
Currently when upgrading to WebFOCUS Version 8.0.03, 8.0.04, or 8.0.05, a backup of the Magnify Lucene index directory (ibi\WebFOCUS80\magnify) is not automatically created, which results in the loss of all Magnify index libraries. This does not affect the Magnify configuration directory (ibi\WebFOCUS80\config\magnify).

Typically, the Magnify configuration directory is stored in a backup folder labeled with the previous version information. Magnify directories for index libraries are renamed with a magnify_$ timestamp. Once an upgrade is complete, any customized configuration files are merged back with the new, updated files, and all custom Magnify index libraries are returned to their original location.

However, if any of these files are locked by WebFOCUS, a user search, or Apache Tomcat, then the WebFOCUS installation will not be able to properly backup these directories. By default, the WebFOCUS installation prompts users if they would like to stop the installation to either backup or unlock specified directories. However, when upgrading WebFOCUS Versions 8.0.02, 8.0.03, or 8.0.04, this prompt is not displayed and Magnify index libraries are deleted.

It is always important to create a backup of your files and work on a regular basis. This is especially significant when planning and executing an upgrade. Therefore, as a best practice, to backup Magnify, copy the following directories and ensure to maintain their original installation path: