About Magnify

Magnify is an enterprise search tool that allows you to search your structured and unstructured business content, such as application data and database records, through an easy-to-use search interface. Because Information Builders adapter product line provides access to over 300 data sources, Magnify acts as the single point of access to information that resides in multiple applications throughout your enterprise.

When you search for a keyword or phrase, Magnify scans the indexed content and returns a results page that includes a navigation tree to focus your search, and links that trigger dynamic WebFOCUS reports to present you with the most current information in your enterprise.

Through various configuration parameters in Magnify, you determine what data in your business content will be accessible to a search and which WebFOCUS report to run from a search results link. By using a combination of a Magnify style sheet (provided with the product) and these parameters, you can customize the appearance of your search results page.