PMF Font Format Issue

How to:

Until further notice, if you install PMF onto a WebFOCUS server 7.7.01 or higher, some standard fonts distributed with PMF to display indicators (for example, red, yellow, and green dots) on PDF format reports are no longer defined for the server.

Typically the PMF installer writes these font definitions to your WebFOCUS Reporting Server’s font configuration files. In 7.7.01 and higher, however, the format for these files has changed to XML, and has become more complex. As a result the installer cannot determine where in the current files to define the fonts.

The problem symptom is the display of text characters rather than indicator dots on PMF reports when output to PDF or PPT formats. The incorrect output looks like the following image.

Incorrect Fonts

The proper output should look similar to the following image, depending on the indicator font set you have selected:

Correct Font Output

Procedure: How to Fix the PMF Font Format Issue

This issue can be fixed by following instructions from the Adding and Configuring Fonts section in the WebFOCUS Creating Reports with WebFOCUS Language manual. Insert the following XML code into the file /ibi/srvnn/home/nls/ fontmap.xml using a standard ANSI text editor, such as Notepad or TextPad.

  1. Insert the following code in the <when format="dhtml"> section.
    <!----  PMF font  ------>
    <family name="pmf01">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf01"  fontfile="pmf01" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf01"  fontfile="pmf01" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf01"  fontfile="pmf01" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf01"  fontfile="pmf01" fonttype="PFB"  />
    <family name="pmf02">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf02"  fontfile="pmf02" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf02"  fontfile="pmf02" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf02"  fontfile="pmf02" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf02"  fontfile="pmf02" fonttype="PFB"   />
    <family name="pmf03">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf03"  fontfile="pmf03" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf03"  fontfile="pmf03" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf03"  fontfile="pmf03" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf03"  fontfile="pmf03" fonttype="PFB"  />
    <family name="pmf04">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf04"  fontfile="pmf04" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf04"  fontfile="pmf04" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf04"  fontfile="pmf04" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf04"  fontfile="pmf04" fonttype="PFB"  />
    <family name="pmf05">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf05"  fontfile="pmf05" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf05"  fontfile="pmf05" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf05"  fontfile="pmf05" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf05"  fontfile="pmf05" fonttype="PFB"   />
    <family name="pmf06">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf06"  fontfile="pmf06" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf06"  fontfile="pmf06" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf06"  fontfile="pmf06" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf06"  fontfile="pmf06" fonttype="PFB"  />
    <family name="pmf07">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf07"  fontfile="pmf07" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf07"  fontfile="pmf07" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf07"  fontfile="pmf07" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf07"  fontfile="pmf07" fonttype="PFB"   />
    <family name="pmf08">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf08"  fontfile="pmf08" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf08"  fontfile="pmf08" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf08"  fontfile="pmf08" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf08"  fontfile="pmf08" fonttype="PFB"   />
  2. Insert the following code in the <when format="pdf"> section:
    <!----  PMF font  ------>
    <family name="pmf01">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf01"  fontfile="pmf01" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf01"  fontfile="pmf01" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf01"  fontfile="pmf01" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf01"  fontfile="pmf01" fonttype="PFB"  />
    <family name="pmf02">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf02"  fontfile="pmf02" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf02"  fontfile="pmf02" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf02"  fontfile="pmf02" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf02"  fontfile="pmf02" fonttype="PFB"   />
    <family name="pmf03">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf03"  fontfile="pmf03" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf03"  fontfile="pmf03" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf03"  fontfile="pmf03" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf03"  fontfile="pmf03" fonttype="PFB"  />
    <family name="pmf04">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf04"  fontfile="pmf04" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf04"  fontfile="pmf04" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf04"  fontfile="pmf04" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf04"  fontfile="pmf04" fonttype="PFB"  />
    <family name="pmf05">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf05"  fontfile="pmf05" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf05"  fontfile="pmf05" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf05"  fontfile="pmf05" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf05"  fontfile="pmf05" fonttype="PFB"   />
    <family name="pmf06">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf06"  fontfile="pmf06" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf06"  fontfile="pmf06" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf06"  fontfile="pmf06" fonttype="PFB"  />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf06"  fontfile="pmf06" fonttype="PFB"  />
    <family name="pmf07">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf07"  fontfile="pmf07" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf07"  fontfile="pmf07" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf07"  fontfile="pmf07" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf07"  fontfile="pmf07" fonttype="PFB"   />
    <family name="pmf08">
      <font style="normal"      metricsfile="pmf08"  fontfile="pmf08" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold"        metricsfile="pmf08"  fontfile="pmf08" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="italic"      metricsfile="pmf08"  fontfile="pmf08" fonttype="PFB"   />
      <font style="bold+italic" metricsfile="pmf08"  fontfile="pmf08" fonttype="PFB"   />
  3. Save the fontmap.xml file, restart your WebFOCUS Reporting Server, and test to make sure PMF output is correct.
  • If you have any custom indicator fonts used with PMF, you will need to add these to your font map file as well.
  • The referenced font files themselves, PMF01.PFM and PMF01.PFB, and so on, are shipped with PMF and installed onto your WebFOCUS Reporting Server when you install PMF. You should make sure these font files have been correctly installed to the proper location (/ibi/srvnn/home/etc/) before attempting to edit and test these changes, or you might encounter undesired behavior.
  • After a WebFOCUS Reporting Server upgrade, you might need to reapply these changes. Make sure to store a backup copy of the font map file with these changes applied.

Information Builders