Using WebFOCUS Hyperstage and Other Engines to Improve ETL Performance

Although all ETL processing can be undertaken using Hyperstage tables, it often makes sense to use some of the other engines included in the offering to facilitate the transformation and loading of data into Hyperstage.

Intermediate files may be generated using the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE syntax. Just like MySQL, temporary tables will be retained until the completion of the session or if explicitly removed using the DROP TABLE syntax.

Where significant UPDATEs, DELETEs, and INSERTs are required, the use of MyISAM tables may improve processing time.

Migration of final data from a MyISAM table to a Hyperstage table may be accomplished in one of two ways:

Since the Hyperstage Loader is the fastest option for populating a Hyperstage table, it is recommended that it is used for large data loads. Small loads, such as dimension tables, may be better suited to using the INSERT INTO syntax.

The INSERT statement is a commonly used data population technique for ETL tools. Hyperstage tables may be populated using the INSERT statement where a custom connector for the ETL tool does not exist.