ActiveX control

A graphical component that uses ActiveX technology. ActiveX is a software component of Microsoft Windows, and enables features such as animation. A WebFOCUS Visual Discovery control is an ActiveX control.


Occurs when each glyph is sequentially highlighted and then restored to its original state. Animation is useful when you are analyzing two or more interactive data visualization controls at the same time because you can easily see the highlighted items in all displayed controls simultaneously.

bar chart

A diagram that provides a means of quantitative comparison by displaying rectangular bars of differing heights or lengths that are proportional to the statistics or data they represent. Bar charts display the distribution of a single, discrete or dependent variable across an independent variable.


A combination of display characteristics, such as the selection state (data that is selected, unselected, or excluded) and the colors used in the control. The bookmark feature allows you to save a specific state in your analysis, so you can return to it at a later time without recreating it from the beginning.


Provides a statistical summary of a data table, and lists exact numerical values for data fields within the table, in an easy-to-read, textual format.

data constellation

Also known as a constellation graph. Depicts multiple data sets or groups of data sets with particular attributes and maps the association between them. They are called constellations because they are made up of numerous stars or nodes. Each star represents a specific data value that is distanced from and connected to other stars on the diagram plane in proportion to the strength or weakness of their relationship.

data sheet

Creates a table style view of a set of fields so you can uncover interactions and patterns.

data visualization

Transforms raw data into perceptive images, providing a powerful and dynamic instrument for the discovery and reasoning of quantitative information.

design time

The period in which you are creating or editing your page using the Developer Studio tools.


A graphic, such as an icon, used to represent data.

goal line

Lines you can place on a bar or a line chart in the report output. Goal lines display in front of the graphed data, enabling you to compare your data with one or more set values.


A chart that groups data values into classes and shows the frequency at which each class appears in the data set by displaying a series of columns whose width represents class intervals and whose areas are proportional to the corresponding frequencies.

line chart

A chart that compares the relationship between two variables, one dependent, and one independent. It demonstrates the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable by showing successive points, each representing a different data value, connected by straight lines.

Mercator Projection

When creating a map in image format, there will be some distortion because the Earth is round, yet you are creating a 2D image. Mercator Projection allows you to make accurate maps, despite the distortion.


Provides a visual representation of the interaction or relationship between two or more associated data fields by plotting one variable on the X axis and one or more variables on the Y axis.


A hybrid of box plots and parallel coordinate plots, made up of multiple columns. The first column contains specific values from a data group (each displayed as a bubble, sized to demonstrate the number of records it represents), with the remaining columns each representing a specific characteristic of that group.

run time

The period after you have created and deployed your page, when your page displays in the Developer Studio Viewer or Internet Explorer. You cannot edit the page at run time, but you can modify attributes of the Visual Discovery charts.


Also called a scatter gram or scatter diagram, it is used to investigate the possible association between two variables that both relate to the same event, by distributing a series of points or nodes, each representing a value in the data set, across a grid.


A statistical technique in which data is averaged to remove extreme highs and lows.

summary sheet

Displays rolled up, or aggregated data from several dimensions in a table.

thick-client deployment

Visual Discovery components run on the workstation of the end user as binary ActiveX controls within an Internet Explorer page. The ActiveX controls are installed on a workstation the first time an end user accesses a webpage that uses them. Webpages that use the visual components contain parameters and scripts to configure them and load data into them from network sources.

tick mark

The default glyph used in time table charts where each tick mark stands for one record.

time table

Shows activities or tasks over a period of time. Tick marks, representing individual data records, are displayed across a grid in a pattern directly related to the time of their occurrence. Time tables are used to show large numbers of events over time and for studying the interrelationships between those events.

WebFOCUS Visual Discovery

Provides advanced graphical techniques for creating visual perspectives of multi-dimensional business data, and provides robust chart interactivity so you can visually analyze and detect trends and anomalies across multiple dimensions and categories.

WebFOCUS Visual Discovery controls

Graphical components that use ActiveX technology. WebFOCUS Visual Discovery controls are available through Developer Studio and are developed using the HTML Composer tool.