Sending a Message to a Client Application

How to:

The command -TYPE enables you to send a message to a client application while a procedure is processing. The message:

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Syntax: How to Send a Message to a Client Application
-TYPE text-label [TYPE text]



Is the message to be sent, followed by a line feed. If you include quotation marks around text, the quotation marks display as part of the message. The length of text can be up to 256 bytes. The message is sent as soon as -TYPE is encountered in the processing of the procedure.

Use the following syntax

-label [TYPE text]



Is the target of a -GOTO or -IF.

TYPE text

Optionally sends a message to a client application.

Example: Using the -TYPE Command to Inform a Client Application About Report Content

The following example illustrates the use of -TYPE to inform a client application about the content of a report.

-* Version 1  07/28/04  SLRPT
-* Component of Retail Sales Reporting Module
-TYPE This report calculates percentage of returns.

iWay Software