Working With WebFOCUS Metadata

Metadata is the mapping needed for users to access and manipulate data. For consistency, everything that can possibly be included in the metadata should be included, so all users get the same view of the data. You want to avoid a situation where you may have two reports on the same data, generating different values, because the calculation was done in different ways.

The metadata can contain a wealth of information. Items which should be included in the metadata for WebFOCUS systems include:

Metadata Location

Describing the Data With Schemas

There are several types of schemas that can be used to describe the data, starting with the base schema.

Base Schema

Customizing Views for Business Requirements

Relating Base Schemas With Cluster Views

Defining Column Hierarchies With Dimension Views

Use this when there is a hierarchical relationship (rollup/drill down) between the fields of the data (COUNTRY/STATE/CITY).

Information Builders