Listing the Parameters for a Report Within an Application

This RESTful web service can be used to retrieve the current parameters for a WebFOCUS report stored within an application.

HTTP Method: GET

REST URL Format:




Is the name of the system where WebFOCUS is installed.


Is the port number used by WebFOCUS.


Is the name of the Reporting Server Node. For more information, see Listing WebFOCUS Reporting Server Nodes.


Is the name of the application containing the files to be listed. For more information, see Listing Applications.


Is the name of the WebFOCUS report as defined in the name attribute when listing files within an application. For more information, see Listing Files Within an Application.


In this example, the current parameters for the carinst.fex report, which exists in the ibisamp application, are retrieved. The carinst.fex report is defined in the name attribute when listing the files within an application. For more information, see Listing Files Within an Application.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<ibfsrpc _jt="IBFSResponseObject" language="EN" name="IBIRS_action" returncode="10000"
  returndesc="SUCCESS" subreturncode="0" subsystem="SSYS" type="simple">
 <ibfsparams size="0"/>
 <rootObject class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSWFDescribe" isSavedParam="false">
  <bindingInfo _jt="HashMap" loadFactor="0.75" threshold="24">
    <key _jt="string" value="SUBSYSTEM"/>
    <value class="com.ibi.wfrs.BindingVar" isReqParm="false" value="Self Service"/>
    <key _jt="string" value="IBI_WF_charset"/>
    <value class="com.ibi.wfrs.BindingVar" isReqParm="false" value="windows-1252"/>
    <key _jt="string" value="WF_TITLE"/>
    <value class="com.ibi.wfrs.AmperVar" format="" max="0.0" min="0.0" name="WF_TITLE" strDef="">
     <type class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperVarType" name="set"/>
     <displayType class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperDisplayType" name="prompt"/>
     <values accessOrder="false" class="java.util.LinkedHashMap" loadFactor="0.75" threshold="12"/>
    <key _jt="string" value="FOCREL"/>
    <value class="com.ibi.wfrs.AmperVar" format="" max="0.0" min="0.0" name="FOCREL" strDef="">
    <type class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperVarType" name="system"/>
   <displayType class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperDisplayType" name="prompt"/>
    <values accessOrder="false" class="java.util.LinkedHashMap" loadFactor="0.75" threshold="12"/>
    <key _jt="string" value="EXCELSERVURL"/>
    <value class="com.ibi.wfrs.AmperVar" format="" max="0.0" min="0.0" name="EXCELSERVURL" strDef="">
    <type class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperVarType" name="set"/>
  <displayType class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperDisplayType" name="prompt"/>
    <values accessOrder="false" class="java.util.LinkedHashMap" loadFactor="0.75" threshold="12"/>
    <key _jt="string" value="COUNTRY"/>
    <value class="com.ibi.wfrs.AmperVar" format="" max="0.0" min="0.0" name="COUNTRY" strDef="$*">
    <type class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperVarType" name="defaultType"/>
   <displayType class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperDisplayType" name="prompt"/>
    <values accessOrder="false" class="java.util.LinkedHashMap" loadFactor="0.75" threshold="12"/>

Each parameter definition is defined within the opening and closing entry tag.

The XML returned includes many system parameters along with the parameters defined in the WebFOCUS report. Entries that have a name attribute for the type element of either unresolved or defaultType are the WebFOCUS report parameters.

<type class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperVarType" name="unresolved"/>

The name attribute within the value element defines the parameter that is being used in the selection.

<value name="COUNTRY" class="com.ibi.wfrs.AmperVar" strDef="$*" min="0.0" max="0.0" format="">
<type name="defaultType" class="com.ibi.wfrs.IBFSAmperVarType"/>

If a parameter definition within a WebFOCUS report has a default value, the strDef attribute within the value element will contain that value.

If a parameter definition within a WebFOCUS report has a Prompt title, the description attribute within the value element will contain the title.

If a parameter definition within a WebFOCUS report has a list of valid values for the selection, additional entry elements will exist in the XML within the parameter definition. The value attribute within the key element would contain each valid value.

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