WebFOCUS Language

In this section:

The following are upgrade considerations and product changes for the WebFOCUS reporting language.

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Using XLSPAGESETS will automatically set the page margins to the default values of .25 inches. This will cause a change for procedures from EXL2K to EXL07. The only page setup feature supported in EXL2K is orientation. Margins are set to the Excel default for a new workbook: 1 inch top and bottom and .75 inch left and right.

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Accordion by Row Reports

As of WebFOCUS Version 8.0.01, Accordion by Row reports will display a grand total or column total row under the data table and above the page and report footings. This new feature can be turned off by setting ON TABLE NOTOTAL within the request. For existing reports where ON TABLE NOTOTAL exists in the request (the default for reports generated by InfoAssist and Report Painter), this will cause no change in behavior. For reports where ON TABLE NOTOTAL is not defined, the grand total row will now be present. To remove this row and return to earlier behavior, add ON TABLE NOTOTAL syntax to the request.

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HTML HFREEZE Reporting Feature Implementation Change

An implementation change was required for the HTML HFREEZE reporting feature to fix alignment issues and provide non-Internet Explorer browser support. The HFREEZE measuring mechanism uses an extra data row to calculate the column width correctly. The report width measuring mechanism will use an extra data row. For the row of data to be measured properly, the extra data row has to be visible. This visible extra row increases the space on the report in each of the three HTML table (<TABLE>) sections created for the report HEADING, column titles and data, and FOOTING. The extra space has been minimized and must be displayed to measure the width of the columns correctly.

The implementation change also provides non-Internet Explorer browser support with the HFREEZE reporting feature. The HFREEZE reporting feature is certified with the following browsers when using the WebFOCUS Version 8 WebFOCUS Client with a Version 7 Release 7.04 Reporting Server. For the most current information related to browser version or configuration, view the WebFOCUS Browser Support statement at the following URL:
