Configure WebFOCUS Visual Discovery

A few configuration options may be specified for WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE in its configuration file. This is a file located in the directory where WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE was installed (typically c:/Program Files/WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE); the name will reflect the version of WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE that you purchased). The configuration file has the suffix .config; it is named based on the version of WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE that you purchased (for example, PublisherApp.exe.config. OfficeApp.exe.config, etc.). These options apply to WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE Server as well as client versions of WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE; in this case the parameters are in the web.config file in the WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE Server installation directory. This file is formatted as XML.

These setting are in a section named appSettings. The options are:

  1. CommandTimeout. Some data sources, in particular databases, will time out if they cannot complete a request in a certain amount of time. This parameters sets what the time out interval should be, in seconds. Change this if you are retrieving data from a data source that can time out and your query takes longer than the default time out interval. This parameter takes a numeric value, giving the time out interval in seconds.
  2. SkipRowCount. WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE tries to count the number of rows that will be returned by a data source for use in showing a progress bar. This boolean flag (true or false) may be used to prevent this initial counting. For some data sources, the counting operation may be expensive, and may be a cost that you are willing to forgo.
  3. UseGenericGraphics. Some graphics accelerators have errors which cause graphics displays to be corrupted in WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE. Setting this flat to true causes WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE to use an alternative implementation that is less prone to errors. This only affects client versions of WebFOCUS Visual Discovery. This is further described in this section.
  4. RollupCreateStrict, JoinCreateStrict. Edits to an existing project may change the order in which data must be created by calculated expression, table copy (join), or rollups so that prerequisites are created before targets. By default, missing fields are ignored when rollups and table copies are created, but this may lead to problems in creating the project after an edit. If these settings are set to true, these settings will require rollup and table copy creation to be strict and require the existence of stats fields. Once successfully loaded and resaved, the setting can be reverted to false, the default.

An example of an appSettings section is shown below:

          <add key=”CommandTimeout” value=”30”/>
          <add key=”SkipRowCount” value=”false”/>
          <add key=”UseGenericGraphics” value=”true”/>
          <add key=”RollupCreateStrict” value=”true”/>
          <add key=”JoinCreateStrict” value=”true”/>