Complex Process Flow at a Glance

You can design a complex process flow by combining a wider range of objects in the workspace. You can run procedures before and after executing flows, execute flows concurrently or individually, and send email messages based on the outcome of the execution.

In the process flow shown in the following image, a setup procedure prepares the environment for data extraction. Two data flows are grouped to run simultaneously, followed by a Wait object. When the processing of both data flows is complete, one of two email messages is sent: one if the previous step is successful; the other if the previous step is unsuccessful. After a successful run, a cleanup procedure is executed to prepare for the next scheduled process flow run.

Complex Process Flow

To create a complex process flow:

  1. Open a new flow and click the Process Flow tab.

    The Start object appears by default.

  2. Add a procedure to set up the environment prior to data extraction, and connect it to the Start object.

    This procedure runs at the start of the process flow.

  3. Add a Parallel Group object for concurrent processing of two data flows, and connect it to the procedure.

    This enables you to run multiple data flows simultaneously.

  4. Add the data flows to the Parallel Group object.

    These data flows run simultaneously.

  5. Add a Wait object to ensure that the next step does not begin until all of the data flows in the Parallel group are complete.
  6. Connect the Group object to the Wait object.
  7. Add another Data Flow object to be executed when the Wait conditions are satisfied.
  8. Connect the Data Flow object to the Wait object.
  9. Create two email messages and connect both to the Data Flow object, forming two branches in the process flow.
  10. Send the messages to appropriate recipients when the data run succeeds or fails.
  11. Add a cleanup procedure that runs after the data flows, and connects to the email object upon successful completion the flow.
  12. Open the Start object and specify when and how often to run the flow.
  13. Save and run the process flow.
  14. View the log file for flow processing.

iWay Software