Considerations for a WebFOCUS Version 8 Staging Server

During the upgrade process, the WebFOCUS Version 7 Production environment will be active. If you have WebFOCUS Version 7 production users who are developing ad hoc reports or My Reports, you will need to be able to migrate these reports (in-flight reports) to the WebFOCUS Version 8 migrated environment until you complete the upgrade process and a complete changeover to WebFOCUS Version 8 occurs. The recommendation for migrating in-flight content is to set up a WebFOCUS Version 8 Staging environment.

Note: There may be licensing considerations you may need to discuss with your local branch if you are planning to use a sandbox or staging environment for your migration.

The Staging environment can serve several purposes:

Note: The repository in the Staging environment should be initialized before migrating updated snapshots of production content to the Staging environment. This is necessary to accommodate new development that may have occurred in the WebFOCUS Version 7 source environment (in-flight content).