Troubleshooting OLAP Reports

This topic describes common problems that you might encounter when working with OLAP-enabled reports.

The report is not OLAP enabled. Ensure that Run with OLAP is selected in the Properties window for the report

The OLAP Control Panel does not display dimensions. Ensure that the metadata for the report uses the WITHIN attribute to create one or more hierarchical dimensions.

You cannot drill-down or roll up a dimension. Ensure that the metadata for the report uses the WITHIN attribute to create one or more hierarchical dimensions.

You cannot include additional measures in the report. You cannot use the OLAP Control Panel to include measures that are not included in the original report request.


When you click the OLAP button in a graph, the OLAP Control Panel does not open. OLAP currently is not implemented for GRAPH requests. Deselect Run with OLAP in the Report Properties window.

If you use Print *, an error occurs. If you create a procedure that uses Print *, and you then OLAP enable and run the procedure (selecting Save output as PDF file from the OLAP Control Panel), an error is returned. OLAP does not support Print *. Instead, it prints the entire contents.