Importing and Exporting the ReportCaster Configuration File

It is important to note that if you are installing a later version of WebFOCUS, but intend to use an existing repository from any earlier version of WebFOCUS 8, you may need to run the following utilities in order to update the dserver.xml, rc_preference.xml, and sendmodes.xml files:

Note: Each utility will create a utility_name.log file in the ...ibi/WebFOCUS8x/ReportCaster/log directory, where utility_name is the name of the utility.


The ReportCaster configuration file (dserver.xml) is placed in a WebFOCUS repository table during installation. Changes to this file can be made using the ReportCaster Configuration tool and the WebFOCUS Administration Console. You can export the dserver.xml file from the WebFOCUS repository to your file system or import the dserver.xml file from your file system to the WebFOCUS repository.

To export the dserver.xml file to your file system, run the exportcfg utility, which is located in the following directory:


The dserver.xml file will be exported to the following directory:


To import the dserver.xml file from your file system, copy the dserver.xml file to the following directory:


Run the importcfg utility, which is located in the following directory:



The ReportCaster user interface control file (rc_preference.xml) is placed in a WebFOCUS repository table during installation. You can export the rc_preference.xml file from the WebFOCUS repository to your file system or import the rc_preference.xml file from your file system to the WebFOCUS repository.

To export the rc_preference.xml file to your file system, run the exportrcpref utility, which is located in the following directory:


The rc_preference.xml file will be exported to the following directory:


To import the rc_preference.xml file from your file system, copy the rc_preference.xml file to the following directory:


Run the importrcpref utility, which is located in the following directory:



The file that contains the list of ReportCaster formats and mime types (sendmodes.xml) is placed in a WebFOCUS repository table during installation. You can export the sendmodes.xml file from the WebFOCUS repository to your file system or import the sendmodes.xml file from your file system to the WebFOCUS repository.

To export the sendmodes.xml file to your file system, run the exportsendmode utility, which is located in the following directory:


The sendmodes.xml file will be exported to the following directory:


To import the sendmodes.xml file from your file system, copy the sendmodes.xml file to the following directory:


Run the importsendmode utility, which is located in the following directory:
