Creating a Report or Map Binding Using a Geoprocessing Service

This section describes how to create a report or map binding using a geoprocessing service.

Step 1

Create a reference to the geoprocessing REST endpoint in the mapservice node using type="geoprocess", as shown in the following sample syntax:

<mapservice id="mapservice3" servertype="REST"
url="" type="geoprocess"label="HotSpotAnalysismsp" visible="true" alpha="1"

This geoprocessing map service is referred to by the serverid attribute of the <geoprocess> element.

Step 2

The <geoprocess> element is a child element of an inbound or outbound layer.

To create a report FOCEXEC, nest the <geoprocess> element as a subelement of the inbound layer.

To create a map FOCEXEC, nest the <geoprocess> element as a subelement of the outbound layer.


Add an inbound layer to select features from, then refer to the attributes required by the Input_Features parameter.

The Input_Features parameter requires the following attributes:

Add these attributes to the inbound layer and to the layer definition under <mapservice>, as shown in the following sample syntax:

<mapservice id="mapservice4" servertype="REST"
url="" type="dynamic"
label="MSP_incidents" visible="false" alpha="1"
        <defaultextent minx="-87.4115815188558" miny="44.3020857207546" maxx="-82.1167145134819" maxy="46.3098708603763"></defaultextent>
         <fullextent minx="-102.6449" miny="0" maxx="0" maxy="47.3957"></fullextent>
        <layer layerid="0" name="incidents" url="" shape="point"
             <attribute id="attribute7" attributename="FID" focusfieldformat="A20" esri_size="20" esri_quote="'"></attribute>
             <attribute id="attribute8" attributename="INCIDENTID" focusfieldformat="D10.4" esri_size="10" esri_quote=""></attribute>

Note: INCIDENTID will be mapped to the attribute ID.

<layer attributename="FID,SHAPE,INCIDENTID" calloutsymbolid="" layerid="0" symbolid="selectMapPoint"
    mapservice="mapservice4" bufferSymbols="" filename="INCIDENTLIST" focuswhereformat="file" selectiontype="respectall">


For outbound layers, repeat the same configuration steps as for a report FOCEXEC. Map outbound layer attributes to act as geoprocessing Input_Features fields.

For example:

<layer attributename="FID,SHAPE,INCIDENTID" calloutsymbolid="" layerid="synlyr0"
    symbolid="SimpleMarkerSymbol1" mapservice="mapservice2" colname="INCIDENTID" image="" labelfield=""
    othersymbolid="" rollover="false" color="" shape="" size="" text="" textsymbolid="" textpolysymbolid="" title="" griddisplayfields="" colortable="">

Step 3

Add a second layer to act as a placeholder for the geoprocessing task. This is where the output for the geoprocessing result is located.

Report FOCEXEC (inbound layer):

<layer attributename="Id" esri_precision="0" esri_quote="'" esri_size="8" esri_type="12"
filename="GRIDLIST" focusfieldformat="A8" focuswhereformat="file" layerid="3" selectiontype="respectall">

Map FOCEXEC (outbound layer):

<layer attributename="Id" calloutsymbolid="" layerid="3" symbolid="" mapservice="mapservice0"
   colname="GRIDID" image="" labelfield="" othersymbolid="" rollover="false" color="" shape="" size="" text=""
   textsymbolid="" textpolysymbolid="" title="" griddisplayfields="" colortable="">

Step 4

You can start your geoprocess node at this point. Refer to it using the mapservice ID created in Step 1.

The following list describes the required attributes:

Step 5

Nest your parameters in the <geoprocess> element. Refer to the parameters required on the REST endpoint. For each required parameter in the geoprocessing task, map it to the source type.

The following list describes the required attributes:

For example:

<parm name="Input_Features" source="outbound" field="featureset" type="featureset">0</parm>

This refers to the first outbound layer of the map FOCEXEC shown below:

<layer attributename="FID,SHAPE,INCIDENTID" calloutsymbolid="" layerid="synlyr0"
   symbolid="SimpleMarkerSymbol1" mapservice="mapservice2" colname="INCIDENTID" image="" labelfield=""
   othersymbolid="" rollover="false" color="" shape="" size="" text="" textsymbolid="" textpolysymbolid=""
   title="" griddisplayfields="" colortable="">

Step 6

Declare how the result will be handled using the <result> element.

The following list describes the required attributes:

For example:

<result name="rasteroutput_tif" target="display" type="GPRasterDataLayer"></result>

Note: For additional values, see Child Element <geoprocess>.