to run in the future will create an entirely new start time.

The default start time is the current time.

The start time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The start time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 17, 2012, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1355756400000.


Is designated as the last time a Schedule is set to run.

The end time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 31, 2013, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1388502000000.


This is used to schedule jobs that run in intervals of days.

Body Format:

<timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
  <item class="" description="" enabled="true" frequency="Frequency" index="0" name="">
    <startTime _jt="calendar" time="StartTime"/>
    <endTime _jt="calendar" time="EndTime"/>
    <secondaryRunInterval _jt="CasterScheduleTimeInterval" duration="Duration" interval="Interval"
         isEnabled="SecondaryIntervalFlag"><untilTime _jt="calendar" time="UntilTime"/>



Is the frequency for a scheduled event in days. For example, if an email report distribution is set to run every five days, the frequency would be 5.


Is the start time is designated as the first time a new Schedule is set to run.

Creating a new Schedule and altering any jobs that are to run in the future will create an entirely new start time.

The default start time is the current time.

The start time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The start time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 17, 2012, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1355756400000.


Is the end time is designated as the last time a Schedule is set to run.

The end time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 31, 2013, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1388502000000.


Is the duration of SecondaryIntervalFlag. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the duration specified in minutes during which the time interval will be applied. UntilTime must equal 18000000.


Is the time interval in minutes. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the time interval is applied every n minutes.


Is the time interval settings. If set to true, the time Interval settings are active. If set to false, the time Interval settings are inactive.


Is the end time of the time interval. If SecondaryIntervalFlag set to true, the end time for which the time interval will be applied. Duration must be set to -1.

The end time of the interval is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

It does not matter which date is used as only the time portion will be used in setting the end time for the time interval.

Typically, the date the Schedule is created or updated is used in setting UntilTime.

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time of the interval should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, October 19, 2012, 20:38:00 UTC converts to 1350679080000. October 19, 2012 will be ignored when setting the end time of the interval.


This is used to schedule jobs that run in intervals of weeks.

Body Format:

<timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
  <item _jt="CasterScheduleTimeInfoWeek" description="" enabled="true" frequency="Frequency" friday="FridayFlag" index="0"
        monday="MondayFlag" name="" saturday="SaturdayFlag" sunday="SundayFlag" thursday="ThursdayFlag"
        tuesday="TuesdayFlag" wednesday="WednesdayFlag">
    <startTime _jt="calendar" time="StartTime"/>
    <endTime _jt="calendar" time="EndTime"/>
    <secondaryRunInterval _jt="CasterScheduleTimeInterval" duration="Duration" interval="Interval"
          isEnabled="SecondaryIntervalFlag"><untilTime _jt="calendar" time="UntilTime"/>

Is the frequency for a scheduled event in weeks.

For example, if an email report distribution is set to run every five weeks, the frequency would be 5.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Friday. If set to true, the job will run on a Friday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Monday. If set to true, the job will run on a Monday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Saturday. If set to true, the job will run on a Saturday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Sunday. If set to true, the job will run on a Sunday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Thursday. If set to true, the job will run on a Thursday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Tuesday. If set to true, the job will run on a Tuesday.


Determines whether or not the ReportCaster job is scheduled for a Wednesday. If set to true, the job will run on a Wednesday.


Is designated as the first time a new Schedule is set to run.

Creating a new Schedule and altering any jobs that are to run in the future will create an entirely new start time.

The default start time is the current time.

The start time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The start time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 17, 2012, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1355756400000.


Is designated as the last time a Schedule is set to run.

The end time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 31, 2013, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1388502000000.


Is the duration of SecondaryIntervalFlag. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the duration specified in minutes during which the time interval will be applied. UntilTime must be set to 18000000.


Is the time interval in minutes. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the time interval is applied every n minutes.


Are the time interval settings. If true, the time Interval settings are active. If set to false, the time Interval settings are inactive.


Is the end time of the time interval. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the end time for which the time interval will be applied. Duration must set to -1.

The end time of the interval is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

It does not matter which date is used as only the time portion will be used in setting the end time for the time interval.

Typically, the date the Schedule is created or updated is used in setting UntilTime.

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time of the interval should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, October 19, 2012, 20:38:00 UTC converts to 1350679080000. October 19, 2012 will be ignored when setting the end time of the interval.


This is used to schedule jobs that run in intervals of months.

