Step 1. Creating Data Using WebFOCUS InfoAssist

How to:

You must first create data that will be integrated with WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Analyst Edition (AE). The example in this section uses a simple report created in WebFOCUS InfoAssist with the CAR Master File.

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Procedure: How to Create an Application Directory

Creating an application directory allows you to create a target location for data files that are generated by the VISDISAE output format, which are used by WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE and WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Server AE. This target location is recommended to be outside of the WebFOCUS installation folder structure, since WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Server AE may not always be installed on the same machine as WebFOCUS.

  1. Create a project folder on your local drive. For example:
  2. Open the WebFOCUS Reporting Server Web Console.
  3. In the Applications tab, click New and Application Directory.

    The Create New Application dialog box opens in the workspace area.

  4. Enter a unique name in the Application Name field (for example, visdisproj).
  5. Enter the path to the project folder that was created in step 1 in the Physical location field, or click the browse button to navigate to this location.
  6. Select Map to existing application from the Create or Map to existing drop-down list.
  7. Select the Add directory to APPPATH check box and then click OK.

    This directory can now be used to store the data file(s) generated with FORMAT VISDISAE. This is recommended since the data file generated by FORMAT VISDISAE will typically be stored on its own in a directory accessible from WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Server AE.

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Procedure: How to Create Data in WebFOCUS InfoAssist
  1. Open the WebFOCUS BI Portal.
  2. Create a new folder (for example, visdisproj) under the Public folder.
  3. Right-click the visdisproj folder, select New, and then click Report from the context menu.
  4. Select a server (for example, EDASERVE), assign the applications, and click OK.

    WebFOCUS InfoAssist opens.

  5. Navigate to the ibisamp directory and select the CAR Master File.
  6. Drag and drop the following fields (as dimensions) from the Data pane to the Live Preview pane:
    • CAR
    • MODEL
  7. Drag and drop the following fields (as metrics) from the Data pane to the Live Preview pane:
    • SALES
    • MPG
  8. Select Visual Discovery AE as the Output Type.
  9. Set the Destination for the output to be saved as a physical file.
  10. Select Visual Discovery AE (*.txt) as the format from the drop-down list and click Save to save the destination output settings.
  11. Save and run this WebFOCUS procedure.
  12. Navigate to the folder you created previously (for example, visdisproj), which is located outside the IBI directory structure, where the output of the carvisdisae.fex procedure is saved.

    A corresponding text file for the procedure is now available. For example:


    This is a tab-delimited text file where column titles are listed on the first row and data appears on every subsequent row.