Integrating With Third-Party Search Engines

Magnify supports integration with third-party search engines, such as the Solr Enterprise Search Server. Magnify renders search results retrieved from the Solr index libraries and can support features such as clustering and parallel search that are inherent in the Solr search engine.

To integrate Magnify and the Solr Enterprise Search server, edit the \ibi\WebFOCUSxx\config\magnify\collections.xml file and specify the Solr Search Server URL address for each Solr index library. For example, the following example illustrates the configuration of the salesdata Solr index in the collections.xml file:

 <group name="all" id="all">
 <component id="salesdata" member="salesdata" />
 <index name="salesdata" url="" type="solr"/></indexes>

The application server must be restarted.