JPTRANS: Converting Japanese Specific Characters

How to:


The JPTRANS function converts Japanese specific characters.

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Syntax: How to Convert Japanese Specific Characters
JPTRANS ('type_of_conversion', length, source_string, 'output_format')



Is one of the following options indicating the type of conversion you want to apply to Japanese specific characters. These are the single component input types:

Conversion Type



Converts Zenkaku (Fullwidth) alphabets to Zenkaku uppercase.


Converts Zenkaku alphabets to Zenkaku lowercase.


Converts alphanumerics from Hankaku (Halfwidth) to Zenkaku.


Converts ASCII symbols from Hankaku to Zenkaku.


Converts Katakana from Hankaku to Zenkaku.


Converts space (blank) from Hankaku to Zenkaku.


Converts alphanumerics from Zenkaku to Hankaku.


Converts ASCII symbols from Zenkaku to Hankaku.


Converts Katakana from Zenkaku to Hankaku.


Converts space from Zenkaku to Hankaku.


Converts Hiragana to Zenkaku Katakana.


Converts Zenkaku Katakana to Hiragana.


Converts codepage from 930 to 939.


Converts codepage from 939 to 930.



Is the number of characters in the source_string.



Is the string to convert.



Is the name of the field that contains the output, or the format enclosed in single quotation marks.

Example: Using the JPTRANS Function
JPTRANS('UPCASE', 20, Alpha_DBCS_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('LOCASE', 20, Alpha_DBCS_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('HNZNALPHA', 20, Alpha_SBCS_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('HNZNSIGN', 20, Symbol_SBCS_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('HNZNKANA', 20, Hankaku_Katakana_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('HNZNSPACE', 20, Hankaku_Katakana_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('ZNHNALPHA', 20, Alpha_DBCS_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('ZNHNSIGN', 20, Symbol_DBCS_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('ZNHNKANA', 20, Zenkaku_Katakana_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('ZNHNSPACE', 20, Zenkaku_Katakana_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('HIRAKATA', 20, Hiragana_Field, 'A20')

JPTRANS('KATAHIRA', 20, Zenkaku_Katakana_Field, 'A20')

In the following, codepoints 0x62 0x63 0x64 are converted to 0x81 0x82 0x83, respectively:

JPTRANS('930TO939', 20, CP930_Field, 'A20')

In the following, codepoints 0x59 0x62 0x63 are converted to 0x81 0x82 0x83, respectively:

JPTRANS('939TO930', 20, CP939_Field, 'A20')

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Reference: Usage Notes for the JPTRANS Function