Body Format:

<timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
  <item class="" dayOfWeek="DayOfWeek" dayOfWeekEnabled="DayOfWeekEnabled" description=""
        enabled="true" frequency="Frequency" index="0" lastDayOfMonth="LastDayOfMonth" name="" type="5" weekOfMonth="WeekOfMonth">
    <startTime _jt="calendar" time="StartTime"/>
    <endTime _jt="calendar" time="EndTime"/>
    <daysOfMonth _jt="array" size="31">
      <item _jt="boolval" index="0" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="1" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="2" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="3" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="4" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="5" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="6" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="7" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="8" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="9" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="10" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="11" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="12" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="13" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="14" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="15" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="16" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="17" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="18" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="19" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="20" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="21" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="22" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="23" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="24" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="25" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="26" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="27" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="28" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="29" value="false"/>
      <item _jt="boolval" index="30" value="false"/>
    <secondaryRunInterval _jt="CasterScheduleTimeInterval" duration="Duration" interval="Interval" isEnabled="SecondaryIntervalFlag">
      <untilTime _jt="calendar" time="UntilTime"/>



Is the day of the week for the report to run. DayOfWeekEnabled must be set to true. The following list shows the valid values:

  • 1. Sunday
  • 2. Monday
  • 3. Tuesday
  • 4. Wednesday
  • 5. Thursday
  • 6. Friday
  • 7. Saturday

Is the day of the week or day of the month to be set. If set to true, the DayOfWeek and WeekOfMonth must be set.

If set to false, the DaysOfMonth and/or LastDayOfMonth must be set.


Is the frequency for a scheduled event in months. For example, if an email report distribution is set to run every 2 months, the frequency would be 2.


Is an indicator whether or not the last day of the month flag is set. When this flag is set to true, ReportCaster runs a Schedule on the last day of the month regardless of what day it is.

For example, a Schedule set to run on February 28th will next run on March 31st if this flag is set to true. Otherwise, ReportCaster will run the job on the corresponding day of the next month.

If this flag is set to false then it will run the report on March 28th. If the corresponding day of the next month does not exist, then ReportCaster will not run the report.


Week of the month for the report to run. DayOfWeekEnabled must be set to true. The following list shows the valid values.

  • 1. First week
  • 2. Second week
  • 3. Third week
  • 4. Fourth week
  • 5. Last week

Is designated as the first time a new Schedule is set to run.

Creating a new Schedule and altering any jobs that are to run in the future will create an entirely new start time.

The default start time is the current time.

The start time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The start time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 17, 2012, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1355756400000.


Is designated as the last time a Schedule is set to run.

The end time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 31, 2013, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1388502000000.


Is a 31 element array indicating which days of the month have been selected for a report to run. All array members are initialized to false.

Each array member has an index attribute associated with it.

The index starts at 0 and increments by 1 for each successive day of the month. For example, index=0 equates to the first day of the month.

Those members of the array that are then set to true are the days of the month the Schedule will run. DayOfWeekEnabled must be set to false.


Is the duration of SecondaryIntervalFlag. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the duration specified in minutes during which the time interval will be applied. UntilTime must be set to 18000000.


Is the time interval in minutes. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the time interval is applied every n minutes.


Are the time interval settings. If set to true, the time Interval settings are active. If set to false, the time Interval settings are inactive.


Is the end time of the time interval. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the end time for which the time interval will be applied. Duration must be set to -1.

The end time of the interval is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

It does not matter which date is used as only the time portion will be used in setting the end time for the time interval.

Typically, the date the Schedule is created or updated is used in setting UntilTime.

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time of the interval should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, October 19, 2012, 20:38:00 UTC converts to 1350679080000. October 19, 2012 will be ignored when setting the end time of the interval.


This is used to schedule jobs that run in intervals of years.

Body Format:

<timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
  <item class="" description="" enabled="true" frequency="Frequency" index="0" name="">
    <startTime _jt="calendar" time="StartTime"/>
    <endTime _jt="calendar" time="EndTime"/>
    <secondaryRunInterval _jt="CasterScheduleTimeInterval" duration="Duration" interval="Interval"
      <untilTime _jt="calendar" time="UntilTime"/>



Is the frequency for a scheduled event in years.

For example, if an email report distribution is set to run every year, the frequency would be 1.


Is designated as the first time a new Schedule is set to run.

Creating a new Schedule and altering any jobs that are to run in the future will create an entirely new start time.

The default start time is the current time.

The start time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The start time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 17, 2012, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1355756400000.


Is designated as the last time a Schedule is set to run.

The end time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 31, 2013, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1388502000000.


Is the duration of SecondaryIntervalFlag. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the duration specified in minutes during which the time interval will be applied. UntilTime must be set to 18000000.


Is the time interval in minutes. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the time interval is applied every n minutes.


Are the time interval settings. If set to true, the time Interval settings are active. If set to false, the time Interval settings are inactive.


Is the end time of the time interval. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the end time for which the time interval will be applied. Duration must be set to -1.

The end time of the interval is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

It does not matter which date is used as only the time portion will be used in setting the end time for the time interval.

Typically, the date the Schedule is created or updated is used in setting UntilTime.

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time of the interval should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, October 19, 2012, 20:38:00 UTC converts to 1350679080000. October 19, 2012 will be ignored when setting the end time of the interval.


This is used to schedule jobs that run on specific dates.

