Installing WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Analyst Edition Components


WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Analyst Edition (AE) consists of the following components:

  • WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Workbench AE
  • WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Server AE

This section provides system requirements and procedures that are required to install WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE components. It is important to note that WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE is developed on the Microsoft .NET framework. As a result, WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE must be installed on a Windows platform with Microsoft .NET framework and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). For default (out-of-the-box) WebFOCUS environments, or those configured with limited security, follow the default installation steps for WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE. When a secured environment is present, additional installation steps for WebFOCUS Visual Discovery AE are required. For more information, see Configuring WebFOCUS Visual Discovery Analyst Edition.