Installation Prerequisites

RStat deployment on a Windows machine requires the installation of a C compiler.

The open source compilers made available on the IBI downloads site (MinGW) can be installed on the Windows machine. The RStat installation package can launch the installation of MinGWxx.exe, where xx is the bit version (that is, 32 or 64). If you prefer the RStat install to kick off the MinGW installation, then you need to download the MinGW installation package. For more information see, How to Download the Mingwxx.exe File. The MinGW install can also be manually launched separately after the RStat install completes.

Note: The 64-bit MinGW install (mingw64.exe) cannot be launched by the RStat install. It needs to be launched manually. The MinGW install needs to be installed on the machine where the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is installed. Depending on the architecture, it does not necessarily need to be on the same machine as RStat.