Active Technologies

In this section:

The following are upgrade considerations and product changes for Active Technologies (WebFOCUS Reporting Server Version 7 Release 7.05).

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Version Requirements

The following version of software is required.

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License Requirements

Starting with WebFOCUS Reporting Server Version 7 Release 7.04, you no longer need a valid license for Adobe Flex Builder™ 3 Professional in order to render charts in active report for Adobe Flash Player output.

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Handling a Hidden BY Column on an Active Technologies Chart

How to:

The SET ARNOPRINTHIDE command enables you to specify how the server handles a hidden BY column when NOPRINT is used in a GRAPH request.

This command applies when the setting for the chart engine is JSCHART.

Syntax: How to Handle a Hidden BY Column on an Active Technologies Chart

The syntax is



Excludes a hidden BY column (BY column with the NOPRINT option) from the sort processing of an active chart. Data for the hidden BY column is not displayed in the active chart output. This is the default value.

Using this setting with a NOPRINT column produces the same result as using HIDE=ON syntax for the BY column in the procedure.

The data for a hidden BY column is available for use elsewhere. For example, you can use it to populate the global filter drop-down list or other filter control on an active dashboard.

Includes a hidden BY column (BY column with the NOPRINT option) in the sort processing of an active chart. The chart is sorted by all the hidden BY columns, and data from all the columns is displayed in the active chart output.

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Saving an Active Technologies Report

The following upgrade considerations apply when you save an active report from your browser File menu, using the Save Page As option. For example, in Internet Explorer, you can select Save as from the File menu, and in the Save as type drop-down list, select Webpage, HTML only.

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Using an Alternate Adobe Flex Compiler With the WebFOCUS Reporting Server

How to:

An active report for Adobe Flash Player is generated using a Java-based compiler that comes with the Adobe Open Source Flex® SDK. The SDK is installed on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server and used to create an active report for Adobe Flash Player. As of Version 7 Release 7.04 of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server, the compiler has been upgraded to Flex 4.5.1.

Active Technologies provides backward compatibility, enabling you to use earlier SDKs to compile your existing interactive PDF and Flex documents with active reports for Adobe Flash Player. You can run an earlier version of the compiler, such as the compiler that comes with the Adobe Open Source Flex SDK 3.5, with WebFOCUS Reporting Server Version 7 Release 7.04 and higher.

If you are using the interactive PDF feature, make sure to copy the necessary WebFOCUS Enable for Adobe Flex SWC files to the \frameworks\libs directory of your Flex SDK installation. For more information, see the WebFOCUS Enable for Adobe Flex 4.x User's Guide.

Procedure: How to Use an Alternate Adobe Flex Compiler With the WebFOCUS Reporting Server
  1. Download the Adobe Flex SDK. Previous releases produced by Adobe, including 3.5, are available at the Adobe SourceForge site.
  2. To install a copy of the SDK on your system, extract the ZIP file to your drive.
  3. In the WebFOCUS procedure that contains SET HTMLFORMTYPE=FLEX to generate the interactive PDF or Flex document with an active report for Adobe Flash Player, add the following command
    SET FLEXSDK = path_to_sdk



    Is the full path to the SDK whose compiler you want to use to generate the interactive PDF or Flex document with the active report for Adobe Flash Player.

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Setting the Maximum Java Heap Size When Using an Alternate Adobe Flex Compiler

How to:

If you are using the SET FLEXSDK command as described in Using an Alternate Adobe Flex Compiler With the WebFOCUS Reporting Server, you can also use the SET FLEXMEM command to specify the maximum Java heap size allocated to the Flex compiler to compile Flash or Flex files. If there is not enough available memory allocated to the Flex compiler at compilation time, errors may occur.

By default, the maximum Java heap size is typically set to 384m (megabytes) in a script file named mxmlc, in a variable named $VMARGS. The mxmlc file resides in the Flex SDK \bin directory installed on your system.

Syntax: How to Set the Maximum Java Heap Size When Using an Alternate Adobe Flex Compiler

In the WebFOCUS procedure that contains the SET FLEXSDK command, add the following

SET FLEXMEM = maximum_java_heap_size



Is the maximum Java heap size allocated to the Flex compiler to compile Flash or Flex files. For example, the command


increases the maximum Java heap size from the default value (384 megabytes) to 640 megabytes.

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Customizing Styles With JavaScript Files

If a JavaScript file, such as irpfsty.js, irpstd.js, or irpfstd.js, was created prior to WebFOCUS Reporting Server Version 7 Release 7.04 and resides in your application folder, you must remove it and move the custom contents into the corresponding irpcusf.js file for AHTML, irpuflex.js file for FLEX/APDF, or irpcfgu.js file for all the default styles.

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Setting the Initial Active Technologies Chart Size

When you create an active chart using GRAPH FILE syntax, GRAPH FILE automatically sets the initial chart size to 768 x 480 pixels, by default. This feature applies to all chart engines.