Overview of WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE

In this section:

WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE supports the full range of analysis activities:

Work with WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE like this:

Start with a Business Problem

WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE is a tool for answering business questions based on data. You start using it with a business question or problem in mind. Your business question may be simple: what are the interesting relationships in this data? This leads to ad hoc analysis, looking at data to find the relationships within it. Or, you may start with a concrete business problem: who are my best customers, what makes a promotion successful, which employees are most productive, etc.

With a problem in mind, you need data that can answer the question.

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Get Your Data

WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE provides easy connection to a wide variety of data sources:

Once data is accessed from a source, the connection may be remembered and reused in a subsequent session.

Data to be imported from a source may be examined or have its characteristics changed during loading using the Project Workshop. This may also be used to set the string used to display missing values

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Data Is Stored in a Data Pool

Data is stored in memory in the Data Pool. This is an in memory repository that is shared by all WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE charts and displays. The Data Pool:

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Explore With Charts and Visual Discovery AE

A complete set of both simple and novel graphical charts are available for representing your data:

Charts provide a standard set of ways of interacting directly with your data; taken together, these provide WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE:

Once your data is available, it is time to understand it. WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE helps you decide how to best visualize your data by letting you build a page in three different ways:

  1. A guide asks questions and creates a page based on the answers to these questions. Although this is unlikely to result in a sophisticated view of your data, it will provide a starting point from which you can begin your explorations.
  2. A library of pre-defined page templates may be used as starting points for your displays.
  3. You may build a page entirely to your design by selecting charts and laying them out on a tab in the application. The size and arrangement of the charts is completely under your control.

No matter how you start designing a page, you can manually modify it by adding or removing charts or by interactively changing the data displayed by a chart.

A successful data analysis session involves more than just visualizing data: the analyst must also understand what he or she is seeing, mark interesting states for later documentation or easy recovery, and generally control the application. WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE supports these activities:

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Share Your Results

The result of data analysis is conclusions, which often must be incorporated as part of a convincing presentation. Results can be published in a variety of ways. The simplest form of sharing is to share images of the charts. This can be done using a variety of formats

You can provide help to other people using the dashboard you created via Navigation Panes, documentation formatted as HTML pages that can be associated with each tab in a dashboard. The Navigation Pane for a tab can describe how to use that tab and where to go next. Since this is an HTML page, all of the capabilities of HTML may be used in the Navigation Pane.

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Or Share Your Results on the Web

A key aspect of data analysis using WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE is interactivity; this same interactivity can be crucial to presenting results as well as in discovering results. A WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE project may be published to WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Server AE, which provides charts in a zero footprint web page. This export requires no modifications or customizations to what was created during analysis, and no use of other tools.

A project published to WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Server AE and viewed over the web is an interactive analytical dashboard. This same presentation may be used on an ongoing basis by updating the data to allow the same interactive presentation of data and analysis for new instances of the same data.

WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE projects may also be sent to other users of WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE to allow them to examine the same data.

An interesting subset of data that has been identified in WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE may be exported formatted as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or as a text file.

The selected subset of data in a WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Server AE-supported dashboard may be exported to a web page or another server.