Body Format:

<timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
  <item class="" description="" enabled="true" index="0" name="" type="7">
    <startTime _jt="calendar" time="StartTime"/>
    <endTime _jt="calendar" time="EndTime"/>
    <dateList _jt="array" itemsClass="java.util.Calendar" size="numberOfItems">
      <item _jt="calendar" index="0" time="date1"/>
      <item _jt="calendar" index="1" time="date2"/>
    <secondaryRunInterval _jt="CasterScheduleTimeInterval" duration="Duration" interval="Interval"
          isEnabled="SecondaryIntervalFlag"><untilTime _jt="calendar" time="UntilTime"/>



Is designated as the first time a new Schedule is set to run.

Creating a new Schedule and altering any jobs that are to run in the future will create an entirely new start time.

The default start time is the current time.

The start time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The start time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 17, 2012, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1355756400000.


Is designated as the last time a Schedule is set to run.

The end time is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 31, 2013, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1388502000000.


Is an item array indicating which days have been selected for a report to run.

Each item has an index attribute associated with it.

The index starts at 0 and increments by 1 for each date.

Each item has date associated with it. (for example, date1, date2).

The date is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The date should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, December 17, 2012, 15:00:00 UTC converts to 1355756400000.


Is the number of dates that will be defined for the schedule to run.


Is the duration of SecondaryIntervalFlag. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the duration specified in minutes during which the time interval will be applied. UntilTime must be set to 18000000.


Is the time interval in minutes. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the time interval is applied every n minutes.


Are the time interval settings. If set to true, the time Interval settings are active. If set to false, the time Interval settings are inactive.


Is the end time of the time interval. If SecondaryIntervalFlag is set to true, the end time for which the time interval will be applied. Duration must be set to -1.

The end time of the interval is expressed in Unix Time (number seconds that has elapsed since January 1 1970, 00:00:00).

It does not matter which date is used as only the time portion will be used in setting the end time for the time interval.

Typically, the date the Schedule is created or updated is used in setting UntilTime.

Three zeros are appended to the Unix Time to represent milliseconds.

The end time of the interval should also be expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

For example, October 19, 2012, 20:38:00 UTC converts to 1350679080000. October 19, 2012 will be ignored when setting the end time of the interval.

Top of page


In this section:

There are five task types to choose from when creating a ReportCaster Schedule:

WebFOCUS Report

WebFOCUS Report enables you to schedule the distribution of reports that reside specifically within Managed Reporting. You can associate an alert with the report which allows you to schedule actions that are contingent upon specific alert conditions being triggered. If the report to be run is not an alert, the alert tag in the XML is not required.

Body Format:

<taskList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTask" size="1">
  <item alertEnabled="AlertFlag" burst="BurstFlag" class=""
        description="TaskDescription" domainHREF="" enabled="true" execId="ServerUserid"
        execPassword="ServerPassword" firstPostProcessingProcedure="FirstPostProcedure"
        firstPreProcessingProcedure="FirstPreProcedure" index="0" procedureDescription="" procedureName="ProcedureName"
        secondPreProcessingProcedure="SecondPreProcedure" sendFormat="SendFormat" serverName="ServerName">
    <parameterList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleParameter" size="NumberOfParameters">
      <item _jt="CasterScheduleParameter" enabled="true" index="IndexValue" name="ParameterName"
    <alert class="" resetInterval="ResetInterval" resetType="ResetType"
           triggered="TriggeredFlag" twoWayEmailAttached="TwoWayEmailFlag"/>



Is the value that determines whether or not an alert is enabled.

If set to true, the alert is enabled. If set to false, it is disabled.


Is the value that specifies whether or not report bursting is enabled. Report bursting allows you to segment a report into sections based upon a primary sort field. The report segments are then distributed as separate reports by the Distribution Server. Access to these report segments is based upon burst values (specific values of the primary sort field) that are associated with email addresses in distribution lists or user IDs in Library Access Lists.


Is the text used to describe the task. The maximum size for the description is 255 characters.


Is the user name needed to establish a connection to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The user name is one of the credentials necessary for a user to access a WebFOCUS procedure that resides on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server during scheduling, as well as to run this procedure at the time the job is run.

This setting must have a value even if using an unsecured Reporting Server.


Is the password needed to establish a connection to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The password is one of the credentials necessary for a user to access a WebFOCUS procedure that resides on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server during scheduling, as well as run this procedure at the time the job is run. This setting must have a value even if using an unsecured Reporting Server.


Is the name of the first of two possible post-processing procedures. Post-processing procedures (available for WebFOCUS Server procedure and WebFOCUS Report) are non-reporting WebFOCUS procedures that run synchronously after the execution of their associated task. They are often used to reset computing or data environments.


Is the name of the first of two possible preprocessing procedures. Preprocessing procedures (available for WebFOCUS Server procedure and WebFOCUS Report) are non-reporting WebFOCUS procedures that run synchronously prior the execution of their associated task. They are often used to set or test conditions before the running of reports.


Is the full path to the WebFOCUS Report that is to be run. For example, IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports/Sales_Report_by_Country.fex.


The name of the file when sending the output as an attachment. The maximum size for report name is 64 characters.


Is the name of the second of two possible post-processing procedures. Post-processing procedures (available for WebFOCUS Server procedure and WebFOCUS Report) are non-reporting WebFOCUS procedures that run synchronously after the execution of their associated task. They are often used to reset computing or data environments.


Is the name of the second of two possible preprocessing procedures. Preprocessing procedures (available for WebFOCUS Server procedure and WebFOCUS Report) are non-reporting WebFOCUS procedures that run synchronously prior the execution of their associated task. They are often used to set or test conditions before the running of reports.


Is the report format that will be generated by the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. For example, PDF or HTML.


Is the name of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server used to run the WebFOCUS reports and procedures associated with this task.


Is the number of parameters that are to be passed to the WebFOCUS Report.


Is a value that starts at 0 and increments by 1 for every parameter that is to be sent to the WebFOCUS Report.


Is the name of a parameter passed to the WebFOCUS report. The maximum length of the name field is 64 characters.


Is the value of a parameter associated with the ParameterName passed to the WebFOCUS report. The maximum length of the value field is 255 characters.


If AlertFlag is set to true, ResetInterval represents the time interval (delay) between when an alert Schedule is run upon being triggered and when it is reactivated. The actual time period is based on the ResetType.

For example, if the ResetType is HOUR, a specified reset interval of three would represent a three hour delay.


The following list shows the valid values for ResetType if AlertFlag is set to true.

  • HOUR
  • DAY
  • WEEK
  • YEAR
  • CONTINUE. Reactivate the alert immediately.
  • AUTO. Reactivate the alert when the condition is no longer true.
  • TERMINATE. Deactivate the Schedule.

The following list shows the valid values for TriggeredFlag if AlertFlag is set to true.

  • True. The alert has been set off.
  • False. The alert has not been set off.

The following list shows the valid values for TwoWayEmailFlag if AlertFlag is set to true.

  • True. The Two-Way Email is attached.
  • False. The Two-Way Email is not attached.

WebFOCUS Server Procedure

The WebFOCUS Server Procedure allows you to schedule the distribution of reports that reside specifically on a WebFOCUS Reporting Server. A WebFOCUS Server procedure is a WebFOCUS report (FOCEXEC) residing on a WebFOCUS Reporting Server that is accessible to the Distribution Server.

Body Format:

<taskList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTask" size="1">
  <item _jt="CasterScheduleWFServerProcedure" burst="BurstFlag" description="TaskDescription" enabled="true"
        execId="ServerUserid" execPassword="ServerPassword" firstPostProcessingProcedure="FirstPostProcedure"
        firstPreProcessingProcedure="FirstPreProcedure" index="0" procedureName="ProcedureName" reportName="ReportName"
        secondPostProcessingProcedure="SecondPostProcedure" secondPreProcessingProcedure="SecondPreProcedure"
        sendFormat="SendFormat" serverName="ServerName">
    <parameterList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleParameter" size="NumberOfParameters">
      <item _jt="CasterScheduleParameter" enabled="true" 
index="IndexValue" name="ParameterName" value="ParameterValue"/>



Is the value that specifies whether or not report bursting is enabled. Report bursting allows you to segment a report into sections based upon a primary sort field. The report segments are then distributed as separate reports by the Distribution Server. Access to these report segments is based upon burst values (specific values of the primary sort field) that are associated with email addresses in distribution lists or user IDs in Library Access Lists.


Is the text used to describe the task. The maximum size for the description is 255 characters.


Is the user name needed to establish a connection to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The user name is one of the credentials necessary for a user to access a WebFOCUS procedure that resides on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server during scheduling, as well as to run this procedure at the time the job is run. This setting must have a value even if using an unsecured Reporting Server.


Is the password needed to establish a connection to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The password is one of the credentials necessary for a user to access a WebFOCUS procedure that resides on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server during scheduling, as well as run this procedure at the time the job is run.


Is the name of the first of two possible post-processing procedures. Post-processing procedures (available for WebFOCUS Server procedure and WebFOCUS Report) are non-reporting WebFOCUS procedures that run synchronously after the execution of their associated task. They are often used to reset computing or data environments.


Is the name of the first of two possible preprocessing procedures. Preprocessing procedures (available for WebFOCUS Server procedure and WebFOCUS Report) are non-reporting WebFOCUS procedures that run synchronously prior the execution of their associated task. They are often used to set or test conditions before the running of reports.


Is the full path to the WebFOCUS Server Procedure Report that is to be run. For example, ibisamp/carinst.


Is the name of the file when sending the output as an attachment. The maximum size for report name is 64 characters.


Is the name of the second of two possible post-processing procedures. Post-processing procedures (available for WebFOCUS Server procedure and WebFOCUS Report) are non-reporting WebFOCUS procedures that run synchronously after the execution of their associated task. They are often used to reset computing or data environments.


Is the name of the second of two possible preprocessing procedures. Preprocessing procedures (available for WebFOCUS Server procedure and WebFOCUS Report) are non-reporting WebFOCUS procedures that run synchronously prior the execution of their associated task. They are often used to set or test conditions before the running of reports.


Is the report format that will be generated by the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. For example, PDF or HTML.


Is the name of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server used to run the WebFOCUS procedures associated with this task.


Is the number of parameters that are to be passed to the WebFOCUS Report.


Is a value that starts at 0 and increments by 1 for every parameter that is to be sent to the WebFOCUS Report.


Is the name of a parameter passed to the WebFOCUS report. The maximum length of the name field is 64 characters.


Is the value of a parameter associated with the ParameterName passed to the WebFOCUS report. The maximum length of the value field is 255 characters.


This allows you to schedule the distribution of a file, represented by a fully qualified path, to which the ReportCaster Distribution Server has read access.

Body Format:

<taskList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTask" size="1">
  <item class="" deleteFileAfterRetrieval="DeleteFile" description="TaskDescription"
        enabled="true" index="0" procedureName="FileLocation" reportName="ReportName"/>



Is used to either delete or not delete the file.

If set to true, the file is deleted, as identified by ProcedureName, after it is distributed.

If set to false, the file is not deleted, as identified by ProcedureName, after it is distributed.


Is the text used to describe the task. The maximum size for the description is 255 characters.


Is the full path to the file being distributed. For example, C:\Documentation\HTML\REST_Documentation_version_2.html.


Is the name of the file when sending the output as an attachment.


FTP allows you to schedule the distribution of a file that resides on any FTP Server.

Body Format:

<taskList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTask" size="1">
  <item class="" deleteAfterRetrieval="DeleteFile" description="TaskDescription"
        enabled="true" index="0" password="FTPpass" passwordAuthEnabled="passwordFlag" procedureName="FileLocation"
        publicKeyAuthEnabled="publicFlag" reportName="ReportName" sendFormat="SendFormat"
        serverName="FTPserver" sftpEnabled="SFTPflag"  userName="FTPuser"/>



Is used to either delete or not delete the file.

If set to true, the file is deleted, as identified by ProcedureName, after it is distributed.

If set to false, the file is not deleted, as identified by ProcedureName, after it is distributed.


Is the text used to describe the task. The maximum size for the description is 255 characters.


Is the password needed to authenticate to the FTP server. The FTP password is part of the credentials necessary for the Distribution Server to access the FTP server.


Is the password authentication.

If SFTPflag is set to true, and passwordFlag is set to true, then the password authentication is enabled.

If SFTPflag is set to true, and passwordFlag is set to false, then the password authentication is disabled.


Is the full path to the file being distributed. For example, outgoing\HTML\REST_Documentation_version_2.html.


Is the Public Key authentication.

If SFTPflag equals true, and passwordFlag is set to true, then the Public Key authentication is enabled.

If SFTPflag equals true, and passwordFlag is set to false, then the Public Key authentication is disabled.


Is the name of the file when sending the output as an attachment.


Is the file transfer type. The following list shows the available file transfer types.

  • I. Binary
  • A. ASCII

Is the name of the FTP server where the file being distributed exists.


Is the secure SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

If set to true, the FTP server requires a secure SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

If set to false, the FTP server does not require a secure SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).


The user name needed to authenticate to the FTP server. The FTP password is part of the credentials necessary for the Distribution Server to access the FTP server.


This allows ReportCaster to connect to a specified URL at execution time, retrieve the pages returned by that URL and distributes them. This task can be used to call any type of URL, including programs that are executed by JSP and ASP pages, as well as reports generated by other reporting products.

Body Format:

<taskList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTask" size="1">
  <item class="" description="TaskDescription" enabled="true" index="0" password="Password" reportName="ReportName" urlString="URLstring" userName="Username"> <parameterList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleParameter" size="1">
      <item _jt="CasterScheduleParameter" enabled="true" index="IndexValue" name="ParameterName" value="ParameterValue"/>



Is the text used to describe the task. The maximum size for the description is 255 characters.


Is the value of the password necessary for access to the web server of the URL. This password is submitted within the HTTP header.


Is the name of the file when sending the output as an attachment.


Is the URL of the webpage to be distributed.


Is the value of the user name necessary for access to the web server of the URL. This user name is submitted within the HTTP header.


Is a value that starts at 0 and increments by 1 for every parameter that is to be sent to the webpage.


Is the name of a parameter passed to the webpage. The maximum length of the name field is 64 characters.


Is the value of a parameter associated with the ParameterName passed to the webpage. The maximum length of the value field is 255 characters.

Top of page

Closing Tag

The following closing tag must be used:


Top of page

Example 1: Creating a Schedule

This example creates a Schedule called REST_Schedule that runs the Sales_Report_by_Country WebFOCUS report once on December 17th, 2012 at 15:00:00 UTC and distributes the output to the Report Library. The report will run with the COUNTRY parameter set to ENGLAND and the DEALER_COST parameter set to 10000.

POST Request URL Format:


Body Format:

<rootObject _jt="IBFSCasterObject" description="Schedule Created through REST" type="CasterSchedule">
  <casterObject _jt="CasterSchedule" active="true" deleteJobAfterRun="false" description="Schedule Created through REST" owner="admin" priority="3" traceType="0">
    <notification _jt="CasterScheduleNotification" addressForBriefNotification="" addressForFullNotification="" description="" from="" subject="" type="INACTIVE"/>
    <distributionList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleDistribution" size="1">
      <item accessListFullPath="" accessType="OWNER" category="" class="" compressionEnabled="false"
            description="Report Library" destinationPath="IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports" enabled="true" expirationData="1"
            expirationMode="N" index="0" valueonly="false">
        <storageLibraryEmail authEnabled="false" authPassword="" authUserId="" class=""
             libraryURL="http://localhost:8080/ibi_apps/library/report.rc" mailFrom="" mailMessage="" mailReplyAddress="" mailServerName=""
             mailSubject="" sendEmailAfterSaveReport="false" sslEnabled="false" tlsEnabled="false"/>
    <timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
      <item class="" description="" enabled="true" index="0" name="">
        <startTime _jt="calendar" time="1355756400000"/>
    <taskList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTask" size="1">
      <item alertEnabled="false" burst="true" class="" description="Task 1" domainHREF="" enabled="true"
            execId="guest" execPassword="guest" firstPostProcessingProcedure="" firstPreProcessingProcedure="" index="0" procedureDescription=""
procedureName="IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports/Sales_Report_by_Country.fex" reportName="car_sales.htm"
            secondPostProcessingProcedure="" secondPreProcessingProcedure="" sendFormat="HTML" serverName="EDASERVE">
        <parameterList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleParameter" size="2">
          <item _jt="CasterScheduleParameter" enabled="true" index="0" name="COUNTRY" value="ENGLAND"/>
          <item _jt="CasterScheduleParameter" enabled="true" index="1" name="DEALER_COST" value="10000"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<ibfsrpc _jt="IBFSResponseObject" language="EN" name="put" returncode="10000" returndesc="SUCCESS" subreturncode="0" 
       subsystem="SSYS" type="simple">
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    <entry key="IBIRS_replace" value="false"/>
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    <entry key="IBIRS_object" value="&lt;rootObject _jt=&quot;IBFSCasterObject&quot;
           description=&quot;Schedule Created through REST&quot; type=&quot;CasterSchedule&quot;&gt;
           &lt;casterObject _jt=&quot;CasterSchedule&quot; active=&quot;true&quot; deleteJobAfterRun=&quot;false&quot;
           description=&quot;Schedule Created through REST&quot; owner=&quot;admin&quot; priority=&quot;3&quot;
           traceType=&quot;0&quot;&gt; &lt;notification _jt=&quot;CasterScheduleNotification&quot; addressForBriefNotification=&quot;&quot;
           addressForFullNotification=&quot;&quot; description=&quot;&quot; from=&quot;&quot; subject=&quot;&quot;
           type=&quot;INACTIVE&quot;/&gt; &lt;distributionList _jt=&quot;array&quot; itemsClass=&quot;CasterScheduleDistribution&quot;
           size=&quot;1&quot;&gt;&lt;item accessListFullPath=&quot;&quot; accessType=&quot;OWNER&quot; category=&quot;&quot;
           class=&quot;; compressionEnabled=&quot;false&quot;
           enabled=&quot;true&quot; expirationData=&quot;1&quot; expirationMode=&quot;N&quot; index=&quot;0&quot;
           valueonly=&quot;false&quot;&gt;&lt;storageLibraryEmail authEnabled=&quot;false&quot; authPassword=&quot;&quot;
           authUserId=&quot;&quot; class=&quot;;
libraryURL=&quot;http://localhost:8080/ibi_apps/library/report.rc&quot; mailFrom=&quot;&quot; mailMessage=&quot;&quot;
           mailReplyAddress=&quot;&quot; mailServerName=&quot;; mailSubject=&quot;&quot;
           sendEmailAfterSaveReport=&quot;false&quot; sslEnabled=&quot;false&quot;
tlsEnabled=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;/item&gt;&lt;/distributionList&gt; &lt;timeInfoList _jt=&quot;array&quot;
           itemsClass=&quot;CasterScheduleTimeInfo&quot; size=&quot;1&quot;&gt;&lt;item class=&quot;;
           description=&quot;&quot; enabled=&quot;true&quot; index=&quot;0&quot; name=&quot;&quot;&gt;&lt;startTime _jt=&quot;calendar&quot;
time=&quot;1355756400000&quot;/&gt;&lt;/item&gt;&lt;/timeInfoList&gt; &lt;taskList _jt=&quot;array&quot;
           itemsClass=&quot;CasterScheduleTask&quot; size=&quot;1&quot;&gt;&lt;item alertEnabled=&quot;false&quot; burst=&quot;true&quot;
           class=&quot;; description=&quot;Task 1&quot; domainHREF=&quot;&quot;
           enabled=&quot;true&quot; execId=&quot;guest&quot;
           execPassword=&quot;guest&quot; firstPostProcessingProcedure=&quot;&quot; firstPreProcessingProcedure=&quot;&quot;
           index=&quot;0&quot; procedureDescription=&quot;&quot;
           reportName=&quot;car_sales.htm&quot; secondPostProcessingProcedure=&quot;&quot; secondPreProcessingProcedure=&quot;&quot;
           sendFormat=&quot;HTML&quot; serverName=&quot;EDASERVE&quot;&gt;&lt;parameterList _jt=&quot;array&quot;
           itemsClass=&quot;CasterScheduleParameter&quot; size=&quot;2&quot;&gt;&lt;item _jt=&quot;CasterScheduleParameter&quot;
           enabled=&quot;true&quot; index=&quot;0&quot; name=&quot;COUNTRY&quot;
           value=&quot;ENGLAND&quot;/&gt;&lt;item _jt=&quot;CasterScheduleParameter&quot; enabled=&quot;true&quot; index=&quot;1&quot;
           name=&quot;DEALER_COST&quot; value=&quot;10000&quot;/&gt;&lt;/parameterList&gt;&lt;/item&gt;&lt;/taskList&gt;
           &lt;/casterObject&gt;&lt;/rootObject&gt;  "/>
    <entry key="IBIRS_args" value="__null"/>
    <entry key="IBIRS_" value="/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports/REST_Schedule.sch"/>
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          externalId="Sebc72ee3sd148s41ees8a8fs9c92340b99bb" fullPath="/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports/REST_Schedule.sch"
          handle="9f013bcaI357fI4c69Ib7ceI1e96775f72cb" length="0" name="REST_Schedule.sch" policy="////D///9+f/////f/////////8AAAA="
/Car_Reports/REST_Schedule.sch" type="CasterSchedule">
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      <entry key="id" value="Sebc72ee3sd148s41ees8a8fs9c92340b99bb"/>
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compressedReport="false" deleteJobAfterRun="false"
          description="Schedule Created through REST" destinationAddress="OWNER" ibfsId="9f013bcaI357fI4c69Ib7ceI1e96775f72cb"
          ibfsPath="" id="Sebc72ee3sd148s41ees8a8fs9c92340b99bb" name="" nextRunTime="disabled" notification="INACTIVE"
          owner="admin" policy="open,delete,rename,|,run,|,security;makeRules;viewRules" priority="3" recurrence="0"
          scheduleId="Sebc72ee3sd148s41ees8a8fs9c92340b99bb" scheduleTitle="Schedule Created through REST" sendMethod="LIBRARY"
          statusLastExecuted="" summary="" taskType="1" traceType="0"><notification _jt="CasterScheduleNotification"
          addressForBriefNotification="" addressForFullNotification="" description="" from="" subject="" type="INACTIVE"/>
   <distributionList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleDistribution" size="1">
   <item accessList="" accessListFullPath="" accessType="OWNER" category="" class=""
              compressionEnabled="false" counter="0" description="Report Library" destinationIbfsId="c60b1f9a_05ef_4e72_a737_e869917607db"
/Car_Reports" enabled="true" expirationData="1" expirationMode="N"
              id="De465359cddf8fd41d2da9f3d1fd0080f2220" index="0" type="LIBRARY" valueonly="false">
          <storageLibraryEmail authEnabled="false" authPassword="" authUserId="" class=""
                libraryURL="http://localhost:8080/ibi_apps/library/report.rc" mailFrom="" mailMessage="" mailReplyAddress=""
                mailServerName="" mailSubject="" sendEmailAfterSaveReport="false" sslEnabled="false" tlsEnabled="false"/>
      <timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
        <item class="" description="" enabled="true" id="Iace3d448i9197i4611i927di2969f6607559"
              index="0" name="" type="0">
       <nextRunTime _jt="calendar" time="1355756400000" timeZone="America/New_York"/>
       <startTime _jt="calendar" time="1355756400000" timeZone="America/New_York"/>
      <taskList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTask" size="1">
        <item alertEnabled="false" burst="true" class="" description="Task 1" domainHREF=""
              enabled="true" execId="guest" execPassword="guest" firstPostProcessingProcedure="" firstPreProcessingProcedure=""
           folderHREF="" id="T65819f8at8fe1t4db5t9c10t07c10277175b" index="0" procedureDescription=""
procedureName="IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports/Sales_Report_by_Country.fex" reportName=
              secondPostProcessingProcedure="" secondPreProcessingProcedure="" sendFormat="HTML" serverName="EDASERVE" type="1">
          <parameterList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleParameter" size="2">
            <item _jt="CasterScheduleParameter" enabled="true" index="0" name="COUNTRY" type="0" value="ENGLAND"/>
            <item _jt="CasterScheduleParameter" enabled="true" index="1" name="DEALER_COST" type="0" value="10000"/>
      <lastTimeExecuted _jt="calendar" time="18000000" timeZone="America/New_York"/>

