Navigating Sort Groups From a Table of Contents

In this section:

How to:

You can enhance navigation within a large HTML report by adding a dynamic HTML-based Table of Contents (TOC). To take advantage of this feature, the report must contain at least one vertical sort (BY) field. If you include more than one sort field in a report, the hierarchy is determined by the order in which the sort fields are specified in the request.

Note: The Table of Contents option is available for the HTML, HTML active report, active report with Adobe Flash Player (FLEX), Excel, Default, and User output formats.

The TOC also enhances the display of groups of data. You can view one section (or page) of a report at a time, or you can view all sections at once. You can control this feature with a page break. For more information, see Customizing Report Sections for Display.

The TOC displays all values of the first (highest level) vertical sort field, as well as the values of any lower level By fields designated for inclusion. These values appear as an expandable series of links or as a series of list controls. Unless otherwise specified in the request, a new section begins when the highest level sort field changes.

The display of data for a lower level sort field is controlled by your selection of a higher level sort field value. For example, in a report sorted first by country and then by car model, if you choose Italy from the TOC for country, you will only see a listing of Italian car models in the TOC for cars. Cars produced in other countries are not displayed.

Using the TOC, you can:

The TOC itself is an object that initially appears in the upper-left corner of the report, or as one or more drop-down lists in a page heading or footing or a report heading or footing.

For more information, see:

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Procedure: How to Add a TOC or Disable the TOC Feature
  1. From Report Painter, right-click a By column in the report and select Table of Contents. A cascading menu appears.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • Report to embed the TOC in the executed report as an expandable tree control.
    • Heading to add the By columns as the last objects in the page heading. The TOC appears in a drop-down list in the heading when the report is executed.
    • None to turn the TOC feature off.

      Tip: Click the Properties tab in the Object Inspector to verify that the Table of Contents is turned on.


    1. Right-click the first By column in the Report Painter window and select Options. The Field Properties dialog box opens.
    2. Select the General tab.
    3. Select Report or Heading in the Table of Contents section of the tab.
    4. To turn the TOC feature off, select None in this section of the tab.

Example: Adding a Single-Level TOC to a Report or Page Heading

You may add a single-level TOC to a Report or to a Page Heading.

  1. After selecting the Centord data source to report against, open Report Painter.

    Tip: To verify that the output format is set to HTML, click the Options button and ensure that HTML appears in the Select Format drop-down list.

  2. Add the following fields from the Object Inspector: PLANT, PRODCAT, and LINEPRICE.
  3. Select the LINEPRICE column in the Report Painter window and click the Sum button.
  4. Select the PLANT and PRODCAT columns and click the By button.
  5. Right-click the first By column (PLANT) and choose Table of Contents, then choose Report (for a Report) or Heading (for a Page Heading) from the cascading menu.

    Note: If heading is selected, the PLANT field is inserted into the page heading.

  6. Enter SALES REPORT as the page heading, change the font size to 10, and center the heading.

    Note: If adding a TOC as a page heading, enter SALES REPORT before the <PLANT field.

  7. Run the report.

    For a Report, the TOC object appears in the upper-left corner.

    For a Page Heading, the TOC appears in the page heading drop-down list. Expand the drop-down list to display the sort values for PLANT and the viewing options.

  8. Double-click the TOC icon (for a Report) to display a list of the sort values for PLANT, with two viewing options.

    You can move the TOC anywhere on the screen by clicking the blue area above the Table of Contents and then dragging the TOC. You can also move it by double-clicking a location in the report at which to position the TOC.

  9. On the TOC, click each plant (city) to see the related information. The selected plant flashes to highlight it in the window. You can display any portion of the report by clicking that value in the TOC.

    You have the following options:

    • Click View Entire Report to display all data values in the report.
    • Click Remove Table of Contents to remove the TOC.
    • Double-click anywhere in the report area to redisplay the TOC.
    • For a TOC in a Report, click Table of Contents to collapse the TOC list. Click Table of Contents again to expand it.

Tip: You can customize the look and feel of the TOC object by editing a .css file. Go to \ibi\DevStudioxx\ibi_html\javaassist\intl\En\toc.css. Do not forget to make a backup copy.

Note: To display all columns of data so that they have the same width, use one of the following options:

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Navigation Behavior in a Multi-Level TOC

How to:

If you select a value in a multi-level TOC, that value flashes (it is highlighted in gray) to draw attention to it. It also moves to the top of the window for viewing.

If the selected value is already viewable in the window, and the remaining report will fit in the window, the value flashes, but the report does not scroll.

Procedure: How to Navigate Sorted Data From a Multi-Level Report TOC

In this example, you will add a dynamic HTML TOC as an object in the upper-left corner of a report and display a hierarchy consisting of multiple levels of sort fields, beginning with the highest level.

  1. After selecting the Short data source to report against, open Report Painter.

    Tip: To verify that the output format is set to HTML, click the Options button, and ensure that HTML appears in the Select Format drop-down list.

