Creating a Customized Magnify Configuration

How to:

This section describes how to save configuration changes to the Magnify interface separately from the default settings. The following procedures provide an example of creating a new customized Magnify configuration.

Simply put, the Magnify architecture flows as follows:

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Procedure: How to Create a Customized Style Sheet

This procedure creates a new language-specific style sheet file with its own unique name and a pair of collection values and descriptions. The default en_stylesheet.xslt file will be used as a template. For a different example, see the en_stylesheet_century.xslt file.

  1. Navigate to the \ibi\WebFOCUS80\config\magnify\en folder.
  2. Copy the en_stylesheet.xslt file.
  3. Rename the copied file as en_stylesheet_myexample.xslt.
  4. Open the en_stylesheet_myexample.xslt file in a text editor and set the root style sheet.
    1. Find the variable for the root style sheet name.
      <!-- Do not translated the variable rootstylesheet -->
      <xsl:variable name="rootstylesheet" >default</xsl:variable>
    2. Change the default to a custom name, in this case, myexample.
      <!-- Do not translated the variable rootstylesheet -->
      <xsl:variable name="rootstylesheet" >myexample</xsl:variable>
    3. Navigate to the collections_descriptions and collections_values variables.
    4. Add Files as the collection description and myfileindex as collection value, as shown in the following image. Both variables must end with commas. This will be used later in the File Indexing section. For more information, see Adding Indexes to the Collections Drop-down Menu.

    5. Save and close the en_stylesheet_myexample.xslt file.

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Procedure: How to Create a Customized Collection Configuration

This procedure will create a new collection file pointing to the customized style sheet created in the previous procedure. The default collections.xml file will be used as a template. For a different example, see the collections_century.xslt file.

  1. Navigate to the\ibi\WebFOCUS80\config\magnify folder.
  2. Copy the collections.xml file.
  3. Rename the copied file as collections_myexample.xml.
  4. Open the collections_myexample.xml file in a text editor and set the default language-specific style sheet.
    1. Find the <defaults> section.

    2. Set the stylesheet attribute to the style sheet created earlier.
    3. Set each language_defaults stylesheet attribute to the style sheet created earlier (for English set both lang=en and lang=en-us).
      <language_defaults lang="en" 
      ... stylesheet="en/en_stylesheet_myexample" ... />
      <language_defaults lang="en-us" 
      ... stylesheet="en/en_stylesheet_myexample" ... />
    4. Save and close the collections_myexample.xml file.
  5. Refresh the Magnify session as described in How to View the Changes Made Using a URL Request.
    • Navigate to the search page.

    Note: Sample or default URLs are for informational purposes only and may not resolve correctly, if at all.

  6. Confirm that the custom set of collections that you added in collections_myexample.xml displays in the drop-down menu, as shown in the following image.