If the value for the returncode attribute in the XML response is 10000, then the Schedule was successfully added.

Top of page

Example 2: Updating a Schedule

This example updates a Schedule called REST_Schedule that runs the Sales_Report_by_Country WebFOCUS report once on December 17th, 2012 at 15:00:00 UTC and distributes the output to the Report Library. The report will run with the COUNTRY parameter set to ENGLAND and the DEALER_COST parameter set to 10000.

The following REST URL retrieves an existing Schedule:


POST Request URL Format:


Body Format:

  <rootObject _jt="IBFSCasterObject" binary="false" createdOn="1350492747568" defaultLng="en_US" description="Schedule Created through REST"
         dummy="false" effectiveRSName="EDASERVE" extension="sch" externalId="Sebc72ee3sd148s41ees8a8fs9c92340b99bb"
fullPath="IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports/REST_Schedule.sch" handle="9f013bcaI357fI4c69Ib7ceI1e96775f72cb"
         lastModified="1350492747568" lastaccessBy="admin" lastaccessOn="1350492822549" length="0" name="REST_Schedule.sch" ownerId="10001"
         ownerName="admin" ownerType="U" policy="//3/D///9+f7////f/////////8AAAA=" returnedLng="en_US"
Car_Reports/REST_Schedule.sch" signedOn="true" type="CasterSchedule">
    <nlsValues _jt="HashMap" loadFactor="0.75" threshold="12">
        <key _jt="string" value="en_US"/>
        <value _jt="ArrayList" size="2">
           <item _jt="string" index="0" value="Schedule Created through REST"/>
    <properties size="2"><
      <entry key="id" value="Sebc72ee3sd148s41ees8a8fs9c92340b99bb"/>
      <entry key="tool" value="schedule"/>
    <casterObject _jt="CasterSchedule" active="false" 
compressedReport="false" deleteJobAfterRun="false"
         description="Schedule Created through REST" destinationAddress="OWNER" ibfsId="9f013bcaI357fI4c69Ib7ceI1e96775f72cb"
         ibfsPath="IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports" id="Sebc72ee3sd148s41ees8a8fs9c92340b99bb"
         name="REST_Schedule.sch" nextRunTime="disabled" notification="INACTIVE" owner="admin"
policy="open,delete,rename,|,run,|,security;makeRules;viewRules" priority="3" recurrence="0"
         scheduleId="Sebc72ee3sd148s41ees8a8fs9c92340b99bb" scheduleTitle="Schedule Created through REST" sendMethod="LIBRARY"
         statusLastExecuted="" taskType="1" traceType="0">
      <notification _jt="CasterScheduleNotification" addressForBriefNotification="" addressForFullNotification="" description=""
             from="" id="" subject="" type="INACTIVE"/>
      <distributionList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleDistribution" size="1">
        <item accessList="" accessListFullPath="" accessType="OWNER" category="" class=""
              compressionEnabled="false" counter="0" description="Report Library" destinationIbfsId="c60b1f9a_05ef_4e72_a737_e869917607db"
destinationPath="IBFS:/WFC/Repository/RESTful_Web_Services/Car_Reports" enabled="true" expirationData="1" expirationMode="N"
              id="De465359cddf8fd41d2da9f3d1fd0080f2220" index="0" type="LIBRARY" valueonly="false">
          <storageLibraryEmail authEnabled="false" authPassword="" authUserId="" class=""
                libraryURL="http://localhost:8080/ibi_apps/library/report.rc" mailFrom="" mailMessage="" mailReplyAddress=""
                mailServerName="" mailSubject="" sendEmailAfterSaveReport="false" sslEnabled="false" tlsEnabled="false"/>
      <timeInfoList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTimeInfo" size="1">
        <item class="" description="" enabled="true" id="Iace3d448i9197i4611i927di2969f6607559"
              index="0" name="" type="0">
       <nextRunTime _jt="calendar" time="1355756400000" timeZone="America/New_York"/>
     <startTime _jt="calendar" time="1355756400000" timeZone="America/New_York"/>
      <taskList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleTask" size="1">
        <item alertEnabled="false" burst="true" class="" description="Task 1" domainHREF=""
              enabled="true" execId="guest" execPassword="" firstPostProcessingProcedure="" firstPreProcessingProcedure="" folderHREF=""
              id="T65819f8at8fe1t4db5t9c10t07c10277175b" index="0" procedureDescription="" procedureId="64e971c8_fd80_4d07_99a7_a2356743010b"
Car_Reports/Sales_Report_by_Country.fex" reportName="car_sales.htm"
              secondPostProcessingProcedure="" secondPreProcessingProcedure="" sendFormat="HTML" serverName="EDASERVE" type="1">
          <parameterList _jt="array" itemsClass="CasterScheduleParameter" size="2">
            <item _jt="CasterScheduleParameter" enabled="true" index="0" name="COUNTRY" type="0" value="ENGLAND"/>
            <item _jt="CasterScheduleParameter" enabled="true" index="1" name="DEALER_COST" type="0" value="10000"/>
      <lastTimeExecuted _jt="calendar" time="18000000" timeZone="America/New_York"/>


If the value for the returncode attribute in the XML response is 10000, then the Schedule was successfully added.