Font Property

The Font property enables you to determine the typeface, style, and size of text in controls on the form. You can either set the font using the Fonts dialog box, or using a cascading style sheet.

If you do not have a cascading style sheet applied to your form, you can set the font for the form, and then all controls on the form will inherit that font, except for the following input style controls: Button, EditBox, and MultiEditBox. The font for the input style controls can be set using a Style Sheet. Cascading Style Sheets do not apply to the Grid.

If you want to change the font of an individual control, use the Fonts dialog box to change the font for just that control.

The default form font is MS Sans Serif, Regular, 8 point.

If you have a cascading style sheet applied to your form, you can set the font for elements in your form, other than the Grid, using the Style Sheet.

Make sure that the font is set to Default for every control, as well as the form itself (setting the font to anything other than Default takes precedence over the style sheet).

If a control has a class assigned to it, it will use the font defined for that class. If a control does not have a class assigned to it, it will use the default font defined in the style sheet.

For more information on Cascading Style Sheets, see Using Cascading Style Sheets.

Applies to: Grids, forms, buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, edit boxes, group boxes, HTML Objects, HTML Tables, list boxes, multi-edit boxes, radio buttons, text.

Setting dynamically: No.