  2. Add the following fields from the Object Inspector: PROJECTED_RETURN, CONTINENT, REGION, COUNTRY, HOLDER, and TYPE.
  3. Select the CONTINENT, REGION, COUNTRY, HOLDER, and TYPE columns and click the By button.
  4. Select the PROJECTED ANNUALIZED RETURN column and click the Sum button.
  5. Right-click the fifth By column (TYPE) and choose Table of Contents, then choose Report from the cascading menu.
  6. Run the report.

    The TOC appears in the upper-left corner.

  7. Double-click the TOC. Select View Entire Report and scroll down to see the data for the three continents.

    Scroll back to the top of the report. Select AMERICAS. Your selection flashes to highlight it in the window. If you scroll down now, you will see that the report contains values only for the Americas.

  8. Click the plus sign (+) next to AMERICAS in the TOC, and then click the plus sign (+) next to SOUTH AMERICA.

    The field values ARGENTINA and BRAZIL are listed in the TOC. These are values of COUNTRY. To see the field name of a value in the TOC, place the cursor over that value.

  9. Select BRAZIL. BRAZIL flashes, and the associated data moves into the window.

  10. Continue to drill down to the detail you want to view by choosing values at any sort level in the TOC:
    • Clicking a plus sign (+) expands the field to display its values in the TOC.
    • Clicking an actual value (link) in the TOC momentarily highlights that value in the report and, if necessary, adjusts the report display to move the value into view.
    • If you click Table of Contents, the TOC collapses, but you can continue to scroll through the data, expand the TOC again, and make additional selections.

Procedure: How to Navigate Sorted Data From a Multi-Level Page Heading TOC

To generate a lengthy report for the purpose of illustration, this example prints the field PROJECTED_RETURN (that is, it uses the Detail function for the field).

  1. After selecting the Short data source to report against, open Report Painter.

    Tip: To verify that the output format is set to HTML, click the Options button, and ensure that HTML appears in the Select Format drop-down list.

  2. Add the following fields from the Object Inspector: PROJECTED_RETURN, CONTINENT, REGION, COUNTRY, HOLDER, and TYPE.
  3. Select the CONTINENT, REGION, COUNTRY, HOLDER, and TYPE columns and click the By button.
  4. Right-click the first three By columns (CONTINENT, REGION, and COUNTRY) one at a time and choose Table of Contents, then choose Heading from the cascading menu.

    These fields are inserted in the page heading.

    Note: When adding TOC to a heading, add additional page breaks to lower-level sort fields to group the hierarchical data correctly.

  5. Enter the following text in the page heading so that the heading looks like this:

    Change the font size of the second line to 10.

  6. Run the report. It contains three HTML TOCs in the drop-down lists in the second line of the page heading, one for each sort field specified in the request.

  7. Click the arrow in the second TOC drop-down list and select NORTH AMERICA. Keep in mind that the values in this drop-down list are related to those in the higher and lower level drop-down lists. Said another way, they are all part of the same higher level sort group, and, therefore, within the same page break.

    The selected value, NORTH AMERICA, flashes and moves to the top of the window. From there you can scroll to see the related data.

    If you select information already in your field of view, the value will flash to draw your attention to that location, but the display will not change.

  8. Choose ASIA from the first TOC list. This selection changes your highest level sort group, and affects all of the lists below it. ASIA flashes and moves to the top of the window, where you see information for the first city (HONG KONG) in the FAR EAST region.
  9. Continue to experiment with other selections.

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Customizing Report Sections for Display

Data in a report with a TOC is grouped into sections based on the sort fields.

You can customize each section with a page break. By default, a page break is included in the first (highest level) sort field. You can add page breaks to create additional sections and group the data based on a lower level sort field.

Example: Customizing Report Sections

To generate a lengthy report for the purpose of illustration, this example prints the field PROJECTED_RETURN (that is, it uses the Detail function for the field).

  1. After selecting the Short data source to report against, open Report Painter.

    Tip: To verify that the output format is set to HTML, click the Options button and ensure that HTML appears in the Select Format drop-down list.

  2. Add the following fields from the Object Inspector: PROJECTED_RETURN, CONTINENT, REGION, COUNTRY, HOLDER, and TYPE.
  3. Select the CONTINENT, REGION, COUNTRY, HOLDER, and TYPE columns and click the By button.
  4. Right-click the column Instrument Holder and select Options from the menu. On the Field Properties dialog box, select the Sort tab. From the Actions tab, select On from the Page Break drop-down list. Click OK to close the dialog box.

    This step generates a page break on the report each time the value of HOLDER changes.

  5. Right-click the fifth By column (Type of Instrument) and choose Table of Contents, then choose Report from the cascading menu.
  6. Run the report. The TOC appears in the upper-left corner, and only one section of the report (the data for the instrument holder COMM) appears.

    Double-click the TOC to expand it, and move it outside the report data.

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Table of Contents Limits

The TOC feature: