Set Coloring

Dashboard coloring provides an additional dimension by which an individual can analyze data and see trends. Color is set to a table in the dashboard and, once set, every chart on every page of the dashboard that is linked to that table updates to display the selected color scheme.

To set the dashboard’s color scheme select a field in the dropdown Color By: window located on the top dashboard toolbar. If your Color Toolbar is closed, you can open them by going to the View menu and selecting Toolbars and then Color. You have the option of coloring the dashboard by any field in the selected color table, which is specified in the Page Toolbar.

Once you have selected a field, use the Color Scale: drop down window to choose the coloring scheme (or create your own color scale using the Color Workshop: View Color Workshop).

Color is mapped to match the data values in the selected field:

Once the dashboard color is set, open up the color legend to view the color scale.