Customizing the Style Section in the Configuration File

How to:

In the "styles" section of the original irpcfg.js file, the "default" section defines the default styles for an active report or dashboard when no style sheet is specified in the report or dashboard procedure.

In the "default" section, the "flex" section defines the default styles for an active report or dashboard for Flash Player or for PDF (output format FLEX or APDF).

In the "default" section, the "html" section defines the default styles for an active report or dashboard for HTML (output format AHTML).

   "styles": {
      "default": {
         "flex": { 
         "html": {

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Procedure: How to Customize the Style Section in the Configuration File
  1. To start, find the "styles" section in the original irpcfg.js file.
  2. Copy the entire "default" section underneath.

    Important: You must copy the entire "default" section. If you copy only part of the style section or individual class, the default style that is already defined will be lost and an undefined class will be replaced in plain HTML style.

  3. Instead of "default", name the section "mystyle".
  4. Change the styles for each class as needed.