CursorPointer Property

The CursorPointer property specifies the type of cursor displayed when an end user moves the cursor over a form or control. For example, it is customary for your cursor to turn into a hand when you move it over a link or a button.

You can also set this property using a cascading style sheet. For more information, see Using Cascading Style Sheets.

Applies to: Forms, all controls except for combo boxes, frames, and list boxes.

Setting dynamically:

Winform Set form.[control.]CURSORPOINTER TO n;

Property Settings:

0 - Default

Displays an arrow () when end users move their cursors over the control, if you do not have a cascading style sheet applied to your form. Otherwise, it uses the setting in the cascading style sheet.

1 - IBeam

Displays a text-editing I-beam (text editing beam) when end users move their cursors over the control. This cursor is useful to indicate that end users can enter text into a control, such as an edit box or multi-edit box.

2 - Move

Displays a move cursor (move cursor ).

3 - Cross

Displays a cursor shaped like a cross (cursor shaped like a cross).

4 - Wait

Displays an hourglass cursor (hourglass cursor ). This cursor indicates that end users must wait until your application finishes a task.

5 - Help

Displays a cursor with a question mark (question mark cursor ). This cursor is useful to indicate that end users can get help.

6 - Hand

Displays a hand cursor (hand cursor ). This cursor is useful to indicate that end users can accomplish something by clicking the control, such as a web link or button.